Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Bengeeek -,-

Hell-o, what's up?
Me? I'm in a stress mood. Why? Because this stupid throat is very itchy, and this stupid cough making me wanna screaaaam, but unfortunately this stupid voice won't let me do it. YES! I've lost my voice since monday. And when I thought it was getting better, it became WORST. Oh well I think not THAT worst, but I still can't let out my voice. Okay I can talk. Buuuuut I have to force my self when I want to talk. Adam, Dwima, and Ellen was so freaking like to mock my stupid voice.

Oke enough with the english ya gue capek.

Eh masa gue belom belajar fisika.
Males beneran deh gue capek.
Lah terus kok masih online?
Iya abis gue bosen.
Emang capek abis ngapain?
Tadi si Eno Ellen Chacha Adam Dwima Dwipa abis pada ke sini.
Ceritanya ngerjain tugas sejarah.
Oh gitu...
Iya gitu.

Eh buset udah gajelas nih gue ya udah deh ya males ngapa ngapain gue jadinya. Oh iya si Upi mau beliin gue nasi goreng katanya mau dikirim paket ke rumah gue wahahaha. Terus masa katanya suara gue ganas melengking tinggi sekseh. Beeeh masa lo gatau Pi suara gue sekarang tuh serek serek gimana gitu terus rendah dalem gitu waaaauw seksi banget deh pokoknya hauhauaha :P

Okey, mending gue out dari sini sekrang juga daripada celotehan gue making ngelantur. Oh iya ck gue mau ngomel dulu bentar 'Ergh gilirang gue pulang sore aja lu nya pulang cepet, giliran gue pulang cepet lu pulang sore don't you know i'm dying to see you because i freaking miss you, boy'

Sip, done. Goodnight folks, better day for tomorrow :)

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