Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Four, Three

I was so happy! Watching movie with all of my Recoureveuns and teachers. Who's not happy? We watched Shutter Island at Metropolitan Mall. That was once in a life time moment. Makin berat dan makin gak rela ninggalin SMP kalau begini caranya hahaha. Best moment ever, I won't forget it. Can't even describe what i felt, it's just, untold. I LOVE YOU ALL, LIKE... ALOT!

3 more days
to go...
No school for today. The teacher called this as silent day. I spent the whole day at home. Getting up early, studying, taking nap, eating, yeah that kind of stuff. Boring, but relaxing.

Hey, i miss Adam. Where the hell is he? He said he had no pulse so he couldn't text me. Don't you know i'm dying here to hear anything about you :(
By the way, tomorrow's our 6 months monthlyversary ;)

God bless me and my Recoureveuns for facing the national exam,
catch ya later, goodnight,
I love you, oh and yes you too :*

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Six, Five

6 more days to go...

I was major happy to know that i got REALLY good scores for my tryout. As you've already known that i got 92 for my math. I also got 92 for indonesian (i'm the highest <3). On the following day i got 88 for my english and i got 86 for my science. Imagine how happy i was :D

5 days before 'the day'...

Math and indonesian tryout today, and guess what? My score is increasing! I got 95 for math and 84 for indonesian. Haaaaaaa thankyou God thankyou thankyou thankyou! I hope that my scores will increase more more and more until the national exam.
Ehm, i'm not feeling good today. I think i'm sick. Gotta have some rest then study for science and english.

Pray for me, would you?
I love you more than you know :*

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Nine, eight, seven

Nine days before the day
I felt sooooooo lazy to go to school for doing saturday program. The reason? I was REAL tired. But unfortunately my mommy won't let me. When i asked her to skip the saturday program, she said no. So i did it. I attended the saturday program thing. And you know what? I was glad that i followed what my mommy said. Surprisingly it was the last saturday program. I thought there'll be once more saturday program before the national exam but the teachers were somehow being kind enough to give us a silent day. Thankyou teachers :)

Eight more days to go
Nothing special actually.
Just studying for monday's tryouts; math and indonesia
I really wished i could do well and get really good scores.

Seven more days to count
I did it! Yes i did it!
After all the bad scores finally i got good and satisfying scores for today's tryouts.
You know? I got NINTYTWO for math. That really made my day. I am happyyyyyyyyy :D
Well i don't know yet about the indonesian score. But according to the manual check i guess i could get 92 or 94. Let's just hope. Okay?
Okay, tomorrow's gonna be sciemce and english tryout. Wish me luck would you?
I believe that i can get good scores too for these tests.

God bless me and my Recoureveuns,
Officially yours :*

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010


10 days people! 10 days left until 'the day'
Hari ini semua berjalan dengan baik alhamdulillah. Walaupun nilai IPA gue gak begitu memuaskan tapi mendinglah. Gue masih dapet 70 dan itu gue bersyukur banget. Makasih ya Allah.

Ohiya, lo harus tau! Tadi pelajaran terakhir kan pelajaran fisika, seperti biasa kita disuruh ngerjain soal gitu terus periksa bareng dan di nilai. Gue dapet hmm 85. Peningkatan! Selama ini gue cuma dapet 65-75 doang hehe.
Nah pas udah selesai tuh tibatiba Mam Yuli masuk bagiin jadwal buat minggu depan. Terus waktu Mam Yuli keluar lagi sebagian anak pada ngelilingin Mr Andre dengan tujuan ingin melihat jadwal. Entah darimana asalnya tibatiba orang-orang pada salam-salaman sambil ngucapin "Semoga sukses UN ya" dan ujung-ujungnya anak-anak 9B pada buat lingkaran terus kita ngucapin keinginan kita satu persatu.

Pertama seperti biasa gilirannya Reyhan si 'Lord 9BOOM4X' terus berlanjut ke yang lain lain. Kalo dirangkum semua kira-kira inti dari doa kita adalah:

1. Lulus UN 100%
2. Rata-rata kelas 9B paling tinggi satu angkatan
3. Tetep kompak walaupun udah pisah
4. Jangan lupa sama kenangan-kenangan di 9B

Dan setiap orang yang ngucapin doa diaminin sama anak-anak lainnya. Selesainya kita 'tos reyhan' lengkap dengan 'tepuk reyhan'. Terus kita duduk dan mulai bermusik. Tadinya cuma Ellen sama Chacha ngetok ngetok meja, yg lain ikutan, sisanya nyanyi 'Rey.....han....! Eeeee.... sambil nulis! Heeeello sodara, siapa yg salah! Rey.... han....! Han..... Rey....! Rey rey rey? Han han han!' SUMPAH SERU BANGET. Gue ngingetnya pengen nangis yampun 9B the greatest of all dah pokoknya. Nanti perpisahan kita harus jadi ke Anyer ya. Ingat itu... HARUS! :'D

Oke deh sekian dulu dari saya, mau les piano nih~

Goodbye, have a goodnight,

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

A text

Gue masih kangen rupanya udah lama nggak sharing di sini...

