Selasa, 11 Desember 2012


Love is,
When you wanted to go to theater but turned out the theater had a very, i mean, VERY long queue, then you decided to cancel the plan and went to Gramedia instead. So you walked around Gramedia, examining every single aisle for about 2 hours and finally came out with just a set of mechanic pencil and 4 sharpies. Afterward, because you were carving for a cold drink you went towards JCo, but everything that you wanted happened to be not available. So you went to Dunkin Donuts, bought only 2 doughnuts because of financial limit, and got confused over drinks. You ended up sharing the drinks and doughnuts while having a pointless conversation about not-so-important topics, and playing with the spinning table. Suddenly you felt like buying a board game, monopoli. Of you went on a hunt for that monopoli, you found it and went home.
That, for me is love. 
When you do ordinary stuffs with your loved one, and you come home smiling and thinking that it was the best day ever.

Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Boys will always be boys

Spent my afternoon with the boys at Adam's place. Since Dwima was going to Plaza Semanggi, Dwipa had nowhere to go and he didn't want to go home either, so I asked him to come and join me with Adam. We weren't planning on going to Adam's place in the first place, but since Dwipa's place was too far and mine was no fun (at least for me) we decided to go to Adam's.

We basically did nothing. We were planning on covering songs but ended up being a lazy ass on the sofa. We watched videos on youtube, and laughed. We played guitar and sing, then laughed some more. I even fell asleep as the boys were on youtube being busy.

Then we ate dinner, bought some nasi uduk that Adam had been promising me for such a long time. We were so hungry we ordered a lot. But I was in no worry because I knew the boys would finish them all. Bought the nasi uduk home and we ate at Adam's with his mother watching us eating like pigs, why she didn't eat? Of course it was not because we didn't offer her, we did offer her the food but she refused, saying that she wasn't hungry.

After dinner, we laughed some more. We explored Adam's room and all of his stuffs. The boys ended up being crazy and as usual, I was always the one who laughed. No matter how stupid their jokes is or how dumb they are being.

No matter how old they are, boys are, and will always be boys. And I love them for that.
Thank you for the afternoon and evening, lads.
I've had some good laugh.

Bali Dance Performance

Sunday, 9 December 2012.
I finally finished my 4th Bali dance. After months and months of not coming to the practice, body aches after finally practicing for a couple of times, and struggling to remember every move and matching them with a very unusual beat of the Tabuh music.

I dance the Puspawresti dance on Sunday. Puspawresti means Flower rain in Bahasa. This dance is usually performed by a group of girls with a bowl of flowers and boys holding a spear in order to welcome the guests that come to their village.

While my little sister, ami, danced the Manukware dance. This is quite a funny and exciting dance, very fast in beat if I may say. Manukware dance tells the story of a group of birds who are playing around flying and stuffs. It was so fun seeing little girls jumping and running and dancing on the stage.

Senin, 26 November 2012

Thank you, Loves

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to me!
Can you believe that I am no longer 17 now? I'm freakin 18 and somehow that scares me. I'm in no far of being 20. Life sure gone by so fast ya? Hm. But one of my friend said that it doesn't matter, what's really matter is that you enjoy your life to the fullest, and I agree.

Well, I turned 18 on Sunday, 11 November 2012, and I honestly never thought that my friends were going to do a wake-up-surprise for me. I was on the ugliest state of face and my pose really wasn't appropriate to be displayed but in they went to my room anyway. They were singing "Happy birthday" and I immediately woke up and buried my face in the pillow with none other reason but to hide my ugly after bed face. After they finished with the song I blew the candles on the Blueberry Cheesecake, I then went to hug my father who was apparently in charge of filming the surprise, he hugged me back and said "Happy birthday, beautiful." Tears started forming at the corner of my eyes but I held it back. After that I went to hug and to high-five my dearest friends and of course my lovingly sweet and caring boyfriend.

As life went on, we ended up at my dining table (after a few stops because of the hug attack from my little sisters). I cut the cake they brought me, the first cake definitely went to Papa, then Mama. My little sisters took the 3rd and 4th place. Adam came 5th and the rest I gave it to my friends with no particular order. The cake was delicious, but since I just wake up i couldn't eat much, I let my friends finish the rest of it.

