Selasa, 03 Februari 2009


Gue mau ngadu doong bentar.
Masa ya kemaren gue udah sampe malem udah panik banget udah mau mati ngerjain prnya Mr Patrick, native teacher di sekolah gue. dan semua itu SIA SIA! Kenapa sia sia? Iya soalnya hari ini gue gamasuk. Sekarang harusnya gue lagi olahraga di sekolah. Dan kalian tau? Iya bener 100! Hari ini gue gamasuk LAGI.

Emang apa sih prnya? Mau tau lo mau tau? Benernya sih gampang itu pr cuman karena mesti lengkap selengkap lengkapnya lengkap jadinya keaenya tuh susah banget. Jadi pertama kita mesti nentuin cita cita gitu. Trus gimana caranya supaya cita cita itu tercapai. Udah gitu kenapa lo pengen jadi itu . Trus sekolah yang bagus yang cocok sama cita cita lo apa . Biaya yang lo keluarin sampe cita cita lo kesampean itu berapa . Waktu sekolah itu lo mau tinggal di mana . Berapa taun lo sekolah . Keuntungan dari cita cita lo apa.

Kemaren padahal gue udah research abis abisan sampe nyokap bokap juga gue tanyain. Hasilnya lumayan lah dapet 2 lembar kalo gasalah. Tapi apa? Iya semua SIA SIA! Shit banget ah taibet.

Mau tauga cita cita gue?

I want to be a business person.
Why? Because business person doesn't do jobs from others. Business person gives jobs to others. Besides, while we're being a business person, we can do other things that don't have any relations with business such as writing and painting.
How? I have to learn alot about management and finance
School? I woud like to finish my bachelor degree in University of Indonesia and then I'll go to harvard university for my master degree. Harvard university is one of the best business school besides London Business school, and Kellog (university of chicago).
Location? UI: Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia. Harvard: It's in Cambridge, massachusetts, very clse to Boston.
Cost? UI: 30juta rupiah per year. Harvard: $32,557 per year.
Housing? When I'm studying at UI I'll still live with my parents. But when I go to Harvard I'll live in the dorm they've prepared. It will cost about $6,060
Year? I probably will spend about 4 years studying business. 2 years at UI and another 2 years at Harvard.
Benefit? Being a business oerson isn't always about creating money. One of the benefit is: We do not seek for jobs, but we CREATE jobs. We give jobs to others. That's what makes it special.

Keren kan ya gua? Wakakkak apatau. Itu versi pendeknya. Grammar gue berantakan, gue tau. Maaf maaf aja kan gue juga masih belajar loooh hehehe maklumin aja deh yee kagak usah protes lu pada. Sebenernya sih masih ada satu poin lagi tuh yang pay, tapi gue gangerti itu apaan yaudah gague kerjain deh ehehehe

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