Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Four, Three

I was so happy! Watching movie with all of my Recoureveuns and teachers. Who's not happy? We watched Shutter Island at Metropolitan Mall. That was once in a life time moment. Makin berat dan makin gak rela ninggalin SMP kalau begini caranya hahaha. Best moment ever, I won't forget it. Can't even describe what i felt, it's just, untold. I LOVE YOU ALL, LIKE... ALOT!

3 more days
to go...
No school for today. The teacher called this as silent day. I spent the whole day at home. Getting up early, studying, taking nap, eating, yeah that kind of stuff. Boring, but relaxing.

Hey, i miss Adam. Where the hell is he? He said he had no pulse so he couldn't text me. Don't you know i'm dying here to hear anything about you :(
By the way, tomorrow's our 6 months monthlyversary ;)

God bless me and my Recoureveuns for facing the national exam,
catch ya later, goodnight,
I love you, oh and yes you too :*

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