Rise and shine, people :)
Eh nggak kerasa ya udah Agustus aja cepet banget rasanya beneran deh nggak boong. Agustus berarti kan bentar lagi 17an ya hahaha gatau kenapa gue semangat banget setiap deket deket tanggal 17 Agustus. Pada ada acara apa 17an? Gue gagitu semangat buat acara di kompleks rumah gue tapi gue semangat buat acara 17an di sekolah.
Jadi ceritanya tanggal 14 Agustus nanti, hari Jum'at gitu biasa bakal ada lomba lomba gitu. Padahal kayaknya baru berapa bulan yang lalu gitu gue ngerayain 17an sama kakak kakak yang sekarang udah lulus, sama adek adek kelas yang masih cuman satu satunya, sama temen temen seangkatan dan itu SERU BANGET. Pake ada segala lomba tarik tambang yang memakan banyak korban. Ada yang tangannya kepelintir lah lecet lah pingsan aduh segala macem! Seru! Kocak! Terus 8A menang juara 1 lomba yel yel. ITU MEMBANGGAKAN SEKALI SAUDARA! Mengingat kita nggak menang apa apa lagi selain itu haha. Kangeeeeen :')
Okeoke sekarang gangebahas itu lagi. Kalo mau cerita lengkapnya cari aja lah di postingan postingan gue yang sebelumnya yang bulan Agustus 2008, pasti nemu deh.
Heeem berhubung acara 17 itu selalu diurusin sama OSIS dan kebetulan (yang menyenangkan) tahun ini gue adalah salah satu dari pengurus OSIS, jadi kemarin hari Jum'at, 31 Juli 2009 OSG DUDEDUSEM mengadakan rapat 17an dipimpin oleh Iput sang wakil karena si bonita lagi basket. Kocak bet, gue selalu suka rapat OSIS. Kita ngomongin segala lomba, jamnya, terus PIC nya, guru pendampingnya terus pake ada perdebatan perdebatan gapenting. ADUH BENTAR LAGI LEPAS JABATAN PASTI BAKAL KANGEN :(
Nah selese rapat OSIS dengan hasil gue sama Nchaa sebagai PIC lomba giring terong dengan guru pendamping Mr. Primus, gue pindah duduk ke sebelah Nchaa dan melaksanakan sebuah project 'TOP SECRET' bersama Firas. Ngapain? BIKIN SURAT CINTA DONG hahaha.
Nggak tau gimana ceritanya, kayaknya anak anak kelas 7 pada ketagihan bikin surat cinta gitu buat kakak kakak kelasnya semenjak kita suruh mereka bikin surat cinta pas MOS. Si Nchaa dikasih, si Dwima dikasih, si Dendy dikasih, tapi si Dwipa nggak dikasih. Jadi sebagai teman yang baik Nchaa menawarkan diri untuk membuat surat cinta untuk seorang Dwipa Hamzah. Jadilah dengan bantuan gue dan Firas, adek kelas kita, surat itu berhasil dengan sukses mengundang tawa hebat dari mulut. Asli dah yak itu surah gaul abis kocak bet ini nih kemaren kita foto buat dokumentasi.
Jumat, 31 Juli 2009
Kamis, 30 Juli 2009
Fallin' for you
Waaaaaw I can't believe I finished all of the works. Nine gread is tough.... :(
So, how are you guys doing? Me? Oh I'm wonderful! Why? Because there'll be no weektest for tomorrow. Yeaaaah even though i still have an indonesian speaking test. But imagine, no weektest! If you ask me, yes I don't like weektest. Emmm well, besides the fact that the first break time will be the same time as the senior high's break time ofcourse :P
By the way, I'm feeling bored right now. Just finished moving all of my shoots today from my camera into the computer and feeling like wanna update my lovely flickr-y. Oh ya Good news! I got 100 for my english quiz. 90 for my math weektest. 89 for my Biology weektest. 80 for my physics. When I told my parents about that, my dad said: 'Great start'. And my mother claped her hands for me :)
Emmmm I want to write something but I really don't know what to write. Well I guess I'm gonna tell you about this song I really like. It's called Fallin' for you, by Colbie Caillat.