Jujur gue udah sering banget nangis garagara nilai TO. Gak tau kenapa gue kayak mendadak bego. GUE TAKUT. Takut banget. Sekarang gue jadi suka takut kalo mau TO math atau IPA karena gue takut lihat nilai akhirnya. Sekali lagi, GUE TAKUT. Yang parah adalah waktu gue tau IPA gue dapet 50, padahal gue yakin banget gue bisa ngerjainnya. Yang satu lagi gue nangis pas IPA gue dapet 62.5, tepat seminggu setelahnya. Sekali lagi itu karena gue kecewa sama nilai gue. Rasanya gue bisa ngerjainnya, gue yakin banget bisa dapet minimal 80. Tapi kenapa cuma segitu? Kenapa?

Yang terakhir kali gue nangis itu gue udah gak mood ngapangapain, pulang sekolah gue langsung pulang bahkan nggak ikut tambahan math. Gue pulang pun nggak bilang bilang langsung ngeloyor pergi aja saking emosinya. Tapi akhirnya sampe rumah gue berasa gak enak akhirnya gue sms adam, minta maaf karena pulang gak bilangbilang dan buruburu. Terus adam bilang nggak apaapa dan dia nanya kenapa tadi gue mendadak 'misterius'. Akhirnya gue ceritain deh semuanya. LO HARUS TAU! Gue ngetik smsnya sambil berlinang air mata haha so stupid.

Gue bilang kalo gue capek. Rasanya gue mau belajar kayak gimana juga nilai gue gak naik naik. Padahal orang orang percaya kalo gue bisa, mereka yakin gue bisa. Tapi dengan nilai gue yg sekarang begini gue takut. Gue takut banget gue bakal ngecewain mereka. Gue takut gue bakal kecewa sama diri gue sendiri. Gue capek, dan gue takut.

Terus dia bales begini...

"Kamu harus kuat, gak selamanya belajar itu menjadi kesempurnaan, mungkin kamu hrus nambah ketelitian, yang penting jangan negative thinking say, yang penting nilai akhirnya bagus. Kamu harus kuat ya"

OHMYGOD i cried even more when i saw that message. Entah kenapa gue jadi merasa bersalah banget gue ngeluh terus ini itu, gue cengeng banget sedangkan dia bisa sekuat itu. Gue egois banget kayaknya dan dia baiknya ampun ampunan.

He's the strong one and i know he'll always be there for me, i can always count on him. Thankyou thankyou thankyou adam, you made me realize how useless the tears were. You know i love you baby, untold :*

Intinya? Gue cuma mau nunjukin betapa baiknya adam itu hahahaha. Dan..... menangis dan menyesal gak bakal memperbaiki apapun. Jadi gue harus berjuang berjuang berjuang, buang jauh jauh pikiran 'gue-capek-belajar-karena-gak-bakal-ada-hasilnya' pasti ada, somehow pasti semua yg diperjuangin bakal ada hasilnya.

Can't stop saying i love you,
wish me luck for tomorrow's tryout, please? :)


11 more days to go and my scores are still BAD :(
I am scared. But i should calm myself. How can i face the exam if i'm afraid of it? Okay inhale..... exhale... I CAN DO IT.

Gue heran. Padahal gue udah belajar ya gue udah latihan latihan dan latihan, tapi lo tau? Math gue masih tetep stuck di 75. Udah 3 kali tryout berturut turut math gue tetep 75. Gak turun gak naik, teteeeeeep aja di situ. Muak gue.

Rasanya nilai math gue gapernah nyampe 80. Ada apasih? Apa gue kena kutukan atau apagitu ya Allah kenapa sih ini. IPA gue juga nih radarada. Padahal waktu itu sempet dapet 80 dan gue BANGGA BANGET. Eh abis itu mendadak turun jadi 50 tapi untung naik lagi. Tapi tetep aja cuma 62.5. Pokoknya TO IPA besok gue mesti dapet di atas 80. Please please please ya Allah jangan bikin panik begini. Sumpah deh gue jadi mendadak bego begini. Nilai gue bikin gue panik sendiri. GUE PANIK! Okay, calm down.

Okelah kalau begitu gue out sekarang. Mau puas puasin browsing dulu sebelum kembali menghadap buku pelajaran. Pray for me, would you? And also pray for my Recoureveuns.

I love you like always :*

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010


Urgent, urgent, urgent!
Only 12 more days left until the national exam.
OHMYGOD! How could it be that fast
Tomorrow my school's gonna hold the 9th tryout. Math tryout for the exact.
And what the hell i'm doing still writing this post on blogger? Silly me. Sorry, but i just can't help it :p
Okay, gotta go work on something else.
I've studied already, hope my score's gonna be more than 80. Amin.

Wish me luck,

P.S this is kinda weird. I don't know what happened. I just got this urgent feeling to post something and it turned out to be like this. Well whatever~