My sweet indulging Blueberry Birthday Cheesecake!

The cake was gone, replaced by a big mountain of Nasi Uduk with sambal kacang, eggs, and fried chicken made by my mother. Oh mother you know me so well, I love you! My friends, who really really really loves to eat immediately went for a plate of everything.

After the meal, as he had promised me, Adam took his guitar and sang me songs. The first one was Little Things by One Direction. I absolutelybloodylutely in love with this song. The lyrics are just so touching and not exaggerating. One song down, 1 more to go. Next song was a sudden request for me, it was my song. The song that he wrote for me. It was overwhelmingly sweet, actually it was my 2nd anniversary gift from him. Isn't he a keeper? <3 p="p">

He's an amazing guitar player and believe it or not, he CAN sing :)

So that's it. I'm not gonna blabber much about my birthday. All i want to say that I thank all of you for the birthday wishes on bbm, for the birthday voice notes, for the birthday mentions on twitter, and for the birthday comments on facebook. I love you i love you i love you i love you all without exceptions.

Thank you, loves.
Hugs and kisses attack.
I'm 18 now :)

Kamis, 22 November 2012


People say that experience is the best teacher, but what if you never learn from it?

Been there done that.
First it was 3 years ago. I still remember how it made me feel, I still remember how I cried every time I had the chance to. I still remember how that was the worst valentine's day in my entire years I've lived in.

Then I got back up and live normally facing each day without thinking of anything that are related to you. But you came back. As much as I wanted to hate you I couldn't. So I gave up and I gave in. I have to admit that I loved the feeling, and just as I thought the magical moment vanished without any notices. Leaving nothing behind but me cursing myself of being such a fool.

I watched you came and left, in and out of so many beautiful souls and never have I dreamt of being greeted by you ever again.

It was my birthday, you finally decided to came back into my life, on my birthday. Once again, as much as I wanted to hate you I just couldn't do it. I don't exactly know why but though you've broken my heart so many times I keep feeling that excitement, happiness, and nervousness every time you greeted me. Every time.

It was sweet. It was every thing I could ask for except that we might not be destinied together. And you know how it ends right? Yes. Once again I'm making a fool out of myself for still hanging hopes too high. For actually hoping it would have a different ending this time.

To tell you the truth this is by far the most hurtful heart broken that I've ever felt. I'm not even kidding, neither do I joke. For the first time we shared our true feelings towards each other (though they are all still a bit vague because we don't really know what are the feelings called) and for the first time I let out all of my disappointments and it still ends badly.

You may not want to say goodbye, but I do.
Thank you for stopping by, it really means a lot for me. It was sweet, it was beautiful, and I feel so loved. I knew it would never worked out between us. I'm gonna be missing you, so much, and I'm not just saying. Then again, at the begging of this I told you not to pour salt in the old scar but yeah who am I kidding? It's not you without a handful of salt ready to be poured to the re-opened old wound.

Such lovely short time we had.

Quotes from My Precious Ones

"To be strong and to enjoy every second of doing something that you love." -Dwipa Hamzah Tjakranegara

"Don't let the negatives over power the positives, you've got a lot of potentials in you." -Adam Putra Laksana

"What if you stop asking pessimistic question and start thinking of making new ways? We are born to solve problems." -Orista Primadewa Hadiwiardjo

Senin, 24 September 2012

Dear Haters,

Honestly, what's wrong with you?
We never disturb you, why are you interfering us?
We're just trying to start something here, something that might bring us to success. It's not our fault you're not doing the same thing, and it's not your right either to stop us from doing it.

Why? You're feeling threatened? You're afraid we'll be more well known than you?
Then do something useful instead of making fun of us.
We are not trying to be mean here, instead we're just going to pretend like this is never happened, we are not hearing any words you said about us. We are deaf and blind from any of those mocking words and acts.

We are sorry to disappoint you, but we are who we are.
You want to be friends with us, then you are very welcome.
You don't like us? Then who cares?

'Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate'

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

The oldest batch of the school

21 Juli 2012, 11:46

Halo! Gue nulis di sini udah sebagai anak kelas 12 SMA sekarang. Sudah gede sudah berumur 17 tahun dari sekitar 8 bulan yang lalu yang berarti sebentar lagi udah mau ulang tahun lagi yang ke 18 tahun. Apa rasanya? TUA! Temen-temen yang lain baru ulang tahun ke 17 tahun ini sedangkan gue udah mau 18 aja. Hhhhh begini lah derita anak lahir di pasca bulan Juli. Serba tanggung.

By the way, tebak gue masuk kelas apa dan sekelas sama siapa? XII SCIENCE 1 dan sekelas sama ADAM PUTRA LAKSANA. Well, gue enggak tau apa alasannya, karena berhubung ada peraturan nggak tertulis bahwa orang-orang yang ketahuan pacaran enggak akan pernah sekelas, tapi gue sih terima aja, Alhadulillah :)

Lihat nih, buku gue sekarang tulisannya udah begini nih............

                                        udah bukan XI Science 1 lagi ;)

Apa rasanya jadi anak kelas 12? Jadi angkatan paling tua satu sekolah? Rasanya well, indiscribable. Antara proud tapi nervous tapi excited tapi anxious ya gitu deh. Tapi harus berani, udah sejauh ini udah nggak bisa mundur lagi dan nggak bisa keluar dengan pencapaian yang biasa aja. Harus yang terbaik! Udah kelas 12 belajar harus bener, harus fokus nggak boleh macem-macem, harus bisa manage waktu, harus rajin, kurangin main........ sedikit. Pokoknya harus bisa dapet kuliah impian, biar sukses, biar semuanya yang diimpikan tercapai.

Lulus dari SMA Global Prestasi School dengan nilai yang maksimal
September 2013 jadi mahasiswi interior arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia.

Amin o:)

Cheers, loves <3

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Where the Real Laughter Comes

Selamat malam semuanya, selamat bulan April! Kerasa cepet banget nggak sih? Sebenarnya ini klise banget tapi pengen banget mengungkapkan yang sebenernya gue rasain, rasanya baru juga kemaren lulus UN SMP dan gak sabar pengen ngerasain jadi anak SMA,baru kemaren kelas 10 dan berharap-harap masuk IPA di kelas 11nya yang alhamdulillah jadi kenyataan, dan jeng jeng! sekarang udah kelas 11 semester 2 aja. Kelas 12 udah mau UN, udah mau lulus dan sebentar lagi gue dan teman-teman pun juga akan merasakan tekanan batin yang dirasain sama para senior saat ini.

Kisah SMA gue ternyata nggak seperti yang gue bayangkan, yah walaupun belom lulus dan masih setengah jalan, mungkin akan terjadi sesuatu nanti yang only God knows what, tapi bisa dibilang kenyataan kehidupan SMA gue itu jauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh dari apa yang dulu gue pikirin waktu masih pake seragam putih biru.

Blog ini dan para pembacanya udah membaca dan menyaksikan masa SMA gue yang kayaknya tak putus dirundung malang banget. Coba discroll ke bawah dan baca tulisan-tulisan gue sebelum ini, pasti kalian bakal mikir, 'gila banget hidup lo Triss nggak ada senengnya apa? Nggak mati aja sekalian?' Oke itu berlebihan gue tau.

Nah kita mulai masuk ke bagian inti blog ini nih setelah basa-basa sepanjang 3 paragraf, jadi maksud gue di sini adalah gue mau mengklarifikasi 1 hal, setelah gue merenung akhirnya gue menyadari bahwa, what the hell was I thinking? Hidup gue nggak semerana itu. Ya, mungkin ada hari-hari dimana rasanya berat banget harus ngejalanin hidup dengan seragam putih abu-abu dengan tuntutan belajar setinggi puncak jaya wijaya tapi ya itu hidup itu kewajiban gue, ehm kita. Tapi.............. di masa SMA inilah gue menemukan suatu titik terang di antara awan-awan mendung (re:tugas dan ulangan). Setelah berbulan-bulan nggak merasakan ketawa yang sebenarnya yang sampe nggak bisa berenti yang sampe guling-guling dan sakit perut, finally gue ngerasain itu lagi. Gimana ceritanya? Ceritanya gue ketemu makhluk-makhluk ajaib yang
menyebut diri mereka DEONEIO!