So, how are you guys doing? Me? Oh I'm wonderful! Why? Because there'll be no weektest for tomorrow. Yeaaaah even though i still have an indonesian speaking test. But imagine, no weektest! If you ask me, yes I don't like weektest. Emmm well, besides the fact that the first break time will be the same time as the senior high's break time ofcourse :P
By the way, I'm feeling bored right now. Just finished moving all of my shoots today from my camera into the computer and feeling like wanna update my lovely flickr-y. Oh ya Good news! I got 100 for my english quiz. 90 for my math weektest. 89 for my Biology weektest. 80 for my physics. When I told my parents about that, my dad said: 'Great start'. And my mother claped her hands for me :)
Emmmm I want to write something but I really don't know what to write. Well I guess I'm gonna tell you about this song I really like. It's called Fallin' for you, by Colbie Caillat.
I don’t know but
I think I maybe
Fallin’ for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
Keep this to myself
Waiting ’til I
Know you better
I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
As I’m standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It’s just you and me
I’m trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh I just can’t take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I can’t stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can’t hide it
I think I’m fallin’ for you (x2)
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh no no
Oh I’m fallin’ for you
I think I maybe
Fallin’ for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
Keep this to myself
Waiting ’til I
Know you better
I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
As I’m standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It’s just you and me
I’m trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh I just can’t take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out
I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don’t know where to
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I can’t stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can’t hide it
I think I’m fallin’ for you (x2)
I’m fallin’ for you
Oh no no
Oh I’m fallin’ for you
Colbie Caillat is just ah-mazing. Her voice sounds like an angel. I LOVE HER :) <3>
Oh yes! You should hear this! It's worth listening. Trust me! Emmm well just search it on youtube or somewhere else or download it yah whatever you want. I'm just to lazy to upload the song for you. Maybe later.
Okay then, I'm going to school tomorrow so I've to wake up early or else I'm gonna be late... and I don't get a chance to see 'him' on the morning lol. Bye, goodnight folks, I LOVE YA!
Oh yes! You should hear this! It's worth listening. Trust me! Emmm well just search it on youtube or somewhere else or download it yah whatever you want. I'm just to lazy to upload the song for you. Maybe later.
Okay then, I'm going to school tomorrow so I've to wake up early or else I'm gonna be late... and I don't get a chance to see 'him' on the morning lol. Bye, goodnight folks, I LOVE YA!
What is this about?
my favorites,
Some stories,
Things called love
Senin, 27 Juli 2009
Before the storm
I know this isn't what I wanted
Never thought it'd come this far
Just thinking back to where we started
And how we lost all that we are
We were young and times were easy
But I can see it's not the same
I'm Standing here but you don't see me
I'd give it all for that to change
And I don't want to lose her
Don't wanna let her go
Standing out in the rain
I need to knkow if its over
Cause I will leave you alone
Flooded with all tthis pain
Knowing that I'll never hold her
Like I did before the storm
And with every strike of lighting
Comes a memory that last
Not a word is left unspoken
As the thunder starts to crash
Maybe I should give up
Trying to keep the light from going in
And the clouds from ripping out my broken heart
We always say a heart is not a whole
Without the one who gets you through the storm
Standing out it the rain
Knowing that is really over
Please don't leave me alone
Flooded with all this pain
Knowing that I'll never hold you
Like I did before the storm
This song was performed by Nick and Miley. I love but I also hate this song. It's kinda remembering me about him. Oh God, how I miss him soooooo much. Well yeah stupid me from breaking up with him, but what else should I do? Better if I try to forget it.
Well I just gonna say this because I don't know why this missing syndrome's suddenly coming. Ugh I hate being like this. I hate this situation. Oh how I miss the time when everything was alright :(
What is this about?
my favorites,
Some stories
Kamis, 23 Juli 2009
Happy 1st birthday, Bloggie :)
Hey baby!
Lol I don't know why but I love saying 'baby' a lot these past few weeks.
Soooooo i just remembered that today is 23th of July. You know what that means? YES! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY PRECIOUS BLOG! It has been one year since I made this blog. Oh I'm so happy. I'm freakig in love with my blog. Ergh I think I'm gonna change the blogskin if i have time, remind me okay? And I wanna thank you guys for reading this blog the whooooole year. Without you this blog's nothing hehe. Em okay, I also wanna say I'm so sorry for the very seldom posting lately. I'm kinda busy with school stuffs and as you know, I'M A 9TH GRADER NOW. Meaning? Yeah I have to decrease the internet surfing time and increase the study time. Don't wanna mess up with my UN results, right?
Okay, so I wanna tell you about today.
