Hellow folks!
Sepertinya gue mulai sombong lagi ya belakangan ini? Aduh maaf maaf maaf banget banget banget ya ini semua garagara emm..... Garagara..... GUE LAGI MALES :P
Ya tapi kan yang penting sekarang gue muncul lagi untuk berbagi cerita pada kalian. Eh you know? Today is MOTHER'S DAY!
"I love you mom, soooooooooooooo much and i always will. Thankyou for everything you've done for me, and i'm sorry for every rude and unpleasant words i've said to you. I was too upset and wasn't thinking clearly at that time. But overall I LOVE YOU, MOTHER. My superwoman :*"
Great banget tau gaksih, it's mother's day and my mom won't be at the house. She has to fly to Surabaya to work within the upcoming hours. Hhhh :(
Eh iya, gue udah liburan. Hm dari minggu lalu sih ya tapi ya pokoknya gitu deyh. Kamis minggu lalu gue bagi rapot kan teris tauga sih lu GUA RANKING 3 wohooow ternyata tetap bertahan. Thankyou God. But I'll ty to be better. I've set my target to be in the first rank, and i have to reach it. Ya paling nggak ranking 2 juga bole deh hehe.
Terus ya terus gue bingung liburan gue mau ngapain. Kalo diitung dari hari kamis bagi rapot kemaren itu gue baru ke.... Jumat ke Gading bareng emak babeh dan adik-adik. Sabtu ke.... Rasanya gakemana mana. Minggu ke meteor studio nyamperin anak-anak LA yg sedang recording serta melanjutkan videoclip buat project ICT itu lowch. Uwh gua gasabar banget pngen liat jadinya bgaimana videoclip buatan kami hahaha i'm major excited. Terus seninnya gue menyeret adam ke rumah gue karena gue bosen dan binging di rumah mau ngapain. Yailah cuman begitu doang masa ya. Hari ini gue mau ngapain? Hm kita acak acak dapur aja yuk! Eh gue pengen bikin mashed potatoe deh tapi gue lupa cara bikin gravynya gimana swt bgt -,- lagian ups gua gapunya duit buat beli bahan-bahannya kan belum beli kentangnya, evaporated milk, dan segala macam tetek bngeknya. Erm atau mungkin gua mau bikin brownies aja kali ya? Iyadeh kalo itu bahannya ada semua waktu itu bekas bikin chocochips cookie masih nyisa.
Ngomong-ngomong adam mana ye? Dari tadi pulang dari rumah gua dia gakedengeran kabarnya lagi. Bagaikan hilang begitu saja ditelan bumi tanpa jejak, kabar, dan pemberitahuan yg jelas. Eh apadeh gua udah ngelantur ini. Tapi gue jadinya kangen ini uuuwwhhh -,- okey triss cukup. Eh gua juga kangen sama teman teman nih, aku kangen recoureveuns ku, aku kangen berisik di sekolah bareng recoireveuns ku, ohiya aku juga kangen keluarga keduaku my 9BOOM 4X! Haaaaa kangen ketawa ketawa kangen marah marah kangen ngobrol kangen sama kalian. Jalan yuuuk!
Sepertinya perutku mulai tak enak nih, gue caw ya mau tidur aja deh sudah pagi ini ehehe. Goodbye, nite everyone... UPS i mean MORNING everyone! gotta go to sleep, take some rest.
I love you, untold :*
Senin, 21 Desember 2009
Senin, 07 Desember 2009
We call it 'hell'; LAST DAY, biology mandarin and civic
This was the last day of semester exam and i really hate the subject.
Okay, I don't use to hate biology, in fact i love it. But oh come on, this was the last day of semester exam and as you know, biology has A LOT of things to be memories. And when you had mandarin and civic also for the test, it would be REALLY SUCKS. Trust me!
Lo tau mandarin dan civic gua udah hands up. Hm well mandarin gaterlalu, gua masih ada usahanya. Nah yang kacau itu civic sumpah gua bingung mau belajar apa. Lagian ya aneh sih, udah tau gaada guru civic sekarang, eh masih ada aja ulangannya. Untung tadi pg semua terus ntar katanya gaada remedial civic. Untung banget UNTUNG.
Ya tapi overall, I'M SO GLAD AND HAPPY. I FEEL FREEEEEEE.... LIKE A BIRD (nchaa's style). Senang rasanya setelah hari-hari penuh peluh dan darah, perjuangan serta kerja keras, belajar tanpa mengenal lelah, keluh kesah mewarnai hari-hari. AKHIRNYA BERAKHIR HARI INI! Yang gue harapkan sekarang adalah: Ya Allah semoga ulangannya nggak ada yang remed, AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN seamin aminnya amin.
Ehm ngomong ngomong ternyata tradisi untuk nonton dalam rangka merayakan berakhirnya ulangan umum belum berakhir loh. Nggak ngerti kenapa dari kelas 7 pasti begitu. Dan seringkali kita nonton di rumah gua, nyetel dvd gitu hahaha. Seperti layaknya hari ini. Jadi asal mulanya kita berencana nonton di bekasi square tapi bingung nih ya yang bisa ikut cuma Irena, Ellen, Nchaa, gue. Sedangkan kayaknya gaseru gitu kalo cuma berempat. Udah gitu si Dendy gabisa ikut huh sial sekali. Mana si Dwima sama Dwipa gajelas nasibnya jadi ikut apa nggak. Terus akhirnya kita ajak Deszan dan selanjutnya Dwima pun ikut.
Oke kita caw ke rumah gue naik mobil gue barengan Nchaa, Ellen, Dwima, Kiko, Andrea. Sedangkan Deszan naik motor gitu ngebonceng Anfi yang katanya mau ngeband gitu barengan Afdy, Dwipa, Subob, Renar, Rido, Eril.
Sampe di rumah gua tuh kan pada bingung mau nonton apa, pertamanya sih udah deal mau nonton the ugly truth tapi itu film sepertinya terlalu cewek gitu. Terus Deszan tanya ada film horor gak? Gua jawab "satu satunya film horor di rumah gua adalah 1408 yg sampe saat ini belum juga selesai gua tonton" Oke akhirnya sepakat kita nonton 1408 tuh ya.
Pertama yang nonton gue, Nchaa, Ellen, Irena, Deszan. Terus gak lama si Dwima sama Renar ikutan. Nah lagi tengah tengah nonton gitu tiba tiba masuklah segerombolan makhluk luar angkasa (eh ups bukan deng) maksud gue masuklah Afdy, Anfi, Dwipa, Subob, Rido, dan Eril. Dan akhirnya kita nonton bareng tuh ber 13 di situ. Rumah gua udah kayak tempat penampungan hahaha.
Jadi intinya adalah I HAD FUN WITH MY FRIENDS TODAY. Nothing's better then spending the after exam time with friends. Sekarang rencananya adalah kita mau nonton lagi hari Rabu dengan jumlah orang yang LEBIH BANYAK lagi targetnya adalah Bulan, Vero, Reza, dan Adam ikut haha. Dan juga tambahan dvd, rencananya adalah deszan dan ellen dan reza bakal bawa dvd ntar. Tapi yg ntar kita beli makanan dulu yg banyak buat persediaan. Karena tadi si Renar, Dwima, Deszan bolak balik ke depan rumah beli cimol dan batagor hahaha. Ohiya makasih renar dijajanin cimol ya, itulah keuntungan punya duit besar. Garagara duit gue gocap dan dia juga gocap akhirnya adik kelasku yg baik hati itu memutuskan untuk membayarkan jajanan kakak kakak kelasnya. Baik dah lu beneran gua doain langgen sama andrea deh :P
Rasanya gue senang sekali berkata "Hey akhirnya UAS sudah selesai, sedangkan orang orang bahkan baru pada mau mulai UAS" :P
Wish we'll do this kinda thing more often,
Goodnight, hey you know it's holiday tomorrow. Then the next day we'll have classmeeting :D
Okay, I don't use to hate biology, in fact i love it. But oh come on, this was the last day of semester exam and as you know, biology has A LOT of things to be memories. And when you had mandarin and civic also for the test, it would be REALLY SUCKS. Trust me!
Lo tau mandarin dan civic gua udah hands up. Hm well mandarin gaterlalu, gua masih ada usahanya. Nah yang kacau itu civic sumpah gua bingung mau belajar apa. Lagian ya aneh sih, udah tau gaada guru civic sekarang, eh masih ada aja ulangannya. Untung tadi pg semua terus ntar katanya gaada remedial civic. Untung banget UNTUNG.
Ya tapi overall, I'M SO GLAD AND HAPPY. I FEEL FREEEEEEE.... LIKE A BIRD (nchaa's style). Senang rasanya setelah hari-hari penuh peluh dan darah, perjuangan serta kerja keras, belajar tanpa mengenal lelah, keluh kesah mewarnai hari-hari. AKHIRNYA BERAKHIR HARI INI! Yang gue harapkan sekarang adalah: Ya Allah semoga ulangannya nggak ada yang remed, AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN seamin aminnya amin.
Ehm ngomong ngomong ternyata tradisi untuk nonton dalam rangka merayakan berakhirnya ulangan umum belum berakhir loh. Nggak ngerti kenapa dari kelas 7 pasti begitu. Dan seringkali kita nonton di rumah gua, nyetel dvd gitu hahaha. Seperti layaknya hari ini. Jadi asal mulanya kita berencana nonton di bekasi square tapi bingung nih ya yang bisa ikut cuma Irena, Ellen, Nchaa, gue. Sedangkan kayaknya gaseru gitu kalo cuma berempat. Udah gitu si Dendy gabisa ikut huh sial sekali. Mana si Dwima sama Dwipa gajelas nasibnya jadi ikut apa nggak. Terus akhirnya kita ajak Deszan dan selanjutnya Dwima pun ikut.
Oke kita caw ke rumah gue naik mobil gue barengan Nchaa, Ellen, Dwima, Kiko, Andrea. Sedangkan Deszan naik motor gitu ngebonceng Anfi yang katanya mau ngeband gitu barengan Afdy, Dwipa, Subob, Renar, Rido, Eril.
Sampe di rumah gua tuh kan pada bingung mau nonton apa, pertamanya sih udah deal mau nonton the ugly truth tapi itu film sepertinya terlalu cewek gitu. Terus Deszan tanya ada film horor gak? Gua jawab "satu satunya film horor di rumah gua adalah 1408 yg sampe saat ini belum juga selesai gua tonton" Oke akhirnya sepakat kita nonton 1408 tuh ya.
Pertama yang nonton gue, Nchaa, Ellen, Irena, Deszan. Terus gak lama si Dwima sama Renar ikutan. Nah lagi tengah tengah nonton gitu tiba tiba masuklah segerombolan makhluk luar angkasa (eh ups bukan deng) maksud gue masuklah Afdy, Anfi, Dwipa, Subob, Rido, dan Eril. Dan akhirnya kita nonton bareng tuh ber 13 di situ. Rumah gua udah kayak tempat penampungan hahaha.
Jadi intinya adalah I HAD FUN WITH MY FRIENDS TODAY. Nothing's better then spending the after exam time with friends. Sekarang rencananya adalah kita mau nonton lagi hari Rabu dengan jumlah orang yang LEBIH BANYAK lagi targetnya adalah Bulan, Vero, Reza, dan Adam ikut haha. Dan juga tambahan dvd, rencananya adalah deszan dan ellen dan reza bakal bawa dvd ntar. Tapi yg ntar kita beli makanan dulu yg banyak buat persediaan. Karena tadi si Renar, Dwima, Deszan bolak balik ke depan rumah beli cimol dan batagor hahaha. Ohiya makasih renar dijajanin cimol ya, itulah keuntungan punya duit besar. Garagara duit gue gocap dan dia juga gocap akhirnya adik kelasku yg baik hati itu memutuskan untuk membayarkan jajanan kakak kakak kelasnya. Baik dah lu beneran gua doain langgen sama andrea deh :P
Rasanya gue senang sekali berkata "Hey akhirnya UAS sudah selesai, sedangkan orang orang bahkan baru pada mau mulai UAS" :P
Wish we'll do this kinda thing more often,
Goodnight, hey you know it's holiday tomorrow. Then the next day we'll have classmeeting :D
What is this about?
Some stories
Jumat, 04 Desember 2009
We call it 'hell'; 5th day, Indonesia and geography
YES! Today's friday and it means it's the first day of the weekend :)
Gimana ulangan hari ini Triss? Oh bisa bisa bagus bagus aja lancar kok, Alhamdulillah. Tapi najis banget masa geo pilihan gandanya ngejebak banget gitu gua rada bingung, untung esaynya gampang parah gua bisa semua. Kalo bahasa Indonesia tadi tumben gue gamales baca, cuman gue rada bingung gitu pas disuruh bikin poster. Gaada inspirasi sama sekali. Akhirnya gua gambar mata gitu terus di bola matanya ada bayangan pantai terus gue tulis "Pantai mu, pantai ku, pantai kita" sama satu lagi "Lestarikan pantai" wtf ya gajelas banget, bodolah yang penting diisi :P
Ohiya, gue mau pamer. Tadi gue berangkat sekolah jam 7 lebih 5. Harusnya jam 7 gue berangkat cuman begitu sampe di tengah jalan, gue sadar gue gabawa kartu ujian, akhirnya gue minta mang ewong puter balik kan ke rumah lagi. Sampe di rumah gue langsung ngbrit ke dalem tuh terus gue cari-cari kartu ujian gue kok gaada ya wah mampus deh gue. Akhirnya gue pasrah, balik ke mobil dan melajulah mobilku itu ke sekolahku tercinta; GLOBAL PRESTASI SCHOOL -,- Di jalan gue sms Adam "Eh cool banget deh masa kartu ujianku ilang" dan lo tau Adam jawab apa? "Wah hahaha mantep deh kamu sayang" oh cantik sekali ya huh.
Nggak lama mobil gue nyampe di sekolah, dan you know? Gue sampe jam 7 lebih 10. OH WOW CUMAN 5 MENIT SAUDARA SAUDARA padahal tadi rada macet dikit gitu dech. Bangga banget gua terus gue langsung pamer ke Ellen, Bulan, Nchaa "Eh lo tau gue berangkat jam 7 lebih 5 loh!" gapenting memang gue tau. Skip lah pokoknya gue juga lapor ke Ellen "Len kartu ujian gua masa ilang! Cool gaksih? Ayo temenin gua ambil student pass" terus gue ke lantai dua, lapor sama miss elis, bayar denda 2000 dan dikasih student pass.
Bel berbunyi, gue masuk kelas. Kertas LJK, lembar esay, lembar soal dibagiin. Teurs gue iseng ngerogoh rogoh laci di meja gue. Eh ternyata masih ada kertas coret-coretan bekas fisika kemaren dan gue gasengaja ngeliat kertas kecil kuning. Firasat gue langsung berkata bahwa gue harus ambil itu kertas kecil kuning. Gue ambil kan, dan ternyata itu adalah...... yak! KARTU UJIAN GUE! Ohmygod nyesek banget gua baru bayar 2000 buat student pass yang ternyata tidak berarti apa-apa oh sial sekali. Padahal dengan 2000 itu banyak barang yg lebih bermanfaat yang bisa gue beli. Contoh: Aqua gelas 4, aqua botol1, otakotak 1tusuk, cokicoki 4, ricis pasta keju 4, lontong 1, martabak 1, dan lain sebagainya. Oh goodbye my 2000 :'(
Ya pokoknya lanjut langsung ke bel pulang ya, anak 9B suruh ke multi buat ngisi SPI. Malesin banget gaksih. Pas di multi gue memilih untuk duduk di sebelah jorji and he kept on calling me 'mbak rodiyah' ahahaha ya terserah dirimu lah jor, itu nama keramat gue mulai sekarang :P
Waktu berlalu dan berlalu dan berlalu sampai akhirnya gue ended nonton new moon bareng reza sama irena di bekasi square. Terus kita ke mm kan ke indosat service center gitu garagara m3nya irena ngajak ribut. Abis itu kita bertiga foto box gitu yang sumpah asli tampang gua beler ganahan wahahaha.
