Hey you! Long time no see, did you miss me? Hahaha okey first of all, I wanna say that I'm very sad to hear the death of Mbah Surip. You know, the one who used to sing 'Tak Gendong'. May you rest in peace.
And second, I wanna apologize to you all because I barely could write anything in this blog. That happened because I'm a nine grader now and being an nine grader sure isn't easy AT ALL. I have to study more and the teachers give us SOOOO MANY homeworks, tests, yeah that kind of stuffs. But I promise, I'll update this blog as soon as I get time, kay?
Okay, now the third. I wanna share my draws with all of you.
I did this with Nchaa, and Dwima as our model. Sooo last Monday I was having a religion lesson. Unfortunately Mr Asep didn't come and we have to do our test with Ms. Nita. I have to admit that I totally FORGOT that there would be a test so I just di
d my best, what else could I do?
After doing my test, i was feeling REALLY BORED so I started fooling around with Nchaa and Dwima. I don't know how it starte but it seems like it ended wit
h me and Nchaa doodling with Dwima as our model. Wanna s
ee? Sure, here!

Click the pic for a larger view
Okay, I'll explain it to you. The fisrt picture, as you can see. It's Dwima when he's wearing school uniform, the second one is Dwima with his reebok sweater which is still in my house right now. Well I borrowed it last friday and he tld me to washed it so I did it and it still in my house hehe. And the last one it's Dwima wearing a...... bikini. Eeeeergh kinda creepy isn't it?
To Dwima. I'm really really sorry dear lol but I just couldn't stop laughing everytime I saw this HAHAHAHA. Peace out ya Dwima XD
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