Well as usual I set the alarm into 5 o'clock ringing. I DID wake up but just to turned off the alarm, then I SLEPT again. Yey, smart me! But finally, at 5.30 I totally woke up. Then took a bath, dressed, ate breakfast and stuffs then off to school. Wow yeah I knew this was gonna be a great day since I saw Koyo in the Lobby lol I'm so freaking crazy about him :p
I'm doing good at school so far, I decided to go home at around 4 cause there was nothing more to do. I rested for awhile then went to Intermedia to buy a clear holder for the UN preparation session like Mr. Tums told us and a pack of folio paper. Guess what? I met Kak Mody there! You know Kak mody right? Yes she was my senior at Global Prestasi JHS, but she has graduated, now she's going to 71 SHS.
Got home from intermedia and decided to do my math homework. Dwima called and we did the homework together. What I hate is that He's getting smart all of the sudden ugh what's wrong with you, baby? Lol hahaha kidding xp
Finished all of my homework and here I am writing down my day in this lovely. Wow I just miss sharing with all of you :)
Lol I don't know why but I love saying 'baby' a lot these past few weeks.
Soooooo i just remembered that today is 23th of July. You know what that means? YES! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY PRECIOUS BLOG! It has been one year since I made this blog. Oh I'm so happy. I'm freakig in love with my blog. Ergh I think I'm gonna change the blogskin if i have time, remind me okay? And I wanna thank you guys for reading this blog the whooooole year. Without you this blog's nothing hehe. Em okay, I also wanna say I'm so sorry for the very seldom posting lately. I'm kinda busy with school stuffs and as you know, I'M A 9TH GRADER NOW. Meaning? Yeah I have to decrease the internet surfing time and increase the study time. Don't wanna mess up with my UN results, right?
Okay, so I wanna tell you about today.
Well as usual I set the alarm into 5 o'clock ringing. I DID wake up but just to turned off the alarm, then I SLEPT again. Yey, smart me! But finally, at 5.30 I totally woke up. Then took a bath, dressed, ate breakfast and stuffs then off to school. Wow yeah I knew this was gonna be a great day since I saw Koyo in the Lobby lol I'm so freaking crazy about him :p
I'm doing good at school so far, I decided to go home at around 4 cause there was nothing more to do. I rested for awhile then went to Intermedia to buy a clear holder for the UN preparation session like Mr. Tums told us and a pack of folio paper. Guess what? I met Kak Mody there! You know Kak mody right? Yes she was my senior at Global Prestasi JHS, but she has graduated, now she's going to 71 SHS.
Got home from intermedia and decided to do my math homework. Dwima called and we did the homework together. What I hate is that He's getting smart all of the sudden ugh what's wrong with you, baby? Lol hahaha kidding xp
Finished all of my homework and here I am writing down my day in this lovely. Wow I just miss sharing with all of you :)
Jumat, 17 Juli 2009
Where does it go?
I feel empty
I feel none
I feel nothing
What the hell is wrong with me?
With my heart?
Where does the love go?
The love that supposed to be yours?
Sorry, dear...
I feel none
I feel nothing
What the hell is wrong with me?
With my heart?
Where does the love go?
The love that supposed to be yours?
Sorry, dear...
Do you care enough?
If you ask me,
It's not about how many times you say 'i love you'
How many times you say 'i miss you'
It's about,
How do you show that you really do care
For me...
It's not about how many times you say 'i love you'
How many times you say 'i miss you'
It's about,
How do you show that you really do care
For me...
I still have
I don't know why
But I still have this feeling
I don't even know you
But I still have this love
I don't want to say this
But the truth is; I really miss you
So much...
But I still have this feeling
I don't even know you
But I still have this love
I don't want to say this
But the truth is; I really miss you
So much...
A single smile for a bright tomorrow :)
He just walked right trough me
he stared at me just a bit too long
A single smile would mean so much
Hope so...
He just walked right trough me
he stared at me just a bit too long
A single smile would mean so much
Hope so...
Last day of MOS ; Pingsan spektakuler
Hey kamu kamu kamu lama tak berjumpa ya kita. Apakabar semua? Gue? Been better, Allhamdulillah.
Eh lo tauga sih masa gue baru sembuh sakit. Oke belum total tapi at least gue udah bisa bertingkah di sekolah. Tapi nyesek banget tauga sih gabisa ngerasain hari pertama sekolah huuhuhu. Apalagi kalo itu terjadi gara gara sakit gapenting idih pengen muter balik waktu rasanya.
Jadi ceritanya tuh last day of mos gue menjalankan misi pingsan spektakuler gitu di bis dan sukses saudara! Satu bis berisi hem katanya Nchaa sih 40 orang lebih dengan suka rela nganterin gue ke UGD rs Global Awal Bross ituloh yang di kali malang. Keren ya gue hahaha. Astaga bangga. Eh gadeng boong emang gue sebelum ngemos hari itu udah feeling not good gitu tapi gue tetep ikutan abis kan gue pengen ngemos terus pengen ketemu si ganteng wakakak :3 Eh tapi akhirna malah klepek klepek dah tai bet sih ya.