Eh gue ngerasa bebas deh. Kenapa? Soalnya besok libur wuhuw. Hem walaupun hari senin masih ada ulangan sih. 3 sekaligus lagi. Lo tau? TIGA! TI-GA! T-I-G-A! Apa aja? Biologi, Mandarin, Pkn. OH GREAT BANGET, BUKAN?
I think i'll just stop, gue udah bingung mau tulis apa. UPS ada yang sms wakakak apadeh triss gapenting parah.
Happy weekend all, may you have a great weekend,
God bless semester exam :)
Refresh, I need to refresh, bye, I LOVE YOU :*
Gimana ulangan hari ini Triss? Oh bisa bisa bagus bagus aja lancar kok, Alhamdulillah. Tapi najis banget masa geo pilihan gandanya ngejebak banget gitu gua rada bingung, untung esaynya gampang parah gua bisa semua. Kalo bahasa Indonesia tadi tumben gue gamales baca, cuman gue rada bingung gitu pas disuruh bikin poster. Gaada inspirasi sama sekali. Akhirnya gua gambar mata gitu terus di bola matanya ada bayangan pantai terus gue tulis "Pantai mu, pantai ku, pantai kita" sama satu lagi "Lestarikan pantai" wtf ya gajelas banget, bodolah yang penting diisi :P
Ohiya, gue mau pamer. Tadi gue berangkat sekolah jam 7 lebih 5. Harusnya jam 7 gue berangkat cuman begitu sampe di tengah jalan, gue sadar gue gabawa kartu ujian, akhirnya gue minta mang ewong puter balik kan ke rumah lagi. Sampe di rumah gue langsung ngbrit ke dalem tuh terus gue cari-cari kartu ujian gue kok gaada ya wah mampus deh gue. Akhirnya gue pasrah, balik ke mobil dan melajulah mobilku itu ke sekolahku tercinta; GLOBAL PRESTASI SCHOOL -,- Di jalan gue sms Adam "Eh cool banget deh masa kartu ujianku ilang" dan lo tau Adam jawab apa? "Wah hahaha mantep deh kamu sayang" oh cantik sekali ya huh.
Nggak lama mobil gue nyampe di sekolah, dan you know? Gue sampe jam 7 lebih 10. OH WOW CUMAN 5 MENIT SAUDARA SAUDARA padahal tadi rada macet dikit gitu dech. Bangga banget gua terus gue langsung pamer ke Ellen, Bulan, Nchaa "Eh lo tau gue berangkat jam 7 lebih 5 loh!" gapenting memang gue tau. Skip lah pokoknya gue juga lapor ke Ellen "Len kartu ujian gua masa ilang! Cool gaksih? Ayo temenin gua ambil student pass" terus gue ke lantai dua, lapor sama miss elis, bayar denda 2000 dan dikasih student pass.
Bel berbunyi, gue masuk kelas. Kertas LJK, lembar esay, lembar soal dibagiin. Teurs gue iseng ngerogoh rogoh laci di meja gue. Eh ternyata masih ada kertas coret-coretan bekas fisika kemaren dan gue gasengaja ngeliat kertas kecil kuning. Firasat gue langsung berkata bahwa gue harus ambil itu kertas kecil kuning. Gue ambil kan, dan ternyata itu adalah...... yak! KARTU UJIAN GUE! Ohmygod nyesek banget gua baru bayar 2000 buat student pass yang ternyata tidak berarti apa-apa oh sial sekali. Padahal dengan 2000 itu banyak barang yg lebih bermanfaat yang bisa gue beli. Contoh: Aqua gelas 4, aqua botol1, otakotak 1tusuk, cokicoki 4, ricis pasta keju 4, lontong 1, martabak 1, dan lain sebagainya. Oh goodbye my 2000 :'(
Ya pokoknya lanjut langsung ke bel pulang ya, anak 9B suruh ke multi buat ngisi SPI. Malesin banget gaksih. Pas di multi gue memilih untuk duduk di sebelah jorji and he kept on calling me 'mbak rodiyah' ahahaha ya terserah dirimu lah jor, itu nama keramat gue mulai sekarang :P
Waktu berlalu dan berlalu dan berlalu sampai akhirnya gue ended nonton new moon bareng reza sama irena di bekasi square. Terus kita ke mm kan ke indosat service center gitu garagara m3nya irena ngajak ribut. Abis itu kita bertiga foto box gitu yang sumpah asli tampang gua beler ganahan wahahaha.
Eh gue ngerasa bebas deh. Kenapa? Soalnya besok libur wuhuw. Hem walaupun hari senin masih ada ulangan sih. 3 sekaligus lagi. Lo tau? TIGA! TI-GA! T-I-G-A! Apa aja? Biologi, Mandarin, Pkn. OH GREAT BANGET, BUKAN?
I think i'll just stop, gue udah bingung mau tulis apa. UPS ada yang sms wakakak apadeh triss gapenting parah.
Happy weekend all, may you have a great weekend,
God bless semester exam :)
Refresh, I need to refresh, bye, I LOVE YOU :*
Kamis, 03 Desember 2009
We call it 'hell'; 4th day, physics and sundanesse
Okey hari ini ceritanya gue menjadi superwoman. Begini ceritanya:
Belakangan ini gue terobsesi dateng mepet-mepet bel. Ceritanya mau ngesok gara-gara biasa dateng sebelum pintu gerbang dibuka -,- Jadi udah 3 hari ini, terhitung dari hari Selasa sampai hari ini gue berangkat siang. Hari selasa gue berangkat jam tujuh kurang 15, hari rabu gue berangkat jam setengah tujuh lebih 5, sedangkan hari ini gue berangkat jam TUJUH PAS. Lo tau hari ini gue berangkat pake mobil, agak sedikit macet, dan Mang Ewong dengan bijaknya memutuskan untuk mengisi bensin terlebih dahulu. Tapi lo harus tau, gue sampe sekolah jam berapa? JAM TUJUH LEBIH SEPULUH! Itu berarti gue masih harus menunggu bel lagi, padahal tujuan gue dateng ke sekolah langsung masuk kelas. Kenapa? Karena gue lemes banget asli deh lemes gakeruan.
Ulangan pertama adalah fisika, gue agak sedikit ragu tapi gue yakinkan diri gue kalo gue pasti bisa karena gue sudah belajar dengan lumayan serius. Akhirnya soal Fisika pun gue kerjakan, waktu di tengah tengah proses pengisian soal tiba tiba kepala gue beraksi. Dia keliyengan gak jelas, yang efeknya mata gue pun terasa berat banget dan sakit. Siksaan selanjutnya diikuti dengan aksi perut gue yang tiba tiba berontak dan ternggorokan gue yang gatel banget tapi kalo dibatukin gue jadi mual. Aneh? Memang, gue juga gangerti kenapa.
Ulangan fisika pun selesai, dilanjutkan dengan istirahat. Bodohnya pas istirahat gue gamakan apaapa karena gue ENEK SETENGAH MAMPUS. Terus selesai istirahat yang ada gue malah tambah sekarat kan. Lalu masuk kelas, adam bertanya gue udah makan apa belom, gue jawab belom. Terus ya dia ngomong lagi lah macem macem gitu gue males nulisnya tapi. Akhirnya soal Sunda dibagiin, gue pun pasrah mengerjakan soal yang menurut gue gasusah susah amat. Satu satunya soal yang gue hopeless banget itu soal esay nomer 42. Tau pertanyaannya apa? "SEBUTKAN 5 NOVEL DAN PENGARANGNYA" lah ya mana ada yang gua inget, akhirnya gue kosongin deh bodo amat tapi yang lain gue bisa kok tenang aja. Selesai ngerjain sunda terus kan bel, adam nyamperin lagi bilang "kamu pulang cepet aja, istirahat tidur, itu kamu kecapekan kali"
Oke jadi gue nurut ya, gue keluar kelas ambil buku di loker terus ngobrol dulu bentar sama teman teman dan turun ke Lobby minta kiko teleponin mang ewon suruh jemput. Terus sambil nungguin gue ngobrol sama si Upi gue tanya dia jawaban nomer 42 apa. Dan dia menjawab:
Upi: Lord of the ring, hary potter, narnia, bla bla bla
OHMYGOD ASTAGA. Terus gilanya lagi ternyata orang orang pada jawab "Layar terkembang, Siti Nurbaya, Azab dan Sengsara, dan novel novel angkatan 20an lainnya"
Dan di sinilah saya sekarang sedang menulis kisah malang saya hari ini. Yang harus menjalani siksaan demi siksaan. Baik fisik maupun batin. Oke cukup. Sepertinya sekarang gue benar-benar harus melanjutkan belajar Geografi dan Indonesia gue yang belum tuntas. AYO KUMPULKAN SEMANGATMU UNTUK BELAJAR TRISS!
Thankyou to Adam, Nchaa, Ellen, Irena, Reza, Dwipa, dan Dendy yang telah dengan baik hari serta sukarela memberikan perhatiannya pada gue yang sedang sekarat ini :)
Get well soon, me!
Thankyou and lotta love, xoxo
Belakangan ini gue terobsesi dateng mepet-mepet bel. Ceritanya mau ngesok gara-gara biasa dateng sebelum pintu gerbang dibuka -,- Jadi udah 3 hari ini, terhitung dari hari Selasa sampai hari ini gue berangkat siang. Hari selasa gue berangkat jam tujuh kurang 15, hari rabu gue berangkat jam setengah tujuh lebih 5, sedangkan hari ini gue berangkat jam TUJUH PAS. Lo tau hari ini gue berangkat pake mobil, agak sedikit macet, dan Mang Ewong dengan bijaknya memutuskan untuk mengisi bensin terlebih dahulu. Tapi lo harus tau, gue sampe sekolah jam berapa? JAM TUJUH LEBIH SEPULUH! Itu berarti gue masih harus menunggu bel lagi, padahal tujuan gue dateng ke sekolah langsung masuk kelas. Kenapa? Karena gue lemes banget asli deh lemes gakeruan.
Ulangan pertama adalah fisika, gue agak sedikit ragu tapi gue yakinkan diri gue kalo gue pasti bisa karena gue sudah belajar dengan lumayan serius. Akhirnya soal Fisika pun gue kerjakan, waktu di tengah tengah proses pengisian soal tiba tiba kepala gue beraksi. Dia keliyengan gak jelas, yang efeknya mata gue pun terasa berat banget dan sakit. Siksaan selanjutnya diikuti dengan aksi perut gue yang tiba tiba berontak dan ternggorokan gue yang gatel banget tapi kalo dibatukin gue jadi mual. Aneh? Memang, gue juga gangerti kenapa.
Ulangan fisika pun selesai, dilanjutkan dengan istirahat. Bodohnya pas istirahat gue gamakan apaapa karena gue ENEK SETENGAH MAMPUS. Terus selesai istirahat yang ada gue malah tambah sekarat kan. Lalu masuk kelas, adam bertanya gue udah makan apa belom, gue jawab belom. Terus ya dia ngomong lagi lah macem macem gitu gue males nulisnya tapi. Akhirnya soal Sunda dibagiin, gue pun pasrah mengerjakan soal yang menurut gue gasusah susah amat. Satu satunya soal yang gue hopeless banget itu soal esay nomer 42. Tau pertanyaannya apa? "SEBUTKAN 5 NOVEL DAN PENGARANGNYA" lah ya mana ada yang gua inget, akhirnya gue kosongin deh bodo amat tapi yang lain gue bisa kok tenang aja. Selesai ngerjain sunda terus kan bel, adam nyamperin lagi bilang "kamu pulang cepet aja, istirahat tidur, itu kamu kecapekan kali"
Oke jadi gue nurut ya, gue keluar kelas ambil buku di loker terus ngobrol dulu bentar sama teman teman dan turun ke Lobby minta kiko teleponin mang ewon suruh jemput. Terus sambil nungguin gue ngobrol sama si Upi gue tanya dia jawaban nomer 42 apa. Dan dia menjawab:
Upi: Lord of the ring, hary potter, narnia, bla bla bla
OHMYGOD ASTAGA. Terus gilanya lagi ternyata orang orang pada jawab "Layar terkembang, Siti Nurbaya, Azab dan Sengsara, dan novel novel angkatan 20an lainnya"
Dan di sinilah saya sekarang sedang menulis kisah malang saya hari ini. Yang harus menjalani siksaan demi siksaan. Baik fisik maupun batin. Oke cukup. Sepertinya sekarang gue benar-benar harus melanjutkan belajar Geografi dan Indonesia gue yang belum tuntas. AYO KUMPULKAN SEMANGATMU UNTUK BELAJAR TRISS!
Thankyou to Adam, Nchaa, Ellen, Irena, Reza, Dwipa, dan Dendy yang telah dengan baik hari serta sukarela memberikan perhatiannya pada gue yang sedang sekarat ini :)
Get well soon, me!
Thankyou and lotta love, xoxo
Rabu, 02 Desember 2009
We call it 'hell'; 3rd day, history and ict
Hellow kmaren gue gak posting ya? Maaf banget ya sindrom malas saya kemarin sedang aktif. Apalagi kemaren gue pulang siang bgt. Ngapain emang? Tambahan fisika, main, pacaran, jemput ami ahahhaa kacau bet yak kemaren jadi sampe rumah tuh sekitar jam tiga. Okey now let we begin the story about my 3rd day in 'hell'
You know, ternyata kemaren gak se-'hell' yg gue bayangkan, karena kenytaannya gue BISA dan LANCAR mengerjakan semua cobaan dan siksaan yg diberikan (baca: soal). Jam pertama pelajaran IT. Kalo ini gue masih bisa santai karena menurut pengalaman yg sudah sudah soal IT itu biasanya cendrung sama bahkan ada yg persis sama soal soal weektest dan latihan latihan yg pernah diberikan. Jadi gue gaterlalu pusing belajarnya paling gue baca baca print out hasil download dari blognya mr glory samg guru IT tercinta.
Pelajaran kedua adalah HISTORY dan lo tau gue udah males banget karena gue pikir gue salah belajar. Jadi ceritanya adalah gue lupa kalo si mr reuben SiHITe itu ngasih kisi kisi dua, dan gue cuma belajar satu, sedangkan ternyata kisikisi yg gue pelajarin sama yg satunya lagi itu BEDA JAUH. Yasudah gue mah udah pasrah aja begitu dibagiin soal gue gaberani buka terus gue liat si dwimce di samping gue udah buka soal, gue tanyalah:
Gue: ce, susah gak?
Dwima: heeh *senyum miris*
Gue: *tarik napas panjang*
Akhirnya gue beraniin diri buka esaynya dulu. Gue baca bentar dan ternuata itu semua yg gue pelajarin ada di situ. Wuhuw gua langaung smangat ngerjain tanpa perlu berhenti sejenak dan memikirkan apa yg harus gua karang buat ngejawab soal. Gaperlu! karena semua jawabannya ada di kepala gua (njir sok bet lu triss). Setelah soal esay habis dibabat, beralihlah gue ke soal piluhan ganda. Dengan perlahan gua buka halaman pertama soal itu dan tenyata........ GUE JUGA BISA NGERJAINNYA! Alhamdilillah banget ya Allah ternyata hasil belajar sejarah gue selama 3 jam setengah non stop itu membuahkan hasil yg SANGAT MEMBANGGAKAN. Itu pertamakalinya dalam sejarah selama ulangan umum kali ini gua belajar serius. Soalnya sisanya yg ulanga senen sama selasa itu gua belajarnya ogah ogahan (kacau lu triss udah pinter lu hah?!)
