I just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY, wish you all the best and get everything you hope for. You're my inspiration, the greatest man EVER! I love you soooooooo much!!!! <3<3
We bought a cake and celebrated togerther; me, my mom, my sisters, and ofcourse my dad. After blowing candle, singing, cutting the cake, eating, and taking pictures, my mom offered us if we wanted to eat outside or just the home made cooking, and kiko said 'I wanna eat outside!' and my mom was like 'where do you wanna eat?' and she replied 'Pizza hut!' I don't know why but she always loved Pizza hut and japanesse restaurants.
So we went to the pizza hut, before we left the house, I called my aunt to go there too remembering my aunt was on her way to my house. We arrived at pizza hut, wooooouw it was so crowded in there, we had to wait about emmm 5 minutes or more to get seats. And we went inside, ordered some foods and drinks while waiting for my aunt. Not long after that my aunt arrived with her daughter (which is my cousin) and her brother (which is my uncle). I was sooooo excited to meet Shina! My one year old cousin, she was like the cutest thing in the whoooooole world! You wanna see her? Ofcourse!

After eating, chatting, laughing, and taking picture, etc etc, we decided to go home cause it was already late. Lucky for me cause my aunt would go to my house first before she went home. How happy I am because I still miss my shina, lol. And we went home, doing the samethings as we usually did and yeah it was time for Shina to go home. Okay well bye Shina....
.... and I guess this is goodbye to us too. I had to finish uploading pictures and the get some sleep I don't know why but I feel like wanna sleep early today. Kay then, goodnight folks :)
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