Tapi masuk masuk gue maluuuuuu. Masa tiap ketemu guru, 'Eh Trissi, udah sembuh? Sakit apa kemaren?' 'Eh Trissi udah masuk jangan capek capek dulu ya Triss' 'Trissi udah masuk waaah sakit apa kemaren' 'Waaah Trissi akhirnya masuk juga, udah sembuh Triss?' Gue cuman bisa senyum senyum meringis gajelas gitu sambil ngangguk ngangguk 'Hehehe iya sir, hehehe iya miss, sakit ya itulah miss'. Eits tapi itu masih mending ada lagi tuh pelajarannya Miss Diana ya masa kan lagi ditunjuk gitu satu satu suruh berdiri terus ditanyain eh tiba tiba Miss Diana nunjuk gue terus nanya,
Miss D: Trissi kan?
Gue: Iya Miss
Miss D: Udah sembuh?
Gue: Udah Miss
Miss D: Kalo saya suruh jawab pertanyaan gapingsan lagi kan?
ASTAGFIRULLAH SAYA MALU SAUDARA! Gila ih gue cuma bisa mesem mesem doang sambil cengengesan astaga banget itu si Miss. Beneran dah yak pingsan gua spektakuler abis sampe adek adek kelas gue tuh yang gue MOS in kemaren nanya, gimana kak trissi udah sembuh? Kak Trissi sakit apa sih kemaren? Kak Trissi kemaren kenapa sih? Aduh aku terharu adik adik terimakasih ya :p Oh iya sama si Miss Liertji juga tuh masa ngebahas bahas waktu upacara elaaah Miss bikin tambah malu aja sih untung kagak nyebut nama.
Oh iya, have i told you what class am i in now? Belom ya oh iya sampe lupa kan gue. Oke jadi setelah melepaskan keanggotaan gue dari 8A ku terinta gue sekarang resmi jadi penghuni 9B huahuahauhha mantan kelasnya Bebi looooh fufufu <3 Okey enough, gue sekelas sama si Ellen Oris Chacha Eno Adam Dwima Nyoman Nevy Icha Ayu Rizky Gori Riam Bella dan lain sebagainya dengan Miss Nita sebagai homeroomnya. Hahaha Miss ketemu lagi kita :D Udah deh ya gue udah males ntar kali ya besok mungkin gue lanjutin lagi. Oh iya lupa eh doain dong adek gua masuk rumas sakit masa db dia. Lagian sih banyak tingkah pake ikutan gue sakit segala hahaha eh gadeng yaAllah gagitu lah. Pokoknya doain aja deh ya biar dia cepet sembuh idih gue kesepian gitu di rumah gaada dia lagian si Ami sibuk dengan dunianya sendiri gitu. Sip si thanks doanya. Dadaaah semuaaaaanya :)
Eh lo tauga sih masa gue baru sembuh sakit. Oke belum total tapi at least gue udah bisa bertingkah di sekolah. Tapi nyesek banget tauga sih gabisa ngerasain hari pertama sekolah huuhuhu. Apalagi kalo itu terjadi gara gara sakit gapenting idih pengen muter balik waktu rasanya.
Jadi ceritanya tuh last day of mos gue menjalankan misi pingsan spektakuler gitu di bis dan sukses saudara! Satu bis berisi hem katanya Nchaa sih 40 orang lebih dengan suka rela nganterin gue ke UGD rs Global Awal Bross ituloh yang di kali malang. Keren ya gue hahaha. Astaga bangga. Eh gadeng boong emang gue sebelum ngemos hari itu udah feeling not good gitu tapi gue tetep ikutan abis kan gue pengen ngemos terus pengen ketemu si ganteng wakakak :3 Eh tapi akhirna malah klepek klepek dah tai bet sih ya.
Tapi masuk masuk gue maluuuuuu. Masa tiap ketemu guru, 'Eh Trissi, udah sembuh? Sakit apa kemaren?' 'Eh Trissi udah masuk jangan capek capek dulu ya Triss' 'Trissi udah masuk waaah sakit apa kemaren' 'Waaah Trissi akhirnya masuk juga, udah sembuh Triss?' Gue cuman bisa senyum senyum meringis gajelas gitu sambil ngangguk ngangguk 'Hehehe iya sir, hehehe iya miss, sakit ya itulah miss'. Eits tapi itu masih mending ada lagi tuh pelajarannya Miss Diana ya masa kan lagi ditunjuk gitu satu satu suruh berdiri terus ditanyain eh tiba tiba Miss Diana nunjuk gue terus nanya,
Miss D: Trissi kan?