Okeoke sebaiknya saya sudahi postingan gua yg ini karena gue masuh pengen posting hari keempat gua yg beneran kayak di hell! Astaga banget gua hari ini sial parah.
Sip sip thankyou God thankyou!
God bless semester exam :)
Bye, have a nice day everyone!
You know, ternyata kemaren gak se-'hell' yg gue bayangkan, karena kenytaannya gue BISA dan LANCAR mengerjakan semua cobaan dan siksaan yg diberikan (baca: soal). Jam pertama pelajaran IT. Kalo ini gue masih bisa santai karena menurut pengalaman yg sudah sudah soal IT itu biasanya cendrung sama bahkan ada yg persis sama soal soal weektest dan latihan latihan yg pernah diberikan. Jadi gue gaterlalu pusing belajarnya paling gue baca baca print out hasil download dari blognya mr glory samg guru IT tercinta.
Pelajaran kedua adalah HISTORY dan lo tau gue udah males banget karena gue pikir gue salah belajar. Jadi ceritanya adalah gue lupa kalo si mr reuben SiHITe itu ngasih kisi kisi dua, dan gue cuma belajar satu, sedangkan ternyata kisikisi yg gue pelajarin sama yg satunya lagi itu BEDA JAUH. Yasudah gue mah udah pasrah aja begitu dibagiin soal gue gaberani buka terus gue liat si dwimce di samping gue udah buka soal, gue tanyalah:
Gue: ce, susah gak?
Dwima: heeh *senyum miris*
Gue: *tarik napas panjang*
Akhirnya gue beraniin diri buka esaynya dulu. Gue baca bentar dan ternuata itu semua yg gue pelajarin ada di situ. Wuhuw gua langaung smangat ngerjain tanpa perlu berhenti sejenak dan memikirkan apa yg harus gua karang buat ngejawab soal. Gaperlu! karena semua jawabannya ada di kepala gua (njir sok bet lu triss). Setelah soal esay habis dibabat, beralihlah gue ke soal piluhan ganda. Dengan perlahan gua buka halaman pertama soal itu dan tenyata........ GUE JUGA BISA NGERJAINNYA! Alhamdilillah banget ya Allah ternyata hasil belajar sejarah gue selama 3 jam setengah non stop itu membuahkan hasil yg SANGAT MEMBANGGAKAN. Itu pertamakalinya dalam sejarah selama ulangan umum kali ini gua belajar serius. Soalnya sisanya yg ulanga senen sama selasa itu gua belajarnya ogah ogahan (kacau lu triss udah pinter lu hah?!)
Okeoke sebaiknya saya sudahi postingan gua yg ini karena gue masuh pengen posting hari keempat gua yg beneran kayak di hell! Astaga banget gua hari ini sial parah.
Sip sip thankyou God thankyou!
God bless semester exam :)
Bye, have a nice day everyone!
Senin, 30 November 2009
We call it 'hell'; 2nd day, math and religion
Lo harus tau tadi gue ulangan math udah kayak tes mewarnai. Sumpah deh ya pg nya gila susah parah. Padahal tadinya gue udah bersyukur gitu pas liat esaynya lumauan gampang, jadilah gue ngerjain esay dulu. Begitu esay selese gue mulai mengerjakan pg tuh, yang pertama tentang kesebangunan sama kongruensi kalo gasalah. Ya itu lumayan lah walaupun teorinya gua cuma bisa 1 apa 2 gitu. Nah udah gitu nomer selanjutnya udah mulai tentang bangun ruang dan angkanya ituloh MASYAALLAH pak tums tega banget dah pokoknya. Akhirnya krena takut buang wktu gue skip dulu, gue ngerjain yang tentang peluang, kuartir, median, ratarata, dan lain sebagainya. Baru abis itu gua lanjut ngerjain bngun ruang lagi. Dan.... Yak betul gua udah hopeless parah ngerjaonnya akhirnya bgitu bel yg belom gua buletin tanpa pake liat soal gua warnain deh buletannya pake insting serta daya kreatifitas gue yg menurut gua gajelek jelek amat.
Selesai ulangan math, istaraht, terus yak terus agama! Yasudahlah kalo agama mah yg gabisa kita berserah pada Allah Yang MAha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang. Dan jngan lupa jalankan logikamu. Tapi tenang kok tenang gua masih bisa bernapas lega kalo ulangan agama mah gua masih bisa ketawa ketawa. Yang gue takutin tuh mathnya astaa gua takut bangeeeeeeet. Semoga garemed yaAllah semoga gak remed amin amin amin amin amin ya Allah AMIN :'(
Ohiya parah masa kaki gua cari ribur! SAKIT BANGET! Gaboong dah gua astaga sakit banget. Mana ini lagi ada jerawat persis di tengah idung. Idung gua jadi merah deh mana sakit lagi. Gue jadi kayak rusanya Santa Claus deh yg siapa itu namanya? Rudolf yaw? Iya iya kalo gasalah si Rudolf itu. Yapokoknya gua itu menderita bamget heran deh ya -,-
Okey cukup berkeluh kesahnya. Gue laper nih mau makan tapi males bangun udah pw banget tiduran di kasur. Fyi, ini postingan pertama gue pake itouch loh wakakak bangga parah gua. Ini juga sebetulnya garagara laptopnya lagi dipake kiko dan gue ngebet bgt pengen ngeblog jadilah gue coba coba dan ternyata bisa! Haha norak gue? Emang. Penting gaksih? Enggak! Oke cukup gua mulai kehilangan akal sehat. Lebih baik mengumpulkan niat buat belajar IT sama sejarah besok, yega? Yadong!
Sip sip okedeh. Eh aduh adam mana kok gak sms ya? Eewww
Haaaaa oke sudah hentikan. Oiya jangan lupa doain semoga math gua garemed, pleaseeeee? Hidup mati gue di situ :(
Wish me luck on studying and tomorrow's test yaw? thankyouuuu
God bless semester exam :)
Lo harus tau tadi gue ulangan math udah kayak tes mewarnai. Sumpah deh ya pg nya gila susah parah. Padahal tadinya gue udah bersyukur gitu pas liat esaynya lumauan gampang, jadilah gue ngerjain esay dulu. Begitu esay selese gue mulai mengerjakan pg tuh, yang pertama tentang kesebangunan sama kongruensi kalo gasalah. Ya itu lumayan lah walaupun teorinya gua cuma bisa 1 apa 2 gitu. Nah udah gitu nomer selanjutnya udah mulai tentang bangun ruang dan angkanya ituloh MASYAALLAH pak tums tega banget dah pokoknya. Akhirnya krena takut buang wktu gue skip dulu, gue ngerjain yang tentang peluang, kuartir, median, ratarata, dan lain sebagainya. Baru abis itu gua lanjut ngerjain bngun ruang lagi. Dan.... Yak betul gua udah hopeless parah ngerjaonnya akhirnya bgitu bel yg belom gua buletin tanpa pake liat soal gua warnain deh buletannya pake insting serta daya kreatifitas gue yg menurut gua gajelek jelek amat.
Selesai ulangan math, istaraht, terus yak terus agama! Yasudahlah kalo agama mah yg gabisa kita berserah pada Allah Yang MAha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang. Dan jngan lupa jalankan logikamu. Tapi tenang kok tenang gua masih bisa bernapas lega kalo ulangan agama mah gua masih bisa ketawa ketawa. Yang gue takutin tuh mathnya astaa gua takut bangeeeeeeet. Semoga garemed yaAllah semoga gak remed amin amin amin amin amin ya Allah AMIN :'(
Ohiya parah masa kaki gua cari ribur! SAKIT BANGET! Gaboong dah gua astaga sakit banget. Mana ini lagi ada jerawat persis di tengah idung. Idung gua jadi merah deh mana sakit lagi. Gue jadi kayak rusanya Santa Claus deh yg siapa itu namanya? Rudolf yaw? Iya iya kalo gasalah si Rudolf itu. Yapokoknya gua itu menderita bamget heran deh ya -,-
Okey cukup berkeluh kesahnya. Gue laper nih mau makan tapi males bangun udah pw banget tiduran di kasur. Fyi, ini postingan pertama gue pake itouch loh wakakak bangga parah gua. Ini juga sebetulnya garagara laptopnya lagi dipake kiko dan gue ngebet bgt pengen ngeblog jadilah gue coba coba dan ternyata bisa! Haha norak gue? Emang. Penting gaksih? Enggak! Oke cukup gua mulai kehilangan akal sehat. Lebih baik mengumpulkan niat buat belajar IT sama sejarah besok, yega? Yadong!
Sip sip okedeh. Eh aduh adam mana kok gak sms ya? Eewww
Haaaaa oke sudah hentikan. Oiya jangan lupa doain semoga math gua garemed, pleaseeeee? Hidup mati gue di situ :(
Wish me luck on studying and tomorrow's test yaw? thankyouuuu
God bless semester exam :)
We call it 'hell'; 1st day, economy and english
You know? Today was the first day of semester exam which means AWAL NERAKA GUE.
Haaaaaah lu tau? Gue capek banget belajar sumpah gue gak mood banget semesteran. Tapi mau gamau gue harus mau aduh berat ya menjadi seorang siswa hhh.
Curhat dikit dong?
Jujur ya gue gapernah ngerasain semales ini belajar. Oke bukan berarti gue rajin, tapi at least kemaren kemaren gue masih ada niatan buat belajar. Lah sekarang? Boro boro, eh tapi gagitu jgua sih gue masih mau kok belajar tapi bedanya sekarang gue gampang banget teralihkan perhatiannya gitu. Sebetulnya belajar itu enak. Jujur deh gue belajar itu enak, tapi........ kalo udah konsen kalo jiwa gue semua udah terserap ke apa yang gue pelajarin gue malah jadi gabisa berenti belajar. Cuman ya itu tadi susahnya men sekarang gue susah konsentrasi wey, males banget, sekali lagi, GUE LELAH BELAJAR!
Percuma gasih gue berkeluh kesah di sini? Percuma banget! Yasudah lah tak apa ya aduh gue stress nih besok math sama agama. Dan lo tau? Pak Asep oh Pak Asep guru agama islam gue yang super duper baik banget banget banget itu memutuskan untuk sedikit menaikan level ulangan agama dengan cara memperbanyak materi ulangan semester kali ini. Oh Pak Asep, HOW COULD YOU (Nchaa's style).
Oh iya, eh eh eh hari ini ANDRE EKA SETIAWAN kembali masuk looooh oh my God gue kangen banget sama lo Ka, ehm ralat; KITA kangen banget sama lo Ka. Siapa KITA? Ya, KITA; 9BOOM 4X hahaha penasaran? Oh iya gue bakal tell tell you tentang 9BOOM 4X itu nanti ya dipostingan selanjutnya karena sepertinya sekarang sudah saatnya gue mandi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan belajar yang khusyuk. Oke oke? Boleh dong gue pergi? Astaga gue jadi gajelas gini sekarang sakit stressnya. CAW DULU YAW, BABAY :)
You know? Today was the first day of semester exam which means AWAL NERAKA GUE.
Haaaaaah lu tau? Gue capek banget belajar sumpah gue gak mood banget semesteran. Tapi mau gamau gue harus mau aduh berat ya menjadi seorang siswa hhh.
Curhat dikit dong?
Jujur ya gue gapernah ngerasain semales ini belajar. Oke bukan berarti gue rajin, tapi at least kemaren kemaren gue masih ada niatan buat belajar. Lah sekarang? Boro boro, eh tapi gagitu jgua sih gue masih mau kok belajar tapi bedanya sekarang gue gampang banget teralihkan perhatiannya gitu. Sebetulnya belajar itu enak. Jujur deh gue belajar itu enak, tapi........ kalo udah konsen kalo jiwa gue semua udah terserap ke apa yang gue pelajarin gue malah jadi gabisa berenti belajar. Cuman ya itu tadi susahnya men sekarang gue susah konsentrasi wey, males banget, sekali lagi, GUE LELAH BELAJAR!
Percuma gasih gue berkeluh kesah di sini? Percuma banget! Yasudah lah tak apa ya aduh gue stress nih besok math sama agama. Dan lo tau? Pak Asep oh Pak Asep guru agama islam gue yang super duper baik banget banget banget itu memutuskan untuk sedikit menaikan level ulangan agama dengan cara memperbanyak materi ulangan semester kali ini. Oh Pak Asep, HOW COULD YOU (Nchaa's style).
Oh iya, eh eh eh hari ini ANDRE EKA SETIAWAN kembali masuk looooh oh my God gue kangen banget sama lo Ka, ehm ralat; KITA kangen banget sama lo Ka. Siapa KITA? Ya, KITA; 9BOOM 4X hahaha penasaran? Oh iya gue bakal tell tell you tentang 9BOOM 4X itu nanti ya dipostingan selanjutnya karena sepertinya sekarang sudah saatnya gue mandi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan belajar yang khusyuk. Oke oke? Boleh dong gue pergi? Astaga gue jadi gajelas gini sekarang sakit stressnya. CAW DULU YAW, BABAY :)
Selasa, 24 November 2009
Is it helping?
I have this majorly bad feeling and all i wanna do is just CRY :'(
I can't help it but cry, eventhough i know it won't help at all
I can't help it but cry, eventhough i know it won't help at all
My safest place
Inside my blanket is my safest place
You wanna know why?
Because people will think i'm sleeping
That way, they won't disturb me
Your arms is also my safest place
You wanna know why?
Because when I'm wrapped around your arm
It feels like nothing could go wrong
It's just, right...
You wanna know why?
Because people will think i'm sleeping
That way, they won't disturb me
Your arms is also my safest place
You wanna know why?
Because when I'm wrapped around your arm
It feels like nothing could go wrong
It's just, right...
What is this about?
Things called love,
Sabtu, 14 November 2009
Such a day :)
Hari ini seruuuuuuuuw!
Pagi pagi gue online dan tiba-tiba seorang Reza Firmansyah nyapa gue,
Reza: Triss lo di mana?
Gue: Di rumah lah, kenapa?
Reza: Oh gue lagi di sd lo nih
Lah gue kaget kan dalam rangka apa dia bisa ada di Alfajri, eh baru mau gue tanya lagi tapi dianya udah off, yaudah deh gue tanya ke Irena nomernya si Reza dan gue telpon lah anak itu. Dan ternyata oh ternyata adiknnya Reza yang cewek, kelas 5 namanya Salsa bersekolah di Alfajri makanya tadi dia ke sana. Berhubung tadinya niatan gue emang mau ke sana jadilah gue langsung mandi dan berangkat. Singkat kata gue sampe di Alfajri ketemu Reza di depan. Terus masuk ke dalam eh ketemu Erfin Adia sama Kafi OHMYGOD udah lama banget gaketemu kangeeeeeeen.
Tapi di Alfajri gue gak lama, kira kira jam sebelas lebih gitu gue langsung caw (asik deh caw -,-) ke rumah si Adamkuuuuuw sayaaaaaangkuuuw wakakakak. Eh gak gak itu lebay oke pokoknya gue ke rumah Adam sampe jam setengah 4 gitu. Hayoooo ngapain Trissi di rumah Adam? Gak kok gangapa ngapain ngobrol doang sama nonton terus mainan itu tuh mainan gajelas yg gue beli atas hasutan Reza gatau namanya apadeh pokoknya gitu lah. Pas mau pulang dari rumah Adam kan gue ngecek hp ya eh ada satu sms sama 5 misscall. Tau dari siapa? Risad! Yak seorang Risad Wiriandi Musa temen sd gue yang ganteng yang sekarang bersekolah di 109 JHS. Tau apa isi smsnya?
