Senin, 24 September 2012

Dear Haters,

Honestly, what's wrong with you?
We never disturb you, why are you interfering us?
We're just trying to start something here, something that might bring us to success. It's not our fault you're not doing the same thing, and it's not your right either to stop us from doing it.

Why? You're feeling threatened? You're afraid we'll be more well known than you?
Then do something useful instead of making fun of us.
We are not trying to be mean here, instead we're just going to pretend like this is never happened, we are not hearing any words you said about us. We are deaf and blind from any of those mocking words and acts.

We are sorry to disappoint you, but we are who we are.
You want to be friends with us, then you are very welcome.
You don't like us? Then who cares?

'Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate'

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