Gue: Iya Miss
Miss D: Udah sembuh?
Gue: Udah Miss
Miss D: Kalo saya suruh jawab pertanyaan gapingsan lagi kan?
ASTAGFIRULLAH SAYA MALU SAUDARA! Gila ih gue cuma bisa mesem mesem doang sambil cengengesan astaga banget itu si Miss. Beneran dah yak pingsan gua spektakuler abis sampe adek adek kelas gue tuh yang gue MOS in kemaren nanya, gimana kak trissi udah sembuh? Kak Trissi sakit apa sih kemaren? Kak Trissi kemaren kenapa sih? Aduh aku terharu adik adik terimakasih ya :p Oh iya sama si Miss Liertji juga tuh masa ngebahas bahas waktu upacara elaaah Miss bikin tambah malu aja sih untung kagak nyebut nama.
Oh iya, have i told you what class am i in now? Belom ya oh iya sampe lupa kan gue. Oke jadi setelah melepaskan keanggotaan gue dari 8A ku terinta gue sekarang resmi jadi penghuni 9B huahuahauhha mantan kelasnya Bebi looooh fufufu <3 Okey enough, gue sekelas sama si Ellen Oris Chacha Eno Adam Dwima Nyoman Nevy Icha Ayu Rizky Gori Riam Bella dan lain sebagainya dengan Miss Nita sebagai homeroomnya. Hahaha Miss ketemu lagi kita :D Udah deh ya gue udah males ntar kali ya besok mungkin gue lanjutin lagi. Oh iya lupa eh doain dong adek gua masuk rumas sakit masa db dia. Lagian sih banyak tingkah pake ikutan gue sakit segala hahaha eh gadeng yaAllah gagitu lah. Pokoknya doain aja deh ya biar dia cepet sembuh idih gue kesepian gitu di rumah gaada dia lagian si Ami sibuk dengan dunianya sendiri gitu. Sip si thanks doanya. Dadaaah semuaaaaanya :)
Rabu, 08 Juli 2009
Can't you see? (Chapter 5)
Hear me, hear me! I've just worked with my story and added a new chapter. If you wanna read it that would be great. Oh and comments are appreciated :)
Click, to read!
Click, to read!
Oh yeah, I have to go to school tomorrow cause there'll be MOS for the new students. Since I'm a part of osis comettee so I have to come too. I love going back to school again, but I don't really like the 'waking up early' part. Oh well, I just have to face it, right?
Thankyou folks, goodnight! Don't forget to read! ;p
Thankyou folks, goodnight! Don't forget to read! ;p
What is this about?
Some stories
Senin, 06 Juli 2009
Best brother in the whole wide world ?
'Happy birthday Ami, happy birthday Ami, happy birthday Dear Ami, happy birthday to you!"
Wish you all the best sist, hope you'll get everything you want, goodluck with your life :)
Jadi, hari ini gue bangun jam SETENGAH TUJUH. Ajaib banget kan ye? Hahaha kenapa? Soalnya Ua Lina mau dateng gitu jemput mau diajak ke PIM katanya. Okelah dari rumah terus ke rumahnya Ua Yus jemput Teh Dira sama Via udah gitu ke rumahnya Ua Lina deh jemput Sheila Nabila sama Difa.
Nyampe di PIM kita karokean di happy song tapi sejam doang udah gitu gue sama Teh Dira ke XXI mau mesen tiket nonton. Untung untung untung banget kita ganunda nunda lagi. Karena lo tau? Pintu bioskop belom di buka tapi yang ngantri di depan pintu udah rame banget ih gila orang orang. Terus akhirnya jam setengah 12 dibuka gitu kita masuk kan nah lo itu baru buka tuh ya baru dibuka gue ulangi BARU DIBUKA dan antriannya panjangnya udah nyampe game centre bayangin lo gila apa ya orang orang hahaha oke santai.
Akhirnya kebeli juga tiketnya tuh, kita memutuskan untuk nonton Ice Age 3 yang 3D. Terus mau balik ke tempat karaoke eh di jalan papasan gitu ternyata udah selesai karaokeannya okedeh lanjut kita makan gitu di foodcourt. Selese makan jalan jalan bentar gara gara si Kiko mau nyari CD gitu deh.