'Triss, ke Alfajri yok!'
Gue langsung ketawa sumpah kocak bet bocah gue baru dari sana eh dia ngajakin ke sana. Baru mau gue bales smsnya eh dia telpon, ngomong gini:
Risad: Triss lo di mana? Ke Alfajri yok!
Gue: Lah gue udah balik malah dari sana
Risad: Yah oke deh yaudah
Gue: Eh tunggu lo lagi di mana? Alfajri?
Risad: Nggak gue lagi jalan jalan sama Iban sama Kafi
Gue: Hah ada Iban?
Risad: Iya ada nih
Gue: Oh
Risad: Lo di mana Triss?
Gue: Di rumah temen
Risad: Oh oke deh sip sip yah sayang banget gaketemu
Gue: Iya sayang banget yampun eh besok dateng lagi aja
Risad: Oke deh Insyaallah ya
Gue: Sipppp, dadaaah
Risad: Dadaaah
Abis telpon itu gue ngobrol bentar sama Adam terus balik deh ke rumah, naik ojek kan tuh. Eh dan lo tau? Sampe rumah itu tuh di depan rumah yampun tauga sih lo ternyata di depan rumah gue ada Iban Risad sama Kafi. Waaaaaahahahaha girang dong gua sumpah girang asli. Terus mereka aus gitu kan yaudah gue ajak masuk deh terus minum terus kita ngobrol ngobrol di rumah gue sumpah heboh banget. Dari yang segala, ngomongin sekolah, ngomongin bedah kodok, ngomongin tawuran, ngomongin pacar, ngomongin mantan, ngomongin bimbel, ngomongin SMA, ngomongin ekskul, ngomongin Gita Gutawa, ngomongin Samuel Samosir, ngomongin Amel, ngomongin angkatan 3, ngomongin aduuuuuuuuuuuh banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak bangeeeeeeeeeeeeet deh pokoknya kemana mana ngobrolnya. Sampai akhirnya jam 5an mereka pulang.
Today was such a day, thankyou guys; Adam, Reza, Iban, Risad, Kafi. OHMYGOD hahahaha gue kira gue bakal mati bosen di rumah hari ini :p
Pagi pagi gue online dan tiba-tiba seorang Reza Firmansyah nyapa gue,
Reza: Triss lo di mana?
Gue: Di rumah lah, kenapa?
Reza: Oh gue lagi di sd lo nih
Lah gue kaget kan dalam rangka apa dia bisa ada di Alfajri, eh baru mau gue tanya lagi tapi dianya udah off, yaudah deh gue tanya ke Irena nomernya si Reza dan gue telpon lah anak itu. Dan ternyata oh ternyata adiknnya Reza yang cewek, kelas 5 namanya Salsa bersekolah di Alfajri makanya tadi dia ke sana. Berhubung tadinya niatan gue emang mau ke sana jadilah gue langsung mandi dan berangkat. Singkat kata gue sampe di Alfajri ketemu Reza di depan. Terus masuk ke dalam eh ketemu Erfin Adia sama Kafi OHMYGOD udah lama banget gaketemu kangeeeeeeen.
Tapi di Alfajri gue gak lama, kira kira jam sebelas lebih gitu gue langsung caw (asik deh caw -,-) ke rumah si Adamkuuuuuw sayaaaaaangkuuuw wakakakak. Eh gak gak itu lebay oke pokoknya gue ke rumah Adam sampe jam setengah 4 gitu. Hayoooo ngapain Trissi di rumah Adam? Gak kok gangapa ngapain ngobrol doang sama nonton terus mainan itu tuh mainan gajelas yg gue beli atas hasutan Reza gatau namanya apadeh pokoknya gitu lah. Pas mau pulang dari rumah Adam kan gue ngecek hp ya eh ada satu sms sama 5 misscall. Tau dari siapa? Risad! Yak seorang Risad Wiriandi Musa temen sd gue yang ganteng yang sekarang bersekolah di 109 JHS. Tau apa isi smsnya?
'Triss, ke Alfajri yok!'
Gue langsung ketawa sumpah kocak bet bocah gue baru dari sana eh dia ngajakin ke sana. Baru mau gue bales smsnya eh dia telpon, ngomong gini:
Risad: Triss lo di mana? Ke Alfajri yok!
Gue: Lah gue udah balik malah dari sana
Risad: Yah oke deh yaudah
Gue: Eh tunggu lo lagi di mana? Alfajri?
Risad: Nggak gue lagi jalan jalan sama Iban sama Kafi
Gue: Hah ada Iban?
Risad: Iya ada nih
Gue: Oh
Risad: Lo di mana Triss?
Gue: Di rumah temen
Risad: Oh oke deh sip sip yah sayang banget gaketemu
Gue: Iya sayang banget yampun eh besok dateng lagi aja
Risad: Oke deh Insyaallah ya
Gue: Sipppp, dadaaah
Risad: Dadaaah
Abis telpon itu gue ngobrol bentar sama Adam terus balik deh ke rumah, naik ojek kan tuh. Eh dan lo tau? Sampe rumah itu tuh di depan rumah yampun tauga sih lo ternyata di depan rumah gue ada Iban Risad sama Kafi. Waaaaaahahahaha girang dong gua sumpah girang asli. Terus mereka aus gitu kan yaudah gue ajak masuk deh terus minum terus kita ngobrol ngobrol di rumah gue sumpah heboh banget. Dari yang segala, ngomongin sekolah, ngomongin bedah kodok, ngomongin tawuran, ngomongin pacar, ngomongin mantan, ngomongin bimbel, ngomongin SMA, ngomongin ekskul, ngomongin Gita Gutawa, ngomongin Samuel Samosir, ngomongin Amel, ngomongin angkatan 3, ngomongin aduuuuuuuuuuuh banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak bangeeeeeeeeeeeeet deh pokoknya kemana mana ngobrolnya. Sampai akhirnya jam 5an mereka pulang.
Today was such a day, thankyou guys; Adam, Reza, Iban, Risad, Kafi. OHMYGOD hahahaha gue kira gue bakal mati bosen di rumah hari ini :p
Jumat, 13 November 2009
oh thinkin about our younger years
there was only you and me
we were young and wild and free
Now nothing can take you away from me
we've been down that road before
but thats over now
you keep me coming back for more
Baby you're all that i want
When you're lying here in my arms
Im finding it hard to believe
we're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're In Heaven
Oh once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Pick you up when ur feeling down
Now nothing can change what you mean to me
there's a lot that i can say
but just hold me now
coz our love will light the way
Baby you're all that i want
When you're lying here in my arms
Im finding it hard to believe
we're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isnt too hard to see
We're In Heaven
i've been waiting for so long
something to arrive
love to come along
Now our dreams are coming true
through the good times and the bad
i'll be standing there by you
Baby you're all that i want
When you're lying here in my arms
Im finding it hard to believe
we're in heaven
love is all that i need
And i find it there in your heart
it isnt to hard to see
we're i heaven
We're in heaven
there was only you and me
we were young and wild and free
Now nothing can take you away from me
we've been down that road before
but thats over now
you keep me coming back for more
Baby you're all that i want
When you're lying here in my arms
Im finding it hard to believe
we're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're In Heaven
Oh once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Pick you up when ur feeling down
Now nothing can change what you mean to me
there's a lot that i can say
but just hold me now
coz our love will light the way
Baby you're all that i want
When you're lying here in my arms
Im finding it hard to believe
we're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isnt too hard to see
We're In Heaven
i've been waiting for so long
something to arrive
love to come along
Now our dreams are coming true
through the good times and the bad
i'll be standing there by you
Baby you're all that i want
When you're lying here in my arms
Im finding it hard to believe
we're in heaven
love is all that i need
And i find it there in your heart
it isnt to hard to see
we're i heaven
We're in heaven
Rabu, 11 November 2009
The countdown-ing is over, people!
MAJOR thankyou to:
Papa, Mama, Kiko, Ami, Sheila, Nabila, Mbak Dita, Ua Yadi, Ua Agung, Tante Esti. The whoooleee family, thanks a looooooot, i love you so so so much much much muuuuuch you're my everything.
Bulan, Nchaa, Irena, Ellen, Gege, Vero. My dearest, thankyou so much much much, i love you a bunch.
Adam Putra Laksana, thankyou so muuuucccch darling, i love youuuu, untold.
Dwima, Jorji, Riam, Oris, Eka, Chacha, Eno, Gadis, Bella, Reyhan, Oscar, Nyoman, Shearly, Icha, Laras, Nevy, Angel, Rizky, Jefta, Ayu. My favourite class ever, 9Bersatu, 9Berseni, 9Berulang, 9Berlebaran, 9Broadcast, 9Baik, 9Berbudi pekerti, 9BERULANGTAHUN! thankyouuuuuuu, I love you all so darn much.
Bonita, Akira, Iput, Benita, Aulika, Bryan, Ega, Marshadhia, Hendy, Subob, Dwipa, Dendy, Afdy, Reza, Delinda, Trivet, Deszan, Sara, Intan, Thalia, Yeni, Aci, Fani, Aulia, Ardel, Sheby, Kanneth, Rahendra, Ravi, Tian, Upi, Tamcil, Samuel, Diana, Benji, Puspa, Aulia, Nublai, Billy, Dimas, and all MY RECOURVEUNS, i love youuuuuuu too much. WE ALWAYS BELONG TOGETHER :)
Bima, Iban, Risad, Difa, Adia, Afi, all my third generation aaaaa how i miss you all sooooooooooo freaking much, thankyouuuuu, i love you all too much.
Bhiga, Raka, Zhafran, Erwin, Kevin, Jeklin, Unik, Meydira, Afgan, Dio, Najib, Shafira, Kak Tarra Kak Lita, Andre, Jovi, Brenda, Rangga, Rara, Didi, Sischa, Jundi, and all friends out there, thankyouuuuu a buuuuuch i love youuu so much.
Kak Mody, Kak Ata, Kak Cindy, Kak Efata, Kak Mita, Kak Yolla, Kak Karen, Kak Rima, Ivan, Kak Tria, Kak Julian, Kak Irene, and all seniors, thankyou so much much kak, i love youuu.
Carol, Andrea, Vanya, Inaya, Tasya, Devin, Dira, Nadia, Anisa, Shabrina, Gruis, Yacinta, Glinka, Yuliea, Rey, Ruchel, Nevina, Aya, Amel, Afina, Gaby and all juniors, thankyouuu all so much, i love you.
Bu Delfi, Bu Ria, Bu Shofie, Bu Restu, Bu Merry, Bu Eti, Pak Anas, Pak Hari, Mas Andi, Bu Tatang, Bu Pipih, Bu Yati, Bu Jaenab, Bu Eli, all teachers in Alfajri. I miss you all too much aaaaa thankyouuuuu for remembering my birthday, i love you sooo much.
Miss Nita, Miss Elis, Miss Ben, Miss Mynarny, Mr Ucup, Pak Agus, Mr Anwar, Mr Nteph, Mam Yuli, all GPS teachers, thankyou so much much, i love you miss, mister.
I can't mention all of the people who said 'happy birthday' to me, i'm so so so sorry because I can't remember all. But thankyou thankyou thankyou thaaaaaankyouuuu like a million time OHMYGOD you don't know how much it means to me :P All the best for you all, God bless you too, THANKYOU, and I LOVE YOU! Really, I love love love love you sooooooo freaking much :)
Ega: Ega baik bangeeeeeeeeeet sumpah kadonya ditunggu ya :P
Hendy: Makasih banyak doanya, amin amin, semoga gue tambah tinggi SEDIKIT hahaha.
Adam: Hadiahkuuuuuuuu mana masa tadi kamunya pulang duluan :( HAHAHA
Difa: Oke Dif yang hari ini gasalah lagi kok
Nchaa: Maneeee lu katanya mau bantuin gue beresin barang buat tour wahuahaha
Upi: Okeoke Pi nanti kita makan Pizza wkakak
Iput: Astaga put makasih banget lo ngucapin sampe berulang ulang kali banyak banget haha
Andre: Okey saudara terimakasih banyak saudara :p
Mr Ucup: Kadonya top banget mister makasih banyak yaaaa x)
Raka: Daddyyyyyyyyyyy thanks a lot doanya, amin amin :D
Dwipa: Thankyouuuu pasta keju nya hehe
Miss Nita: Happy birthday to your husband too miss :)
Bhiga: Suami oh suami maaf sms balesannya pending haha balik napa lu ke jakarta istri lu ulangtahun nih xp wakakak
Words cannot describe how thankful i am now and how grateful to have such a people like you all in my life. Alright, I gotta go study my Biology and Science for the try out tomorrow. I HAVE TO GET GREAT SCORE. Above 80, amin. Pray for me, kay?
MAJOR thankyou to:
Papa, Mama, Kiko, Ami, Sheila, Nabila, Mbak Dita, Ua Yadi, Ua Agung, Tante Esti. The whoooleee family, thanks a looooooot, i love you so so so much much much muuuuuch you're my everything.
Bulan, Nchaa, Irena, Ellen, Gege, Vero. My dearest, thankyou so much much much, i love you a bunch.
Adam Putra Laksana, thankyou so muuuucccch darling, i love youuuu, untold.
Dwima, Jorji, Riam, Oris, Eka, Chacha, Eno, Gadis, Bella, Reyhan, Oscar, Nyoman, Shearly, Icha, Laras, Nevy, Angel, Rizky, Jefta, Ayu. My favourite class ever, 9Bersatu, 9Berseni, 9Berulang, 9Berlebaran, 9Broadcast, 9Baik, 9Berbudi pekerti, 9BERULANGTAHUN! thankyouuuuuuu, I love you all so darn much.
Bonita, Akira, Iput, Benita, Aulika, Bryan, Ega, Marshadhia, Hendy, Subob, Dwipa, Dendy, Afdy, Reza, Delinda, Trivet, Deszan, Sara, Intan, Thalia, Yeni, Aci, Fani, Aulia, Ardel, Sheby, Kanneth, Rahendra, Ravi, Tian, Upi, Tamcil, Samuel, Diana, Benji, Puspa, Aulia, Nublai, Billy, Dimas, and all MY RECOURVEUNS, i love youuuuuuu too much. WE ALWAYS BELONG TOGETHER :)
Bima, Iban, Risad, Difa, Adia, Afi, all my third generation aaaaa how i miss you all sooooooooooo freaking much, thankyouuuuu, i love you all too much.
Bhiga, Raka, Zhafran, Erwin, Kevin, Jeklin, Unik, Meydira, Afgan, Dio, Najib, Shafira, Kak Tarra Kak Lita, Andre, Jovi, Brenda, Rangga, Rara, Didi, Sischa, Jundi, and all friends out there, thankyouuuuu a buuuuuch i love youuu so much.
Kak Mody, Kak Ata, Kak Cindy, Kak Efata, Kak Mita, Kak Yolla, Kak Karen, Kak Rima, Ivan, Kak Tria, Kak Julian, Kak Irene, and all seniors, thankyou so much much kak, i love youuu.
Carol, Andrea, Vanya, Inaya, Tasya, Devin, Dira, Nadia, Anisa, Shabrina, Gruis, Yacinta, Glinka, Yuliea, Rey, Ruchel, Nevina, Aya, Amel, Afina, Gaby and all juniors, thankyouuu all so much, i love you.
