Minggu, 28 Juni 2009

Polyvore, I'm back!

Hell-o people :)

It's still in the middle of holiday and I'm extremly really freaking fuckin damn bored right now. Rasanya tuh males ngapa ngapain tauga. Padahal ada banyak planing mau buat ini mau buat itu mau bikin ini mau bikin itu mau beresin ini mau beresin itu mau beli ini mau beli itu mau ke sini mau ke situ beeeeh banyak banget padahal cuman yaaa karena beberapa faktor (yang di antaranya adalah malas) itu jadilah semua planing itu gaterlaksana.

Oooookaaaaay. I guess this whole holiday things made me came back to polyvore. Why? Because I had nothing to do. Besides I kinda missed my polyvore. Here's some of my sets:

Well I think that's enough. If you wanna see more, just CLICK!. Comments and faves are
appreciated, thanks.

I'm going to sleep now, next post I'll tell you about my heeem looklet, maybe? Oh well just check out my next post, bye folks :)

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