Jam menunjukan pukul setengah satu kurang 10 kita langsung melesat (asik deh melesat) ke XXI terus ke kamar mandi dulu baru deh masuk bioskop. Kocak bet filmnya lucu gitu deh ahaha. Selesai nonton Ua Lina udah nunggu di pintu keluar terus kita ke bawah ke Coldstone. Heeem enyak enyak hahaha terus Ua Lina beli KFC dulu sementara gue dan saudara saudara gue itu foto foto deh, tapi cuma dikit -_________- heem fotonya ada di kameranya Teh Dira sama Nabila jadi mungkin nanti kali ya.
Oke skip skip, baliknya ke pasar minggu, ke rumah mbah terus magrib dijemput mama sama papa terus ngeeeeng pulang ke rumah. Males malesan aja biasa udah gitu disuruh beresin lemari sama mama oke udah diberesin terus gue online deh.
Gue buka msn terus ada si bonita ega bhiga raka beeeh autis deh dunia langsung meledak hahaha apasih. Sama si raka ya biasa gila gila gitu deh udah gitu si ega lagi masa dia abis dari bali gue minta oleh oleh katanya gue dibawain pasir sama kulit kelapa. Pelit bet kan ya kok aer lautnya gaikutan dibawa? Hahaha ngelawak gue masa. Terus si Bonita lagi tadi curhat eh nyambung nyambungnya ke lesbong lesbong gitu menajiskan sekali. Nah si Bhiga lagi nih parah lagi mabok apa gimana kali dia atau lagi nge fly gajelas lah dia mah serem sendiri gue hahahaha.
Eh tapi masaaaaaaaaaaa sekarang udah pada off, huhuhuhuhuuuuuuuuu aku sepi duduk sendiri heeeeeeeeem bosan. Gue dari tadi ngeupload foto di facebook failed mulu dih emang minta diancurin nih. Oke deh ya mending gue udahan aja dari pada segala gajelas gue tulis. Oke oke dadaaah semua!
Oh iya, special for bhiga, elah lu gausah pindah napa sih nyebelin bet. Huaaaaaaa pasti bakal kangen banget sama lo Bhig. Gimana sih lo katanya mau observasi biologi bareng lagi? Gimana nih galengkap kita masa udah si Ucup pindah lo juga ikutan pindah gaseru lo aaaaaah. Ntar gaada lagi yang malem malem ribut berduan di tengah tengah rebutan sleeping bag terus ntar gaada yang nakutin gue lagi ya udah gitu gaada yang demen gelitikin gue lagi abis itu gaada yang tiap sms nanyain 'triss, ada pr gak?' sampe apal guenya terus gaada yang sering gila gilaan lagi gaada yang nekat lagi gaada yang suka nelfon gapenting lagi gaada yang suka pamer karet behel terus gaada lagi yang suka minta dikirimin catetan lewat email gaada lagi yang selalu minta diajarin gue math padahal dia tau gue juga gabisa gaada lagi yang sering minta contekan gaada lagi yang autis gila rame gaada lagi yang asyiknya kayak lo bhig dan gue kehilangan orang yang "nembak" gue waktu pelajaran fisika di lab gelap gelap sambil berlutut. Hahahhaha itu kocak abis gabakal gue lupain tuh akhirnya dari situ jadi ngetrend tuh kan maenan banyak banyakan mantan wakaakakak. Oke inget, itu "nembak" pake tanda KUTIP ya! Bold tuh di bold pake tanda KUTIP okey? Ngerti kan maksudnya? Jadi maksudnya tuh cuma bercanda gitchu dech ahaha. Eh belom selese gue, terus gaada lagi yang nelfon gue sampe berjam jam cuman buat nenangin gue yang lagi heeem let say broken heart? huh? yeah whatever terus ngajak, oke MAKSA gue supaya ikut jalan sama anak anak yang katanya waktu itu 'demi melupakan sakit hati triss' hahaha i'll remember that for sure. Dan dan dan gaada lagi bhiga yang ternyata SODARA gue! Gangerti itu salah paham atau dunia emang sempit banget atau gimana yang jelas ya begitu lah hahaha bhiga lo sodara gue masa ya? Yagapapa lah berarti gue bisa bilang 'you're the best brother in the whole wide world' dong? ahahaha gapapa ya lebay dikit hehe. Walopun gue baru kenal sama lo setaun bhig (kenal ya! kalo tau sih dari kelas 7), dan itu pun garagara kita sekelas tapi tetep aja gue bakal kangen banget banget banget sama lu. Huhuhuhu I'll be freaking missing you, Komang Abhigamika Wijayadharma :'( for sure.