Bu Delfi, Bu Ria, Bu Shofie, Bu Restu, Bu Merry, Bu Eti, Pak Anas, Pak Hari, Mas Andi, Bu Tatang, Bu Pipih, Bu Yati, Bu Jaenab, Bu Eli, all teachers in Alfajri. I miss you all too much aaaaa thankyouuuuu for remembering my birthday, i love you sooo much.
Miss Nita, Miss Elis, Miss Ben, Miss Mynarny, Mr Ucup, Pak Agus, Mr Anwar, Mr Nteph, Mam Yuli, all GPS teachers, thankyou so much much, i love you miss, mister.
I can't mention all of the people who said 'happy birthday' to me, i'm so so so sorry because I can't remember all. But thankyou thankyou thankyou thaaaaaankyouuuu like a million time OHMYGOD you don't know how much it means to me :P All the best for you all, God bless you too, THANKYOU, and I LOVE YOU! Really, I love love love love you sooooooo freaking much :)
Ega: Ega baik bangeeeeeeeeeet sumpah kadonya ditunggu ya :P
Hendy: Makasih banyak doanya, amin amin, semoga gue tambah tinggi SEDIKIT hahaha.
Adam: Hadiahkuuuuuuuu mana masa tadi kamunya pulang duluan :( HAHAHA
Difa: Oke Dif yang hari ini gasalah lagi kok
Nchaa: Maneeee lu katanya mau bantuin gue beresin barang buat tour wahuahaha
Upi: Okeoke Pi nanti kita makan Pizza wkakak
Iput: Astaga put makasih banget lo ngucapin sampe berulang ulang kali banyak banget haha
Andre: Okey saudara terimakasih banyak saudara :p
Mr Ucup: Kadonya top banget mister makasih banyak yaaaa x)
Raka: Daddyyyyyyyyyyy thanks a lot doanya, amin amin :D
Dwipa: Thankyouuuu pasta keju nya hehe
Miss Nita: Happy birthday to your husband too miss :)
Bhiga: Suami oh suami maaf sms balesannya pending haha balik napa lu ke jakarta istri lu ulangtahun nih xp wakakak
Words cannot describe how thankful i am now and how grateful to have such a people like you all in my life. Alright, I gotta go study my Biology and Science for the try out tomorrow. I HAVE TO GET GREAT SCORE. Above 80, amin. Pray for me, kay?
Senin, 02 November 2009
I miss you all :'(
This is just a quick update!
School has gone CRAZY! Crazy I tell ya! Really, this freaking school made me do A LOT of freaking studying, weekly test, try out, homework, and things like that.
That's why I'm really sucks on updating this blog lately. I miss sharing with you, it's true. But I just don't have enough time to do it. I am truly deeply sorry :(
Oh, by the way, it's November already! You know what that means? Yep! It means I'm gonna start the countdown-ing :P WAAAAAW I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER :D
I think this is enough for a quick update. I will see you again AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Just pray for me so I won't die because of facing all of these freaking school tasks.
Nite world, I LOVE YOU :D
School has gone CRAZY! Crazy I tell ya! Really, this freaking school made me do A LOT of freaking studying, weekly test, try out, homework, and things like that.
That's why I'm really sucks on updating this blog lately. I miss sharing with you, it's true. But I just don't have enough time to do it. I am truly deeply sorry :(
Oh, by the way, it's November already! You know what that means? Yep! It means I'm gonna start the countdown-ing :P WAAAAAW I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER :D
I think this is enough for a quick update. I will see you again AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Just pray for me so I won't die because of facing all of these freaking school tasks.
Nite world, I LOVE YOU :D
Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009
The "FaceDeco"
Hello, darling :)
Long time no post, long time no share, long time no see, long time no talk, long time no....
Okay, enough. The point is I really do miss sharing stories in this blog but I'm too lazy to write even a sentence. But good news! I was having a sudden urgent feeling to write tonight, so here I am sitting in front of the laptop with my hands jumping over an alphabet to another alphabet on the keybord. Oh whatever, lets just begin with the story.
I went to school today to take the Indonesian book that I've accidentaly left in the locker, after that i went to Gramedia. I bought a FACE DECO! OH wow finally, my sister and I have been wanting to buy this thing since the first time we saw it. At last, I get to have that face deco.
And tonight I've been really freak about this stuff. I drew some randoms pictures with it on my hand and I asked my sister to take a photo of them:
Long time no post, long time no share, long time no see, long time no talk, long time no....
Okay, enough. The point is I really do miss sharing stories in this blog but I'm too lazy to write even a sentence. But good news! I was having a sudden urgent feeling to write tonight, so here I am sitting in front of the laptop with my hands jumping over an alphabet to another alphabet on the keybord. Oh whatever, lets just begin with the story.
I went to school today to take the Indonesian book that I've accidentaly left in the locker, after that i went to Gramedia. I bought a FACE DECO! OH wow finally, my sister and I have been wanting to buy this thing since the first time we saw it. At last, I get to have that face deco.
And tonight I've been really freak about this stuff. I drew some randoms pictures with it on my hand and I asked my sister to take a photo of them:
Rabu, 30 September 2009
And it's 27, baby :D

It's a sunday night
And it's september
And it's 27
And it's him :)
You've just made my day,
I love you sooooooo much, darling :)
And it's september
And it's 27
And it's him :)
You've just made my day,
I love you sooooooo much, darling :)
What is this about?
Things called love,
Sabtu, 19 September 2009
Happy lebaran day
Okay so, fasting will be over tomorrow! Wohoooo that means i can EAT lol kidding no, honestly I'm quite sad knowing that fasting will be over tomorrow, i don't know why. I think it's just hem too soon.
I'm not gonna say much because actually i'm not in the mood for blogging. So I'll make this as short as posible:
Every people do have mistakes, no exeption, so do I. Minal aidin malfaidzin, I'm sorry for every mistakes i've made, wether I realized it or not. Lets start all over again, shall we?
Happy lebaran day,
Trissi :)
I'm not gonna say much because actually i'm not in the mood for blogging. So I'll make this as short as posible:
Every people do have mistakes, no exeption, so do I. Minal aidin malfaidzin, I'm sorry for every mistakes i've made, wether I realized it or not. Lets start all over again, shall we?
Happy lebaran day,
Trissi :)
Kamis, 17 September 2009
Maksim Mrvica
Baby, I'm back :D
So I was having a tough week and I hate that. Well I'm not gonna talk about it now because I'm not all better, but yes I've been better, just not COMPLETELY, oh I'm just gonna stop, you know what i mean, right? Now lets get back to the point:
So I was having a tough week and I hate that. Well I'm not gonna talk about it now because I'm not all better, but yes I've been better, just not COMPLETELY, oh I'm just gonna stop, you know what i mean, right? Now lets get back to the point:
I'M IN LOVE! With who? WITH HIM!

He's a popular pianist from Crotia. And oh, have I told you that HE'S WAAAAAY TO AWESOME? You should hear him play! My heart's melting OH MY GOD.
Oris and Arci told me about him one day and I was like "Maksim? I've heard of it but.. where?" And they asked me to listen to his play. I did. Oris somehow downloaded 2 of the music to his phone and I listened to it together with Arci at PE lesson. Arci was like "OHHH ISN'T HE SOOOO COOL????" and Oris was like "TOTALLY!" and I was just laugh and thought "How in the world does this Maksim person do that. Oh I think I'm in love"
I decided to open youtube to watch how he played and when I did I was hypnotized by how fast his fingers hit the note and how gorgeous is his face when he play the song, and OH MY did I forget to mention he's HANDSOME? :D
My piano teacher, Kak Aji, told me that he had visit indonesia twice and he's 2 meters tall. I was so shocked ad upset, I didn't get a chance to watch him live. Aaaah I wish he will visit indonesia again and I can watch it. I already told my mom that I wanna watch him play and she agreed.
Oh well, enough talking, you HAVE TO LISTEN! Here's the link:
Flight of the bumble bee
Child in paradise
Hana's eye
Go click ad listen. You'll be hypnotized for sure. Bye all, I think my mood just screwed up again. Hhhhh thankyou mom for setting me back into the badmood mode. ENJOY THE MAKSIM MRVICA, UUUUU I LOVE YOU MAN <3
Oris and Arci told me about him one day and I was like "Maksim? I've heard of it but.. where?" And they asked me to listen to his play. I did. Oris somehow downloaded 2 of the music to his phone and I listened to it together with Arci at PE lesson. Arci was like "OHHH ISN'T HE SOOOO COOL????" and Oris was like "TOTALLY!" and I was just laugh and thought "How in the world does this Maksim person do that. Oh I think I'm in love"
I decided to open youtube to watch how he played and when I did I was hypnotized by how fast his fingers hit the note and how gorgeous is his face when he play the song, and OH MY did I forget to mention he's HANDSOME? :D
My piano teacher, Kak Aji, told me that he had visit indonesia twice and he's 2 meters tall. I was so shocked ad upset, I didn't get a chance to watch him live. Aaaah I wish he will visit indonesia again and I can watch it. I already told my mom that I wanna watch him play and she agreed.
Oh well, enough talking, you HAVE TO LISTEN! Here's the link:
Flight of the bumble bee
Child in paradise
Hana's eye
Go click ad listen. You'll be hypnotized for sure. Bye all, I think my mood just screwed up again. Hhhhh thankyou mom for setting me back into the badmood mode. ENJOY THE MAKSIM MRVICA, UUUUU I LOVE YOU MAN <3
Rabu, 09 September 2009
Is it too fast?
You used to be the stranger
A boy I would never dare to stare
And now that we're being this close
Makes my world starts to spin
Oh boy, you totally takes all control of my own emotions
And I can't even help it
Am I falling to fast?
I'm guessing I am
A boy I would never dare to stare
And now that we're being this close
Makes my world starts to spin
Oh boy, you totally takes all control of my own emotions
And I can't even help it
Am I falling to fast?
I'm guessing I am
What is this about?
Things called love,
The most stupid of all; being madly in love
I stupidly crying over him
Stupidly wishing about him
Stupidly staring at him
Stupidly thinking of him
And the most stupid of all:
I'm stupidly madly in love with him
Stupidly wishing about him
Stupidly staring at him
Stupidly thinking of him
And the most stupid of all:
I'm stupidly madly in love with him
What is this about?
Things called love,
Rabu, 02 September 2009
Oh my, this is my first time.
Pukul 14.00
Arci: Triss kabar buruk
Trissi: Kenapa? Pulpen gue ilang?
Arci: Eeeeh bukan
Trissi: Trus?
Arci: Emmmm
Trissi: Bando gue patah?
Arci: Emm iya hehe maaf ya?
Trissi: Oh iya gapapa
Lalu Mam Yuli masuk, dimulai lah kegiatan UN preparation di kelas 9B. Hari ini itu ngoreksi soal pertemuan sebelumnya.
Totally didn't know what will happen.
Pukul 14.30
Kelas ribut. Anak anak pada ketawa seru banget. Mam Yuli juga mood nya lagi bagus banget jadi ikutan ketawa juga. Ngoreksi soal udah sampe nomer 40an kalo gasalah. Itu juga garagara si Jorji lama banget orang udah nomer berapa dia masih nanya yang nomer berapa, jadinya guelah yang jadi korbannya harus ngediktein jawaban.
Still didn't know what will happen.
Pukul 14.55
Gue lagi ngadep ke belakang, menjalankan tugas suci gue ngediktein jawaban ke Jorji, eh tibatiba orang orang pada ribut nah begitu gue ngadep depan kok kayak goyang goyang gitu. Gue pikir emang kepala gue gaberes kan suka keliyengan pusing gajelas. Si Mam Yuli ngira juga tekanan darah dia tiba tiba turun eh gatau nya yaAllah GEMPA! iyaa tau kan lo gempa? Itu loh earthquake! Gila gue panik. That was my first time.
Gempanya gede tadi loh terus selesai gempa tuh Mam Yuli nyuruh orang orang beres beres terus suruh keluar cepet cepet. Nah di kelas tuh tinggal gue, Ellen, Bulan, Dwima, Adam, Dendy. Gue tuh tadinya sedang dalam misi menyuruh Adam mainin lagu gitu kan pake gitarnya eh terus tiba tiba itu si pak satpam gue lupa namanya sama si mas ob yang juga gue lupa namanya ke kelas dan menyuruh kita turun. Di suruh ke lapangan takutnya ada gempa susulan. Yah yaudah deh turun kita.
Dan kalian tau? Ya! LAPANGAN GLOBAL RAMEEEEEE BANGETS! Isinya nyampur SMP sama SMA haha terus lagi pada ribut gitu ngomong yang gue yakin pasti topiknya gajauh jauh dari gempa barusan. Dan gue yaking banget pasti lagi pada ngomongin reaksi orang orang di kelas masing masing pas lagi gempa.
Kayak gue nih, masa si Adam, Andre Eka, sama Dwima langsung pada sibuk salaman sambil bilang "Maafin gue ya, gue banyak salah" ck ahahahaha kocak
Eh tapi ada lagi si Arci yang abis beres beres dia bilang ke Mam Yuli "Yeeey miss berarti besok kita libur kan? Kan gempa" Hahaha parabet kaco lu Ci.
Nah terus karena kabar kabarnya bakal ada gempa susulan jadilah sekolah disuruh dikosongin, gue pulang jam setengah 5an dan gue udah parno sendiri serem banget yampun. Dan lo tau? Gue nyampe rumah nelpon nyokap minta nyokap pulang dan percaya ato nggak ya GUE NANGIS yampun saking paniknya. Hahaha elah nih malu maluin bet. Udah gitu udah selese nangis kan, gue lagi buka twitter yang apparently isinya tentang gempa semua, eh tibatiba bokap gue nelpon. DAN GUE NANGIS LAGI! MasyaAllah hahahaha gue heran sendiri. Terus bokap ngomong macem macem terus gue disuruh liat CNN udah gitu ya blablabla ngobrol macem macem sampe gue ganangis lagi and he did make me feel better. Thanks daddy :)
Ya pokoknya gitulah dan gaterbukti ternyata gempa susulan itu. Gue malah dengan santainya smsan sama Bulan sama Adam sampe akhirnya sukses ketiduran dan terbangun waktu adzan magrib.
Okay ya sekali lagi gue bilang, that was my first time ya jadi wajar gue panik parno segala macem hahaha tapi kocak aja gue ngingetnya :P
Oh my, this is my first time.
Pukul 14.00
Arci: Triss kabar buruk
Trissi: Kenapa? Pulpen gue ilang?
Arci: Eeeeh bukan
Trissi: Trus?
Arci: Emmmm
Trissi: Bando gue patah?
Arci: Emm iya hehe maaf ya?
Trissi: Oh iya gapapa
Lalu Mam Yuli masuk, dimulai lah kegiatan UN preparation di kelas 9B. Hari ini itu ngoreksi soal pertemuan sebelumnya.
Totally didn't know what will happen.
Pukul 14.30
Kelas ribut. Anak anak pada ketawa seru banget. Mam Yuli juga mood nya lagi bagus banget jadi ikutan ketawa juga. Ngoreksi soal udah sampe nomer 40an kalo gasalah. Itu juga garagara si Jorji lama banget orang udah nomer berapa dia masih nanya yang nomer berapa, jadinya guelah yang jadi korbannya harus ngediktein jawaban.
Still didn't know what will happen.