Ya, DEONEIO. Sekelompok boca-bocah tengil gila nan kreatif yang selalu bisa ngubah apapun jadi tawa. Jatuh cinta. Ya, gue jatuh cinta sama mereka. Karena mereka ini akhirnya gue bisa ngerasain lagi gimana leganya ketawa lepas. Sebenernya kami
udah nggak asing dengan satu sama lain karena kami emang satu SMP. Oh ya, kecuali satu orang yang mana satu orang ini adalah satu-satunya temen satu gender gue. Deoneio bukan geng, cuma sekelompok anak yang terdiri dari 7 laki-laki yaitu Oris, Adam, Dwima, Dwipa, Najib, Oscar, Eka, dan 2 perempuan yaitu intan dan gue sendiri. Hobi kami nggak macem-macem cuma ketawa, karaoke, bikin film, nonton film, dan makan. Jadi nggak susah kalau ngumpul, dimana aja asal bisa melakukan kegiantan-kegiatan seperti yang disebut tadi nggak ada masalah buat kita. Tapi biasanya sih homebase kita di rumah Oris.

Banyak banget cerita tentang Deoneio dan kalaupun mau diceritain satu-satu juga nggak akan bisa karena gue enggak mau bikin kalian bosen dengan tulisan super panjang gue ini. Jadi akan gue sudahi dulu sampai sini, nanti dilain kesempatan kal
au ada waktu gue mungkin bakal cerita lebih banyak mengenai hari-hari gue sama Deioneio. Yang jelas yang pengen gue bilang sebagai kalimat penutup gue adalah, gue nggak nyesel kok SMA, gue malah bersyukur banget karena kalo nggak SMA gue nggak bakal punya pengalaman-pengalaman seru kayak pengalaman gue bareng Deoneio.

Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Would a psychologist be too much?

This might be another post that contains a negative atmosphere.

Sometimes I often feel like I have nothing to be proud of, like I can't totally be good at something, like everything I do everyone does it better than me. And I got to the point where I sank to the deepest of despairs. I actually talked about this with Adam a few days ago but I didn't quite poor it all out because I was afraid my tears would just drop. Well I can't cry in the public, uhm I actually can but who wants to see my horrible crying face. Oh sorry out of topic.
I think I need a psychologist, It might sound kind of over the top, but with the situation I have now, the very quick change of emotions and all, I think I at least need just one appointment with a psychologist, just to talk and pour my heart out and maybe get a solution on how to deal with the life i got now. Because I'm telling you honestly, it's tiring. Everyday I wish the weekend would come faster and last forever.

Goodnight from the tired high school girl who still hasn't found the 'fun' in high school. yet.

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Help, anyone?

Ever since high school started things just gone from almost perfect to totally ruined. I don't know, I feel like there's nothing right anymore. Seems like I can't do anything right. Things just got worse and worse than before.
I thought this year would be the best year of high school, I thought the bad things were already left behind. Well, I thought wrong.
I'm not enjoying life. I got nothing to be proud on. I feel like I'm nobody. I'm starting to lose hope and faith.
Is there anyone who can help me?

Light bulb!

Having an idea about what to give to him on val's day. The thing is, I'm not sure if I would have enough time to do it. All of these homeworks and tests and projects are killing me slowly. Plus my laziness decides to increase its level. Oh my my.

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

To do list

I really need to STOP procrastinating!
I really need to FOCUS
I really need to STOP having negative thoughts
I really need to WORK HARDER

I really need to STOP writing about things
I really need to DO these things.

Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Lets start

Gotta learn to let things go.

Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

How I roll

I am gaining weight and I'm freaking out!
Need. to. start. working. out.
My uniforms barely fit me now, especially those freaking skirts. I can't place them in the right place because my belly is HUGE. okay so not huge, but it's way over the limit.
You may think that I'm overreacting, it's fine. But I need my body in the right size. Since I'm not tall, I feel like I have to maintain my body in the right shape. I cannot go out and feel confident about myself if I know that my belly, my arms, and my tights are off their limit. Confidence people! I need those things to be smaller and flatter in order to gain my confidence.
Hey, this is just how I roll. Got a problem? Don't even bother reading this, kay? ;)