Wish you all the best sist, hope you'll get everything you want, goodluck with your life :)
Jadi, hari ini gue bangun jam SETENGAH TUJUH. Ajaib banget kan ye? Hahaha kenapa? Soalnya Ua Lina mau dateng gitu jemput mau diajak ke PIM katanya. Okelah dari rumah terus ke rumahnya Ua Yus jemput Teh Dira sama Via udah gitu ke rumahnya Ua Lina deh jemput Sheila Nabila sama Difa.
Nyampe di PIM kita karokean di happy song tapi sejam doang udah gitu gue sama Teh Dira ke XXI mau mesen tiket nonton. Untung untung untung banget kita ganunda nunda lagi. Karena lo tau? Pintu bioskop belom di buka tapi yang ngantri di depan pintu udah rame banget ih gila orang orang. Terus akhirnya jam setengah 12 dibuka gitu kita masuk kan nah lo itu baru buka tuh ya baru dibuka gue ulangi BARU DIBUKA dan antriannya panjangnya udah nyampe game centre bayangin lo gila apa ya orang orang hahaha oke santai.
Akhirnya kebeli juga tiketnya tuh, kita memutuskan untuk nonton Ice Age 3 yang 3D. Terus mau balik ke tempat karaoke eh di jalan papasan gitu ternyata udah selesai karaokeannya okedeh lanjut kita makan gitu di foodcourt. Selese makan jalan jalan bentar gara gara si Kiko mau nyari CD gitu deh.
Jam menunjukan pukul setengah satu kurang 10 kita langsung melesat (asik deh melesat) ke XXI terus ke kamar mandi dulu baru deh masuk bioskop. Kocak bet filmnya lucu gitu deh ahaha. Selesai nonton Ua Lina udah nunggu di pintu keluar terus kita ke bawah ke Coldstone. Heeem enyak enyak hahaha terus Ua Lina beli KFC dulu sementara gue dan saudara saudara gue itu foto foto deh, tapi cuma dikit -_________- heem fotonya ada di kameranya Teh Dira sama Nabila jadi mungkin nanti kali ya.
Oke skip skip, baliknya ke pasar minggu, ke rumah mbah terus magrib dijemput mama sama papa terus ngeeeeng pulang ke rumah. Males malesan aja biasa udah gitu disuruh beresin lemari sama mama oke udah diberesin terus gue online deh.
Gue buka msn terus ada si bonita ega bhiga raka beeeh autis deh dunia langsung meledak hahaha apasih. Sama si raka ya biasa gila gila gitu deh udah gitu si ega lagi masa dia abis dari bali gue minta oleh oleh katanya gue dibawain pasir sama kulit kelapa. Pelit bet kan ya kok aer lautnya gaikutan dibawa? Hahaha ngelawak gue masa. Terus si Bonita lagi tadi curhat eh nyambung nyambungnya ke lesbong lesbong gitu menajiskan sekali. Nah si Bhiga lagi nih parah lagi mabok apa gimana kali dia atau lagi nge fly gajelas lah dia mah serem sendiri gue hahahaha.
Eh tapi masaaaaaaaaaaa sekarang udah pada off, huhuhuhuhuuuuuuuuu aku sepi duduk sendiri heeeeeeeeem bosan. Gue dari tadi ngeupload foto di facebook failed mulu dih emang minta diancurin nih. Oke deh ya mending gue udahan aja dari pada segala gajelas gue tulis. Oke oke dadaaah semua!