Pukul 14.55
Gue lagi ngadep ke belakang, menjalankan tugas suci gue ngediktein jawaban ke Jorji, eh tibatiba orang orang pada ribut nah begitu gue ngadep depan kok kayak goyang goyang gitu. Gue pikir emang kepala gue gaberes kan suka keliyengan pusing gajelas. Si Mam Yuli ngira juga tekanan darah dia tiba tiba turun eh gatau nya yaAllah GEMPA! iyaa tau kan lo gempa? Itu loh earthquake! Gila gue panik. That was my first time.
Gempanya gede tadi loh terus selesai gempa tuh Mam Yuli nyuruh orang orang beres beres terus suruh keluar cepet cepet. Nah di kelas tuh tinggal gue, Ellen, Bulan, Dwima, Adam, Dendy. Gue tuh tadinya sedang dalam misi menyuruh Adam mainin lagu gitu kan pake gitarnya eh terus tiba tiba itu si pak satpam gue lupa namanya sama si mas ob yang juga gue lupa namanya ke kelas dan menyuruh kita turun. Di suruh ke lapangan takutnya ada gempa susulan. Yah yaudah deh turun kita.
Dan kalian tau? Ya! LAPANGAN GLOBAL RAMEEEEEE BANGETS! Isinya nyampur SMP sama SMA haha terus lagi pada ribut gitu ngomong yang gue yakin pasti topiknya gajauh jauh dari gempa barusan. Dan gue yaking banget pasti lagi pada ngomongin reaksi orang orang di kelas masing masing pas lagi gempa.
Kayak gue nih, masa si Adam, Andre Eka, sama Dwima langsung pada sibuk salaman sambil bilang "Maafin gue ya, gue banyak salah" ck ahahahaha kocak
Eh tapi ada lagi si Arci yang abis beres beres dia bilang ke Mam Yuli "Yeeey miss berarti besok kita libur kan? Kan gempa" Hahaha parabet kaco lu Ci.
Nah terus karena kabar kabarnya bakal ada gempa susulan jadilah sekolah disuruh dikosongin, gue pulang jam setengah 5an dan gue udah parno sendiri serem banget yampun. Dan lo tau? Gue nyampe rumah nelpon nyokap minta nyokap pulang dan percaya ato nggak ya GUE NANGIS yampun saking paniknya. Hahaha elah nih malu maluin bet. Udah gitu udah selese nangis kan, gue lagi buka twitter yang apparently isinya tentang gempa semua, eh tibatiba bokap gue nelpon. DAN GUE NANGIS LAGI! MasyaAllah hahahaha gue heran sendiri. Terus bokap ngomong macem macem terus gue disuruh liat CNN udah gitu ya blablabla ngobrol macem macem sampe gue ganangis lagi and he did make me feel better. Thanks daddy :)
Ya pokoknya gitulah dan gaterbukti ternyata gempa susulan itu. Gue malah dengan santainya smsan sama Bulan sama Adam sampe akhirnya sukses ketiduran dan terbangun waktu adzan magrib.
Okay ya sekali lagi gue bilang, that was my first time ya jadi wajar gue panik parno segala macem hahaha tapi kocak aja gue ngingetnya :P
Senin, 31 Agustus 2009
Report Distribution #1
Sumpah gue deg deg an banget itu kemaren hari Sabtu. Jadi pas Jumat malemnya gue lupa gue tidur jam berapa yang jelas gue chat sama Deszan sampe malem banget gitu terus ujung ujungnya gue ketiduran. Terus dibangunin saur udah gitu langsung blek tidur lagi gue abis saur. Eh bangun bangun jam setengah 7. Udah lega aja gue kan soalnya gue mesti dateng paling telat itu jam 8 kurang ya sekitar itulah. Eh tapi tetapi nyata ternyata gue langsung ketiduran lagi pules di depan tv sampe akhirnya si Mama bangunin
'Triss bangun eh udah jam setengah 8'
SHOOOOOOT! Anjrit tuh gue langsung bangun yampun gila lo jam setengah 8, gue langsung reflek bediri lari ke kamar mandi nggak pake bawa bawa anduk lagi. Bodoh? Iya saya tahu. Tapi yang penting akhirnya gue nyampe di sekolah jam setengah 9 kurangan gitu lah.
Di sekolah kan nyokap bokap mesti ikut meeting tentang UN dulu di lantain 3 SMA, jadilah gue anterin mereka, berhubung gue juga OSIS yang jadi panitia pas hari itu. Di lantai satu lobby gue ketemu si Devin lagi duduk sendirian gitu gajelas ngapain bengong apa gimana gatau lah. Di lantai dua ketemu Mr Josh, Ms Lina, Mr Milianda, sama Mam Yuli. Udah say hi segala macem salam terus lanjut ke lantai 3, ketemu Mr Primus, Irena, sama Dewi.
Irena: "Loh Triss bukannya lo tugas hari ini?"
Trissi: "Iya"
Dewi: "Kok gapake baju putih kak?"
SHIT! Kapan disuruh pake baju putih? Kok gue gadenger? Aduh parah gue malu sendiri. Tapi..
Trissi: "Ah yaudah lah gapapa, gapenting juga"
Terus gue ngeloyor deh nganterin mama sama papa ke SMA lewat connecting door, terus gue balik ke lantai dua buat tugas di sana.
Akhirnya gue udah capek tugas gue ke lantai 3 kan orang orang pada rame tuh di sana ngomongin rapot bakal gimana segala macem tapi pada gaberani masuk kelas dengan alasan takut dimarahin orangtua masing masing garagara hasil rapot. Alhasil gue ikut ikutan lah ngobrol segala macem ngalor ngidul di depan pintu kelas gue, sampe akhirnya mama sama papa keluar.
Trissi: "Jadi? Apa komentarnya?"
Mama: "Kamu istirahat dong jangan sakit sakitan mulu"
Trissi: "Iyaa"
Papa: "Kata Miss Nita kamu sakit mulu"
Trissi: "Iyaaa... Jadi? Komentarnya apa?"
Papa: "Yaaah bagus bagus buat permulaan. Keep up the goodwork"
Trissi: "Ranking?"
Mama: "Gaada ranking"
Trissi: "Loh kok?"
Papa: "Ya belom lah ntar bagi rapot dua bulan lagi baru keliatan bisa dikasih ranking"
Trissi: "Ooooh"
Dan akhirnya gue ikut pulang bareng mereka abis gue juga bingung di sekolah mau ngapain.
Jadi ya begitu untung rapot gue gapapa, ALHAMDULILLAH. Oke udah dulu ah ya gue bingung mau nulis apa lagi, terus gue mau makan dulu gue lapeeeer, eh gajuga sih tapi yang jelas mau makan pokoknya. Dadaaaah :)
Sumpah gue deg deg an banget itu kemaren hari Sabtu. Jadi pas Jumat malemnya gue lupa gue tidur jam berapa yang jelas gue chat sama Deszan sampe malem banget gitu terus ujung ujungnya gue ketiduran. Terus dibangunin saur udah gitu langsung blek tidur lagi gue abis saur. Eh bangun bangun jam setengah 7. Udah lega aja gue kan soalnya gue mesti dateng paling telat itu jam 8 kurang ya sekitar itulah. Eh tapi tetapi nyata ternyata gue langsung ketiduran lagi pules di depan tv sampe akhirnya si Mama bangunin
'Triss bangun eh udah jam setengah 8'
SHOOOOOOT! Anjrit tuh gue langsung bangun yampun gila lo jam setengah 8, gue langsung reflek bediri lari ke kamar mandi nggak pake bawa bawa anduk lagi. Bodoh? Iya saya tahu. Tapi yang penting akhirnya gue nyampe di sekolah jam setengah 9 kurangan gitu lah.
Di sekolah kan nyokap bokap mesti ikut meeting tentang UN dulu di lantain 3 SMA, jadilah gue anterin mereka, berhubung gue juga OSIS yang jadi panitia pas hari itu. Di lantai satu lobby gue ketemu si Devin lagi duduk sendirian gitu gajelas ngapain bengong apa gimana gatau lah. Di lantai dua ketemu Mr Josh, Ms Lina, Mr Milianda, sama Mam Yuli. Udah say hi segala macem salam terus lanjut ke lantai 3, ketemu Mr Primus, Irena, sama Dewi.
Irena: "Loh Triss bukannya lo tugas hari ini?"
Trissi: "Iya"
Dewi: "Kok gapake baju putih kak?"
SHIT! Kapan disuruh pake baju putih? Kok gue gadenger? Aduh parah gue malu sendiri. Tapi..
Trissi: "Ah yaudah lah gapapa, gapenting juga"
Terus gue ngeloyor deh nganterin mama sama papa ke SMA lewat connecting door, terus gue balik ke lantai dua buat tugas di sana.
Akhirnya gue udah capek tugas gue ke lantai 3 kan orang orang pada rame tuh di sana ngomongin rapot bakal gimana segala macem tapi pada gaberani masuk kelas dengan alasan takut dimarahin orangtua masing masing garagara hasil rapot. Alhasil gue ikut ikutan lah ngobrol segala macem ngalor ngidul di depan pintu kelas gue, sampe akhirnya mama sama papa keluar.
Trissi: "Jadi? Apa komentarnya?"
Mama: "Kamu istirahat dong jangan sakit sakitan mulu"
Trissi: "Iyaa"
Papa: "Kata Miss Nita kamu sakit mulu"
Trissi: "Iyaaa... Jadi? Komentarnya apa?"
Papa: "Yaaah bagus bagus buat permulaan. Keep up the goodwork"
Trissi: "Ranking?"
Mama: "Gaada ranking"
Trissi: "Loh kok?"
Papa: "Ya belom lah ntar bagi rapot dua bulan lagi baru keliatan bisa dikasih ranking"
Trissi: "Ooooh"
Dan akhirnya gue ikut pulang bareng mereka abis gue juga bingung di sekolah mau ngapain.
Jadi ya begitu untung rapot gue gapapa, ALHAMDULILLAH. Oke udah dulu ah ya gue bingung mau nulis apa lagi, terus gue mau makan dulu gue lapeeeer, eh gajuga sih tapi yang jelas mau makan pokoknya. Dadaaaah :)
Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009
Yearbook committee :D
Leader: Sara Naftali Kiswanto
Vice leader: Shabika Putri Arvijanti
Secretary: Dyah Trisna Atinirmala, Fadillah Putri Irintika
Treasurer: Try Veronica
Sponsor: Deszantara Ziky, Orista Primadewa
Photographer: Fadilla Putri Irintika, Trivet Hizkia Riemann Sembel
Leader: Dyah Trisna Atinirmala
Photo session: Aldinindya Aisha Kristanti, Aulia Nadhira
Photo collector: Natasha Leonida, Thalia Medina
Design and editing
Leader: Putri Puspa Kencana
Design: Aulia Ramadhani, Intan Putri Pratiwi
Editing: Aulika Desthahrina Nareswara, Mentari Christine
Redaksi: Dwipa Hamzah, Sandra Regina Karnadi, Delinda Budi Viscayanti
Leader: Sara Naftali Kiswanto
Vice leader: Shabika Putri Arvijanti
Secretary: Dyah Trisna Atinirmala, Fadillah Putri Irintika
Treasurer: Try Veronica
Sponsor: Deszantara Ziky, Orista Primadewa
Photographer: Fadilla Putri Irintika, Trivet Hizkia Riemann Sembel
Leader: Dyah Trisna Atinirmala
Photo session: Aldinindya Aisha Kristanti, Aulia Nadhira
Photo collector: Natasha Leonida, Thalia Medina
Design and editing
Leader: Putri Puspa Kencana
Design: Aulia Ramadhani, Intan Putri Pratiwi
Editing: Aulika Desthahrina Nareswara, Mentari Christine
Redaksi: Dwipa Hamzah, Sandra Regina Karnadi, Delinda Budi Viscayanti
Hopefully we will do our best and get the best. Work together and we will work this out. GOODLUCK FRIENDS :)
Oh and the same to you too FAREWELL COMMITTEE, goodluck to you too, friends :)
Oh and the same to you too FAREWELL COMMITTEE, goodluck to you too, friends :)
Stop the world
(Demi Lovato)
I don't know why
I dont know why
Im so afraid (so afraid)
And i dont know how
I dont know how
to fix the pain (fix the pain)
We're livin a lie
livin a lie
we just need to change (need to change)
Cuz we're out of time
we're out of time
and its still the same
You cant stop the world
but theres so much more that we could do
You cant stop this girl
From falling more in love with you
You said nobody has to know
If its time to go
and take it slow
But i can stop the world stop
If they finally let us be alone
let us be alone
Hearin the noise
hearin the noise
from all of them (from all of them)
And im on the edge
Im on the edge
of breakin down (of breakin down)
Like Bonnie and Clide
let's ride
and take this town
so keep it alive
keep it alive
dont make a sound
You cant stop the world
but theres so much more that we could do
you cant stop this girl
from falling more in love with you
You said nobody has know
If its time to go
and take it slow
but i can stop the world
if they finally let us be alone
let us be alone
if the world wont take
That final blow
I'll turn the other page
I wont close the book
you cant stop the world
But theres so much more that we could do
You cant stop this girl
From falling more in love with you
You said nobody has to know
If its time to go
and take it slow
But i can stop the world
If they finally let us be alone
let us be alone
(Demi Lovato)
I don't know why
I dont know why
Im so afraid (so afraid)
And i dont know how
I dont know how
to fix the pain (fix the pain)
We're livin a lie
livin a lie
we just need to change (need to change)
Cuz we're out of time
we're out of time
and its still the same
You cant stop the world
but theres so much more that we could do
You cant stop this girl
From falling more in love with you
You said nobody has to know
If its time to go
and take it slow
But i can stop the world stop
If they finally let us be alone
let us be alone
Hearin the noise
hearin the noise
from all of them (from all of them)
And im on the edge
Im on the edge
of breakin down (of breakin down)
Like Bonnie and Clide
let's ride
and take this town
so keep it alive
keep it alive
dont make a sound
You cant stop the world
but theres so much more that we could do
you cant stop this girl
from falling more in love with you
You said nobody has know
If its time to go
and take it slow
but i can stop the world
if they finally let us be alone
let us be alone
if the world wont take
That final blow
I'll turn the other page
I wont close the book
you cant stop the world
But theres so much more that we could do
You cant stop this girl
From falling more in love with you
You said nobody has to know
If its time to go
and take it slow
But i can stop the world
If they finally let us be alone
let us be alone
Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009
Bengeeek -,-
Hell-o, what's up?
Me? I'm in a stress mood. Why? Because this stupid throat is very itchy, and this stupid cough making me wanna screaaaam, but unfortunately this stupid voice won't let me do it. YES! I've lost my voice since monday. And when I thought it was getting better, it became WORST. Oh well I think not THAT worst, but I still can't let out my voice. Okay I can talk. Buuuuut I have to force my self when I want to talk. Adam, Dwima, and Ellen was so freaking like to mock my stupid voice.
Oke enough with the english ya gue capek.
Eh masa gue belom belajar fisika.
Males beneran deh gue capek.
Lah terus kok masih online?
Iya abis gue bosen.
Emang capek abis ngapain?
Tadi si Eno Ellen Chacha Adam Dwima Dwipa abis pada ke sini.
Ceritanya ngerjain tugas sejarah.
Oh gitu...
Iya gitu.
Eh buset udah gajelas nih gue ya udah deh ya males ngapa ngapain gue jadinya. Oh iya si Upi mau beliin gue nasi goreng katanya mau dikirim paket ke rumah gue wahahaha. Terus masa katanya suara gue ganas melengking tinggi sekseh. Beeeh masa lo gatau Pi suara gue sekarang tuh serek serek gimana gitu terus rendah dalem gitu waaaauw seksi banget deh pokoknya hauhauaha :P
Okey, mending gue out dari sini sekrang juga daripada celotehan gue making ngelantur. Oh iya ck gue mau ngomel dulu bentar 'Ergh gilirang gue pulang sore aja lu nya pulang cepet, giliran gue pulang cepet lu pulang sore don't you know i'm dying to see you because i freaking miss you, boy'
Sip, done. Goodnight folks, better day for tomorrow :)
Me? I'm in a stress mood. Why? Because this stupid throat is very itchy, and this stupid cough making me wanna screaaaam, but unfortunately this stupid voice won't let me do it. YES! I've lost my voice since monday. And when I thought it was getting better, it became WORST. Oh well I think not THAT worst, but I still can't let out my voice. Okay I can talk. Buuuuut I have to force my self when I want to talk. Adam, Dwima, and Ellen was so freaking like to mock my stupid voice.
Oke enough with the english ya gue capek.
Eh masa gue belom belajar fisika.
Males beneran deh gue capek.
Lah terus kok masih online?
Iya abis gue bosen.
Emang capek abis ngapain?
Tadi si Eno Ellen Chacha Adam Dwima Dwipa abis pada ke sini.
Ceritanya ngerjain tugas sejarah.
Oh gitu...
Iya gitu.
Eh buset udah gajelas nih gue ya udah deh ya males ngapa ngapain gue jadinya. Oh iya si Upi mau beliin gue nasi goreng katanya mau dikirim paket ke rumah gue wahahaha. Terus masa katanya suara gue ganas melengking tinggi sekseh. Beeeh masa lo gatau Pi suara gue sekarang tuh serek serek gimana gitu terus rendah dalem gitu waaaauw seksi banget deh pokoknya hauhauaha :P
Okey, mending gue out dari sini sekrang juga daripada celotehan gue making ngelantur. Oh iya ck gue mau ngomel dulu bentar 'Ergh gilirang gue pulang sore aja lu nya pulang cepet, giliran gue pulang cepet lu pulang sore don't you know i'm dying to see you because i freaking miss you, boy'
Sip, done. Goodnight folks, better day for tomorrow :)
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009
The worst list EVER!
Things to do:
1. Belajar sejarah buat weektest besok
2. Kerjain diktat fisika halaman 1-5 dan 8-14
3. Belajar fisika buat quiz besok
4. Kerjain PR native
5. Kerjain presentasi sejarah
6. Bikin poster OSIS tentang charity program
7. Kerjain PR math
8. PR musik suruh bikin biografi siapa tau gue lupa
Things I've done:
1. Kerjain diktat fisika - check!
2. Kerjain PR native - check!
3. Belajar sejarah buat weekly - half check !
Things that make the situation worse:
1. Suara gue belom balik, malah makin parah padahal tadi siang udah mendingan ergh
2. Tenggorokan gue gatel
3. Batuk gaberenti berenti
4. Idung gue meler terus
5. Jempol kaki gue sakit ergh dari kemaren garagara gasengaja nendang sepatu Nchaa
6. Gue baru sadar buku math gue ada di loker
7. Nilai weekly Indonesia gue masa 68! You know what that means? IYA NILAI GUE PAS SKBM! Mau nangis gue ya Allah ini tuh pelajaran BAHASA INDONESIA bayangkan?!
8. Sabtu bagi rapot dua bulanan dan gue asli DEG-DEG AN
1. Belajar sejarah buat weektest besok
2. Kerjain diktat fisika halaman 1-5 dan 8-14
3. Belajar fisika buat quiz besok
4. Kerjain PR native
5. Kerjain presentasi sejarah
6. Bikin poster OSIS tentang charity program
7. Kerjain PR math
8. PR musik suruh bikin biografi siapa tau gue lupa
Things I've done:
1. Kerjain diktat fisika - check!
2. Kerjain PR native - check!
3. Belajar sejarah buat weekly - half check !
Things that make the situation worse:
1. Suara gue belom balik, malah makin parah padahal tadi siang udah mendingan ergh
2. Tenggorokan gue gatel
3. Batuk gaberenti berenti
4. Idung gue meler terus
5. Jempol kaki gue sakit ergh dari kemaren garagara gasengaja nendang sepatu Nchaa
6. Gue baru sadar buku math gue ada di loker
7. Nilai weekly Indonesia gue masa 68! You know what that means? IYA NILAI GUE PAS SKBM! Mau nangis gue ya Allah ini tuh pelajaran BAHASA INDONESIA bayangkan?!
8. Sabtu bagi rapot dua bulanan dan gue asli DEG-DEG AN
Senin, 24 Agustus 2009
Same old school activity
At last! We meet again!
Today? Heeem let me think.... well the best word to describe about today is BORING! Yes, today was MAJOR boring. Nothing came close to the word INTERESTING or EXCITING.
There was an Indonesian language test in the morning, continued with economy lesson, ended on the first break's bell ringing. After having a break I had religion class, well i wasn't really having that class. Actually i was just there for the attendance because all I did in that class was just sitting in the corner of the class and had a much-more-interesting-yet-unimportant conversation. The religion class was over and I moved to IT class. Again, I did nothing because of my server won't open and Mr Glory was too busy with some other things so yeah what could I do? Then here's come the second break time. Ofcourse I had a Dzuhur prayer! Then I went to explore the 4th floor. Reminiscing days when I used to walk around in that floor. How I want to study in that floor SO BAD :') And the bell sudenly rang making me ran as fast as could back to my class because it was time for Indonesia language. And for the closing lesson we had an UN preparation class.
Oh and I had to tell you that I LOST MY VOICE. Well my voice was just hoarse in the morning and i think it sounds kinda sexy but sudenly in the afternoon i kinda lost it.Oh this is just great! Whatta day :P
Today? Heeem let me think.... well the best word to describe about today is BORING! Yes, today was MAJOR boring. Nothing came close to the word INTERESTING or EXCITING.
There was an Indonesian language test in the morning, continued with economy lesson, ended on the first break's bell ringing. After having a break I had religion class, well i wasn't really having that class. Actually i was just there for the attendance because all I did in that class was just sitting in the corner of the class and had a much-more-interesting-yet-unimportant conversation. The religion class was over and I moved to IT class. Again, I did nothing because of my server won't open and Mr Glory was too busy with some other things so yeah what could I do? Then here's come the second break time. Ofcourse I had a Dzuhur prayer! Then I went to explore the 4th floor. Reminiscing days when I used to walk around in that floor. How I want to study in that floor SO BAD :') And the bell sudenly rang making me ran as fast as could back to my class because it was time for Indonesia language. And for the closing lesson we had an UN preparation class.
Oh and I had to tell you that I LOST MY VOICE. Well my voice was just hoarse in the morning and i think it sounds kinda sexy but sudenly in the afternoon i kinda lost it.Oh this is just great! Whatta day :P
Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009
She was like,
"Whom do you have this BIG CRUSH on?"
And I was like,
And she said,
"Oh yeah, I have to admit that he's quite handsome and he's kind"
And I said,
"How did you know?"
And she said,
"Yea, when this girl became that boy's girlfriend my friend were kinda talking a little bit with him and he seems nice"
And I felt something,
"Oooh I see. That's why your friend liked him, right?"
Just then, something horrible attacked my heart. Yes, it was jealousy. It was forcing to come up and let me filled with anger. Oh no, hold on please. I shouldn't be jealous for something like that, should I?
"Whom do you have this BIG CRUSH on?"
And I was like,
And she said,
"Oh yeah, I have to admit that he's quite handsome and he's kind"
And I said,
"How did you know?"
And she said,
"Yea, when this girl became that boy's girlfriend my friend were kinda talking a little bit with him and he seems nice"
And I felt something,
"Oooh I see. That's why your friend liked him, right?"
Just then, something horrible attacked my heart. Yes, it was jealousy. It was forcing to come up and let me filled with anger. Oh no, hold on please. I shouldn't be jealous for something like that, should I?
Great-grandfather :')
Hey kalian! Wow wow apakabar? Looooooooooooooooong time no share, i miss you ;)
Well I'm sure that you had miss like A LOT of things. But firstly, the most important thing I wanna told you guys is that my great-gradfather passed away last tuesday. Oh God I was like, "REALLY? HOW COME? OH I DON'T BELIEVE THIS" I mean, yes I was not that close to my great-grandfather but still, I admire him, I adore him, I love him, and I will always do.
He was one of many people I really adore. Even when he was 92 or ninty something I'm not sure, he was still the most handsome great-grandfather I have ever seen. Well his dad was a dutch, no wonder :P Later on I will upload the last picture I took with him, kay? Oh and he was a very kind person, and he never forget to bring his 'tasbih' with him. He always pray, anytime, anywhere. I'm so proud of him. I'm lucky I get to have him as my great-grandfather.
Well gradpa I just wanna say that I love you sooo much, and I will miss you a lot for sure, may you rest in peace great-grandfather :')
Looking at the picture of you in my hand, wondering if I ever will see you again, without you I don't know how my life will be but I believe, it's not goodbye cause I will remember you and I will see you again when I rise cause I know and I believe I will see you in eternity - Eternity, Jonas Brothers.
Well I'm sure that you had miss like A LOT of things. But firstly, the most important thing I wanna told you guys is that my great-gradfather passed away last tuesday. Oh God I was like, "REALLY? HOW COME? OH I DON'T BELIEVE THIS" I mean, yes I was not that close to my great-grandfather but still, I admire him, I adore him, I love him, and I will always do.
He was one of many people I really adore. Even when he was 92 or ninty something I'm not sure, he was still the most handsome great-grandfather I have ever seen. Well his dad was a dutch, no wonder :P Later on I will upload the last picture I took with him, kay? Oh and he was a very kind person, and he never forget to bring his 'tasbih' with him. He always pray, anytime, anywhere. I'm so proud of him. I'm lucky I get to have him as my great-grandfather.
Well gradpa I just wanna say that I love you sooo much, and I will miss you a lot for sure, may you rest in peace great-grandfather :')
Looking at the picture of you in my hand, wondering if I ever will see you again, without you I don't know how my life will be but I believe, it's not goodbye cause I will remember you and I will see you again when I rise cause I know and I believe I will see you in eternity - Eternity, Jonas Brothers.
Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009
Stupid enough
I never thought i would say this
That I might be serious on you
I never dreamed about feeling this
That I might be falling for you
You may call me stupid
You may call me an idiot
And yes I would say.
You're right. Absolutely right.
But I just can't help it
Boy you got my head spining
I lost my voice everytime you walks by
I can't even blink, I can't stop staring at you
Oh, you're such a breath taker
And now I realize
That falling for you is the stupidest thing i've ever done
And knowing that I can never have you
just making me even more stupid for having that thought
That I might be serious on you
I never dreamed about feeling this
That I might be falling for you
You may call me stupid
You may call me an idiot
And yes I would say.
You're right. Absolutely right.
But I just can't help it
Boy you got my head spining
I lost my voice everytime you walks by
I can't even blink, I can't stop staring at you
Oh, you're such a breath taker
And now I realize
That falling for you is the stupidest thing i've ever done
And knowing that I can never have you
just making me even more stupid for having that thought
What is this about?
Things called love,
Senin, 10 Agustus 2009
HELP! I'm dying here x(
Nothing's worst than A BUNCH of homeworks and A LOT of tests. These things are making me crazy, heeeeeelp people, think i'm dying here X(
Well it's 10pm and i'm still up doing my projects. I mean yeah sure I'm usually still awake at this time but NOT for doing homework. But today's just different. I had study my economy, remembering there'll be a weektest and it's about economy. I had TRY to do my math homework which I didn't understand the most of it. And now, I just finished my physics project which is about making a paper of Van De Graaff generator. I AM SOOOOOO GLAD!
And now, according to my list, I still have economy project which is about money (deadline: 24 august). A biology project, which is about making a serviks cancer presentasion (deadline: thursday 13 august). An ICT project, which i still have to complete my products (deadline: TOMORROW). And a physics project, which is about making a presentation of Van De Graaff generator (deadline: WEDNESDAY). Heeem okay I think that's all. And you know what? Weektest just makes it worst!!!
I probably will ask my self if i'm still alive after finishing all of these STUFFS lol. This is just too much preasure i think. Ugh I'm depressed. Well not that worst, but the point is I'm not feeling okay at all. And I hate it!
Oh and the other worst part is: I HAVE GOT LIKE A LOT OF BOOKS TO READ! But since I haven't finish these whole project thing i think i can't even touch that books. That's a turtore :(
Well it's 10pm and i'm still up doing my projects. I mean yeah sure I'm usually still awake at this time but NOT for doing homework. But today's just different. I had study my economy, remembering there'll be a weektest and it's about economy. I had TRY to do my math homework which I didn't understand the most of it. And now, I just finished my physics project which is about making a paper of Van De Graaff generator. I AM SOOOOOO GLAD!
And now, according to my list, I still have economy project which is about money (deadline: 24 august). A biology project, which is about making a serviks cancer presentasion (deadline: thursday 13 august). An ICT project, which i still have to complete my products (deadline: TOMORROW). And a physics project, which is about making a presentation of Van De Graaff generator (deadline: WEDNESDAY). Heeem okay I think that's all. And you know what? Weektest just makes it worst!!!
I probably will ask my self if i'm still alive after finishing all of these STUFFS lol. This is just too much preasure i think. Ugh I'm depressed. Well not that worst, but the point is I'm not feeling okay at all. And I hate it!
Oh and the other worst part is: I HAVE GOT LIKE A LOT OF BOOKS TO READ! But since I haven't finish these whole project thing i think i can't even touch that books. That's a turtore :(
Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009
Everytime you lie
Sooooo i've just watched the JONAS series and wohoooo that's MAJOR COOL lol I was like SOOOOOO EXCITED to watch it.
And well about yesterday, I went to Artha Gading with my parents. I didn't know why but sudenly I lost my mood of spending money for clothes. So after eating lunch in the foodcourt, my mom was going to search for some clothes and i was like "I'll just go to disctara and maybe after that you'll find me in Gramedia", she let me.
I went to disctara with the will to get the newest demi lovato's cd "Here We Go Again" OH WOW i'm in love with the songs in there. Well i'm not hearing all the songs yet but I do like the songs that I've heard, I have some of them in my ipod. But unfortunately, when I asked the woman who worked there she said "Oh yes it have been here but I think it sold out. But wait i probably can search it for you" and I was waiting with the hope to get the cd but yeaaaah the fact said I couldn't have it just then so I'm leaving the store after searching some other cds but I didn't have any interest of them.
Then I changed my direction to Gramedia. I spent like A LOT of time in there. Yeah, I love bookstores, it's just like my HEAVEN :P And so I got a book called ANNE OF AVONLEA (this is the second book of anne's series. I had the first book called ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, i love this book:)) and a GO GIRL magazine. After that i met my parents and we headed home.
Hey hey I wanna share one of my favorite song from Here We Go Again's album. Well the truth is I really like to share about the HERE WE GO AGAIN song it self, but since Nchaa had write it in her blog so guess now I will share the song called EVERYTIME YOU LIE :)
And well about yesterday, I went to Artha Gading with my parents. I didn't know why but sudenly I lost my mood of spending money for clothes. So after eating lunch in the foodcourt, my mom was going to search for some clothes and i was like "I'll just go to disctara and maybe after that you'll find me in Gramedia", she let me.
I went to disctara with the will to get the newest demi lovato's cd "Here We Go Again" OH WOW i'm in love with the songs in there. Well i'm not hearing all the songs yet but I do like the songs that I've heard, I have some of them in my ipod. But unfortunately, when I asked the woman who worked there she said "Oh yes it have been here but I think it sold out. But wait i probably can search it for you" and I was waiting with the hope to get the cd but yeaaaah the fact said I couldn't have it just then so I'm leaving the store after searching some other cds but I didn't have any interest of them.