Oh iya, special for bhiga, elah lu gausah pindah napa sih nyebelin bet. Huaaaaaaa pasti bakal kangen banget sama lo Bhig. Gimana sih lo katanya mau observasi biologi bareng lagi? Gimana nih galengkap kita masa udah si Ucup pindah lo juga ikutan pindah gaseru lo aaaaaah. Ntar gaada lagi yang malem malem ribut berduan di tengah tengah rebutan sleeping bag terus ntar gaada yang nakutin gue lagi ya udah gitu gaada yang demen gelitikin gue lagi abis itu gaada yang tiap sms nanyain 'triss, ada pr gak?' sampe apal guenya terus gaada yang sering gila gilaan lagi gaada yang nekat lagi gaada yang suka nelfon gapenting lagi gaada yang suka pamer karet behel terus gaada lagi yang suka minta dikirimin catetan lewat email gaada lagi yang selalu minta diajarin gue math padahal dia tau gue juga gabisa gaada lagi yang sering minta contekan gaada lagi yang autis gila rame gaada lagi yang asyiknya kayak lo bhig dan gue kehilangan orang yang "nembak" gue waktu pelajaran fisika di lab gelap gelap sambil berlutut. Hahahhaha itu kocak abis gabakal gue lupain tuh akhirnya dari situ jadi ngetrend tuh kan maenan banyak banyakan mantan wakaakakak. Oke inget, itu "nembak" pake tanda KUTIP ya! Bold tuh di bold pake tanda KUTIP okey? Ngerti kan maksudnya? Jadi maksudnya tuh cuma bercanda gitchu dech ahaha. Eh belom selese gue, terus gaada lagi yang nelfon gue sampe berjam jam cuman buat nenangin gue yang lagi heeem let say broken heart? huh? yeah whatever terus ngajak, oke MAKSA gue supaya ikut jalan sama anak anak yang katanya waktu itu 'demi melupakan sakit hati triss' hahaha i'll remember that for sure. Dan dan dan gaada lagi bhiga yang ternyata SODARA gue! Gangerti itu salah paham atau dunia emang sempit banget atau gimana yang jelas ya begitu lah hahaha bhiga lo sodara gue masa ya? Yagapapa lah berarti gue bisa bilang 'you're the best brother in the whole wide world' dong? ahahaha gapapa ya lebay dikit hehe. Walopun gue baru kenal sama lo setaun bhig (kenal ya! kalo tau sih dari kelas 7), dan itu pun garagara kita sekelas tapi tetep aja gue bakal kangen banget banget banget sama lu. Huhuhuhu I'll be freaking missing you, Komang Abhigamika Wijayadharma :'( for sure.
What is this about?
Some stories
Jumat, 03 Juli 2009
Daddy's birthday

I just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY, wish you all the best and get everything you hope for. You're my inspiration, the greatest man EVER! I love you soooooooo much!!!! <3<3
We bought a cake and celebrated togerther; me, my mom, my sisters, and ofcourse my dad. After blowing candle, singing, cutting the cake, eating, and taking pictures, my mom offered us if we wanted to eat outside or just the home made cooking, and kiko said 'I wanna eat outside!' and my mom was like 'where do you wanna eat?' and she replied 'Pizza hut!' I don't know why but she always loved Pizza hut and japanesse restaurants.
So we went to the pizza hut, before we left the house, I called my aunt to go there too remembering my aunt was on her way to my house. We arrived at pizza hut, wooooouw it was so crowded in there, we had to wait about emmm 5 minutes or more to get seats. And we went inside, ordered some foods and drinks while waiting for my aunt. Not long after that my aunt arrived with her daughter (which is my cousin) and her brother (which is my uncle). I was sooooo excited to meet Shina! My one year old cousin, she was like the cutest thing in the whoooooole world! You wanna see her? Ofcourse!

After eating, chatting, laughing, and taking picture, etc etc, we decided to go home cause it was already late. Lucky for me cause my aunt would go to my house first before she went home. How happy I am because I still miss my shina, lol. And we went home, doing the samethings as we usually did and yeah it was time for Shina to go home. Okay well bye Shina....
.... and I guess this is goodbye to us too. I had to finish uploading pictures and the get some sleep I don't know why but I feel like wanna sleep early today. Kay then, goodnight folks :)
Rabu, 01 Juli 2009
Welcoming; MY BABY
For those who asked me 'what the hell is that 'baby' thing mean?' Well this is the answer guys:
Great news oh good news. FINALLYYYYYYYY I GOT MY BABYYYYYYYYY. Oh thanksyou thankyou thankyou thankyou like a million times daddy your the best, I LOVE YOU!
But unfortunately, I didn't get the one I've been dreaming on, yep Nikon d60. But it's alright , cause I got this!

Yes! It's canon, and it's 540D. Oh yes yes yes yes my baby! My precious baby! lol hahaha I'm too excited for this. Thanks again daddyyyyyyyyyyyyy I LOVE YOU :DDDDD
P.S I haven't got a name for her. Any suggestions?
Great news oh good news. FINALLYYYYYYYY I GOT MY BABYYYYYYYYY. Oh thanksyou thankyou thankyou thankyou like a million times daddy your the best, I LOVE YOU!
But unfortunately, I didn't get the one I've been dreaming on, yep Nikon d60. But it's alright , cause I got this!

Yes! It's canon, and it's 540D. Oh yes yes yes yes my baby! My precious baby! lol hahaha I'm too excited for this. Thanks again daddyyyyyyyyyyyyy I LOVE YOU :DDDDD
P.S I haven't got a name for her. Any suggestions?
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