Then I changed my direction to Gramedia. I spent like A LOT of time in there. Yeah, I love bookstores, it's just like my HEAVEN :P And so I got a book called ANNE OF AVONLEA (this is the second book of anne's series. I had the first book called ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, i love this book:)) and a GO GIRL magazine. After that i met my parents and we headed home.
Hey hey I wanna share one of my favorite song from Here We Go Again's album. Well the truth is I really like to share about the HERE WE GO AGAIN song it self, but since Nchaa had write it in her blog so guess now I will share the song called EVERYTIME YOU LIE :)
Now you told me on a Sunday
That it wasn't gonna work
I tried to cry myself to sleep
'Cause it was supposed to hurt
We sat next to the fire
As the flame was burning out
I knew what you were thinking
Before youd say it aloud
Don't say you're sorry
'Cause i'm not even breaking
You're not worth the time that this is taking
I knew better
Than to let you break my heart
The soul you'll never see again
Won't be showing scars
You still love her
I can see it in your eyes
The truth is all that I can hear
Everytime you lie
Everytime you lie
Everytime you lie
I woke up the next morning
With a smile on my face
And a long list of gentlemen
Happy to take your place
Less trashier, Much classier
Then who you prove to be
How long's it gonna take before
You see that she's no me
I knew better
Than to let you break my heart
The soul you'll never see again
Won't be showing scars
Oh no no
You still love her
I can see it in your eyes
The truth is all that I can hear
Everytime you lie
At night, awake
I will be sleeping till morning breaks
That's the price you pay for your mistakes
Goodbye to dreaming
So don't say you're sorry
'Cause I'm not gonna listen
I knew better
Than to let you break my heart
The soul you'll never see again
Won't be showing scars
Oh no no
You still love her
I can see it in your eyes
The truth is all that I can hear
Everytime you lie
Everytime you lie
Don't say you're sorry
Everytime you lie
Don't say you're sorry
The truth is all that I can hear
Everytime you lie
That it wasn't gonna work
I tried to cry myself to sleep
'Cause it was supposed to hurt
We sat next to the fire
As the flame was burning out
I knew what you were thinking
Before youd say it aloud
Don't say you're sorry
'Cause i'm not even breaking
You're not worth the time that this is taking
I knew better
Than to let you break my heart
The soul you'll never see again
Won't be showing scars
You still love her
I can see it in your eyes
The truth is all that I can hear
Everytime you lie
Everytime you lie
Everytime you lie
I woke up the next morning
With a smile on my face
And a long list of gentlemen
Happy to take your place
Less trashier, Much classier
Then who you prove to be
How long's it gonna take before
You see that she's no me
I knew better
Than to let you break my heart
The soul you'll never see again
Won't be showing scars
Oh no no
You still love her
I can see it in your eyes
The truth is all that I can hear
Everytime you lie
At night, awake
I will be sleeping till morning breaks
That's the price you pay for your mistakes
Goodbye to dreaming
So don't say you're sorry
'Cause I'm not gonna listen
I knew better
Than to let you break my heart
The soul you'll never see again
Won't be showing scars
Oh no no
You still love her
I can see it in your eyes
The truth is all that I can hear
Everytime you lie
Everytime you lie
Don't say you're sorry
Everytime you lie
Don't say you're sorry
The truth is all that I can hear
Everytime you lie
What is this about?
my favorites,
Some stories
Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009
Biggest fear of mine; falling
When you fall;
you see things the different way
you learn new things
you try your best so you can get up
you know who will help you to stand up
you cry because it hurts so bad
and you know what's your biggest fear
I'm afraid of falling
I've fallen so many times that I can't even remember
I hate falling,
But it looks like the word 'falling' it self likes me
I tried to avoid it
I gave my best so I will not fall
But then again, no matter how hard I've tried,
I always FALL
Yes, falling is my biggest fear.
you see things the different way
you learn new things
you try your best so you can get up
you know who will help you to stand up
you cry because it hurts so bad
and you know what's your biggest fear
I'm afraid of falling
I've fallen so many times that I can't even remember
I hate falling,
But it looks like the word 'falling' it self likes me
I tried to avoid it
I gave my best so I will not fall
But then again, no matter how hard I've tried,
I always FALL
Yes, falling is my biggest fear.
Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009
You see,
I'm laughing out loud
But you don't see
I'm crying even more louder
Oh no, you won't
I'm laughing out loud
But you don't see
I'm crying even more louder
Oh no, you won't
Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009
Hey you! Long time no see, did you miss me? Hahaha okey first of all, I wanna say that I'm very sad to hear the death of Mbah Surip. You know, the one who used to sing 'Tak Gendong'. May you rest in peace.
And second, I wanna apologize to you all because I barely could write anything in this blog. That happened because I'm a nine grader now and being an nine grader sure isn't easy AT ALL. I have to study more and the teachers give us SOOOO MANY homeworks, tests, yeah that kind of stuffs. But I promise, I'll update this blog as soon as I get time, kay?
Okay, now the third. I wanna share my draws with all of you.
I did this with Nchaa, and Dwima as our model. Sooo last Monday I was having a religion lesson. Unfortunately Mr Asep didn't come and we have to do our test with Ms. Nita. I have to admit that I totally FORGOT that there would be a test so I just di
d my best, what else could I do?
After doing my test, i was feeling REALLY BORED so I started fooling around with Nchaa and Dwima. I don't know how it starte but it seems like it ended wit
h me and Nchaa doodling with Dwima as our model. Wanna s
ee? Sure, here!

Click the pic for a larger view
Okay, I'll explain it to you. The fisrt picture, as you can see. It's Dwima when he's wearing school uniform, the second one is Dwima with his reebok sweater which is still in my house right now. Well I borrowed it last friday and he tld me to washed it so I did it and it still in my house hehe. And the last one it's Dwima wearing a...... bikini. Eeeeergh kinda creepy isn't it?
To Dwima. I'm really really sorry dear lol but I just couldn't stop laughing everytime I saw this HAHAHAHA. Peace out ya Dwima XD
What is this about?
my favorites,
Some stories
Jumat, 31 Juli 2009
Love letter
Rise and shine, people :)
Eh nggak kerasa ya udah Agustus aja cepet banget rasanya beneran deh nggak boong. Agustus berarti kan bentar lagi 17an ya hahaha gatau kenapa gue semangat banget setiap deket deket tanggal 17 Agustus. Pada ada acara apa 17an? Gue gagitu semangat buat acara di kompleks rumah gue tapi gue semangat buat acara 17an di sekolah.
Jadi ceritanya tanggal 14 Agustus nanti, hari Jum'at gitu biasa bakal ada lomba lomba gitu. Padahal kayaknya baru berapa bulan yang lalu gitu gue ngerayain 17an sama kakak kakak yang sekarang udah lulus, sama adek adek kelas yang masih cuman satu satunya, sama temen temen seangkatan dan itu SERU BANGET. Pake ada segala lomba tarik tambang yang memakan banyak korban. Ada yang tangannya kepelintir lah lecet lah pingsan aduh segala macem! Seru! Kocak! Terus 8A menang juara 1 lomba yel yel. ITU MEMBANGGAKAN SEKALI SAUDARA! Mengingat kita nggak menang apa apa lagi selain itu haha. Kangeeeeen :')
Okeoke sekarang gangebahas itu lagi. Kalo mau cerita lengkapnya cari aja lah di postingan postingan gue yang sebelumnya yang bulan Agustus 2008, pasti nemu deh.
Heeem berhubung acara 17 itu selalu diurusin sama OSIS dan kebetulan (yang menyenangkan) tahun ini gue adalah salah satu dari pengurus OSIS, jadi kemarin hari Jum'at, 31 Juli 2009 OSG DUDEDUSEM mengadakan rapat 17an dipimpin oleh Iput sang wakil karena si bonita lagi basket. Kocak bet, gue selalu suka rapat OSIS. Kita ngomongin segala lomba, jamnya, terus PIC nya, guru pendampingnya terus pake ada perdebatan perdebatan gapenting. ADUH BENTAR LAGI LEPAS JABATAN PASTI BAKAL KANGEN :(
Nah selese rapat OSIS dengan hasil gue sama Nchaa sebagai PIC lomba giring terong dengan guru pendamping Mr. Primus, gue pindah duduk ke sebelah Nchaa dan melaksanakan sebuah project 'TOP SECRET' bersama Firas. Ngapain? BIKIN SURAT CINTA DONG hahaha.
Nggak tau gimana ceritanya, kayaknya anak anak kelas 7 pada ketagihan bikin surat cinta gitu buat kakak kakak kelasnya semenjak kita suruh mereka bikin surat cinta pas MOS. Si Nchaa dikasih, si Dwima dikasih, si Dendy dikasih, tapi si Dwipa nggak dikasih. Jadi sebagai teman yang baik Nchaa menawarkan diri untuk membuat surat cinta untuk seorang Dwipa Hamzah. Jadilah dengan bantuan gue dan Firas, adek kelas kita, surat itu berhasil dengan sukses mengundang tawa hebat dari mulut. Asli dah yak itu surah gaul abis kocak bet ini nih kemaren kita foto buat dokumentasi.
Eh nggak kerasa ya udah Agustus aja cepet banget rasanya beneran deh nggak boong. Agustus berarti kan bentar lagi 17an ya hahaha gatau kenapa gue semangat banget setiap deket deket tanggal 17 Agustus. Pada ada acara apa 17an? Gue gagitu semangat buat acara di kompleks rumah gue tapi gue semangat buat acara 17an di sekolah.
Jadi ceritanya tanggal 14 Agustus nanti, hari Jum'at gitu biasa bakal ada lomba lomba gitu. Padahal kayaknya baru berapa bulan yang lalu gitu gue ngerayain 17an sama kakak kakak yang sekarang udah lulus, sama adek adek kelas yang masih cuman satu satunya, sama temen temen seangkatan dan itu SERU BANGET. Pake ada segala lomba tarik tambang yang memakan banyak korban. Ada yang tangannya kepelintir lah lecet lah pingsan aduh segala macem! Seru! Kocak! Terus 8A menang juara 1 lomba yel yel. ITU MEMBANGGAKAN SEKALI SAUDARA! Mengingat kita nggak menang apa apa lagi selain itu haha. Kangeeeeen :')
Okeoke sekarang gangebahas itu lagi. Kalo mau cerita lengkapnya cari aja lah di postingan postingan gue yang sebelumnya yang bulan Agustus 2008, pasti nemu deh.
Heeem berhubung acara 17 itu selalu diurusin sama OSIS dan kebetulan (yang menyenangkan) tahun ini gue adalah salah satu dari pengurus OSIS, jadi kemarin hari Jum'at, 31 Juli 2009 OSG DUDEDUSEM mengadakan rapat 17an dipimpin oleh Iput sang wakil karena si bonita lagi basket. Kocak bet, gue selalu suka rapat OSIS. Kita ngomongin segala lomba, jamnya, terus PIC nya, guru pendampingnya terus pake ada perdebatan perdebatan gapenting. ADUH BENTAR LAGI LEPAS JABATAN PASTI BAKAL KANGEN :(
Nah selese rapat OSIS dengan hasil gue sama Nchaa sebagai PIC lomba giring terong dengan guru pendamping Mr. Primus, gue pindah duduk ke sebelah Nchaa dan melaksanakan sebuah project 'TOP SECRET' bersama Firas. Ngapain? BIKIN SURAT CINTA DONG hahaha.
Nggak tau gimana ceritanya, kayaknya anak anak kelas 7 pada ketagihan bikin surat cinta gitu buat kakak kakak kelasnya semenjak kita suruh mereka bikin surat cinta pas MOS. Si Nchaa dikasih, si Dwima dikasih, si Dendy dikasih, tapi si Dwipa nggak dikasih. Jadi sebagai teman yang baik Nchaa menawarkan diri untuk membuat surat cinta untuk seorang Dwipa Hamzah. Jadilah dengan bantuan gue dan Firas, adek kelas kita, surat itu berhasil dengan sukses mengundang tawa hebat dari mulut. Asli dah yak itu surah gaul abis kocak bet ini nih kemaren kita foto buat dokumentasi.
Kamis, 30 Juli 2009
Fallin' for you
Waaaaaw I can't believe I finished all of the works. Nine gread is tough.... :(
So, how are you guys doing? Me? Oh I'm wonderful! Why? Because there'll be no weektest for tomorrow. Yeaaaah even though i still have an indonesian speaking test. But imagine, no weektest! If you ask me, yes I don't like weektest. Emmm well, besides the fact that the first break time will be the same time as the senior high's break time ofcourse :P
By the way, I'm feeling bored right now. Just finished moving all of my shoots today from my camera into the computer and feeling like wanna update my lovely flickr-y. Oh ya Good news! I got 100 for my english quiz. 90 for my math weektest. 89 for my Biology weektest. 80 for my physics. When I told my parents about that, my dad said: 'Great start'. And my mother claped her hands for me :)
Emmmm I want to write something but I really don't know what to write. Well I guess I'm gonna tell you about this song I really like. It's called Fallin' for you, by Colbie Caillat.
So, how are you guys doing? Me? Oh I'm wonderful! Why? Because there'll be no weektest for tomorrow. Yeaaaah even though i still have an indonesian speaking test. But imagine, no weektest! If you ask me, yes I don't like weektest. Emmm well, besides the fact that the first break time will be the same time as the senior high's break time ofcourse :P
By the way, I'm feeling bored right now. Just finished moving all of my shoots today from my camera into the computer and feeling like wanna update my lovely flickr-y. Oh ya Good news! I got 100 for my english quiz. 90 for my math weektest. 89 for my Biology weektest. 80 for my physics. When I told my parents about that, my dad said: 'Great start'. And my mother claped her hands for me :)
Emmmm I want to write something but I really don't know what to write. Well I guess I'm gonna tell you about this song I really like. It's called Fallin' for you, by Colbie Caillat.
I don’t know but
I think I maybe
Fallin’ for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
Keep this to myself
Waiting ’til I
Know you better
I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
As I’m standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It’s just you and me
I’m trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh I just can’t take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I can’t stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can’t hide it
I think I’m fallin’ for you (x2)
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh no no
Oh I’m fallin’ for you
I think I maybe
Fallin’ for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
Keep this to myself
Waiting ’til I
Know you better
I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
As I’m standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It’s just you and me
I’m trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh I just can’t take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I can’t stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can’t hide it
I think I’m fallin’ for you (x2)
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh no no
Oh I’m fallin’ for you
Colbie Caillat is just ah-mazing. Her voice sounds like an angel. I LOVE HER :) <3>
Oh yes! You should hear this! It's worth listening. Trust me! Emmm well just search it on youtube or somewhere else or download it yah whatever you want. I'm just to lazy to upload the song for you. Maybe later.
Okay then, I'm going to school tomorrow so I've to wake up early or else I'm gonna be late... and I don't get a chance to see 'him' on the morning lol. Bye, goodnight folks, I LOVE YA!
Oh yes! You should hear this! It's worth listening. Trust me! Emmm well just search it on youtube or somewhere else or download it yah whatever you want. I'm just to lazy to upload the song for you. Maybe later.
Okay then, I'm going to school tomorrow so I've to wake up early or else I'm gonna be late... and I don't get a chance to see 'him' on the morning lol. Bye, goodnight folks, I LOVE YA!
What is this about?
my favorites,
Some stories,
Things called love
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