I walked very fast, simply ran, leaving Prissy behind. I could hear her voice was calling at my name. She wanted to continue the talk but I won't. Because all she wanted to say was just sorry, I knew it and I didn't wanna hear that word from her.
I kept on walking until I felt tired, finally I sat down on the side of the street. Not only I didn't get her, I also had my heart broken this time. How stupid I was. I should've known that she won't say YES. I should've known that she still loved that guy. Ugh how I love her 'till death!
I took a deep breat and let it out again. I did it several times in order to clear my head and my mind, but it didn't work at all. I covered my face with two hands, frustated. Just then, I felt something hit the back of my head.
Bebi: "Shit!"
I turned around and looked down to see a small pebble on the ground next to me. I looked up, wanting to know who the hell kick that damn pebble. There, I saw Ioo, my best bud, with a big grin planted on his face.
Ioo: "Whoops. Sorry man, I didn't see you there"
Bebi: "You did it on purpose didn't you?"
Ioo: "Well..."
Bebi: "Why the hell you did that?"
Ioo: "Well.. hmm.. I was just walking around enjoying the fresh air and kicking some pebbles wondering where the hell are you because you were not coming to my house as we've already planted yesterday. And lucky for me, I saw you were sitting here looking frustated. I thought it might be a good idea to kick some pebbles hehehe" -and there he goes again trying to be funny, which it didn't work at all. Yeay for you Brother.
Bebi: "Yeaah verry good idea" -I'm not in the mood for jokes right now.
Ioo looked at me with a weird look for a second, and weirdly he nodded his head like he already knew all my problems. I looked at his winning face wanted to know what he thought he knew.
Bebi: "What?"
Ioo: "What's with the what?"
Bebi: "Uugggh" I got up, wanted to leave but Ioo pulled me and i sat down again.
Ioo: "Whooaa easy there big guy, I was just kidding. So what's wrong?"
Bebi: "Nothing."
Ioo: "No. There's no nothing because I can smell something here."
Bebi: "Smell what?"
Ioo: "Broken heart." -he said that, and once again a big grin planted on his face.
Bebi: "H-how.." -I was going to say 'how do you know' but he cut my words.
Ioo: "I know things bro. What happened actually?"
Bebi: *looked at him hesitate* "you said you 'know things'?"
Ioo: Well it's allright if you don't wanna tell me. I just wanna say, get over it and you'll be better soon, trust me. Well, bye bro!"
He was just 3 meters away from where I was sitting and I pulled him back to sat down beside me. I couldn't stand it, I had to talk to someone. So I told him what's wrong, and as always he listened to me. He was such a great listener, I had to admit that. And once I finished my story he tapped my back.
Ioo: "Why'd you have to be such a baby? You loved her right?"
Bebi: "You know that for sure."
Ioo: "How much?"
Bebi: "untold"
Ioo: "You want her to be happy no matter what?"
Bebi: "If it is the best thing for her, why not?"
Ioo: "How about you make her dream come true?"
Bebi: "Which dream? You know, she has a looooooooot of dreams."
Ioo: "Koyo, duh?"
Bebi: "So I have to... WHAT?"
Ioo: "You know what I mean."
Bebi: "Well, if it will make her happy...."
Ioo: "You don't have to do that if you don't want to."
Bebi: "But I want to. I want to make her happy. That's all."
"This aint the first time she's done it before
And its hard to face the truth
Im the fool in love with the fool
Whos still in love with you"
Selasa, 31 Maret 2009
Jumat, 27 Maret 2009
Don't ask why, cause I don't know
Nggak tau kenapa minggu minggu belakangan ini gue sering banget bt. Jadi gampang marah gitu, gampang kesel, gampang ngambek, jealous-an, bawaannya negative thinking mulu. Dan seperti biasa bawaan gue kalo lagi kesel tuh pengennya nangis.
Kayak kemaren tuh sumpah gue jealous banget gatau kenapa ya gara gara si Nchaa sama Ellen cerita tentang heeem yan tentang itulah pokoknya gue jealous banget akhirnya gue jadi bt banget kemaren padahal biasanya gue gasampe segitunya.
Terus hari ini, barusaaaan aja. Gue kan lagi nonton halmark, (tumben tumbenan tuh kan bokap gue gamesen paket yang ada hallmark HBO star movie dan kawan kawannya jadi gue girang banget tuh waktu tau first lagi promo gitu makanya dibuka semua) ya gatau film apa judulnya eh terus lagi seru gitu gue di suruh mandi. Yaudah gue mandi. Eeeeeh begitu selese mandi itu chanel nya udah dipindah sama bokap gue, gue mau nonton di depan tv nya dipake nyokap. Gatau kenapa gue langsung bt, kesel, ngambek deh gue. Ujung ujungnya kea sekarang nih gue nyesek banget pengen nangis gatau kenapa. Cengeng ya gue? Emang, bodo amat.
Tau ah pokoknya gue lagi kesel aja. Terus yaa buat yang lain lain kalo gue tiba tiba bt mendadak maklumin aja ya, masalahnya gue juga gatau ada apa dengan diriku belakangan ini. Kalo tiba tiba gue ngeselin diemin aja. Kalo ditanggepin ntar guenya jadi nyolot, oke?
Nggak tau kenapa minggu minggu belakangan ini gue sering banget bt. Jadi gampang marah gitu, gampang kesel, gampang ngambek, jealous-an, bawaannya negative thinking mulu. Dan seperti biasa bawaan gue kalo lagi kesel tuh pengennya nangis.
Kayak kemaren tuh sumpah gue jealous banget gatau kenapa ya gara gara si Nchaa sama Ellen cerita tentang heeem yan tentang itulah pokoknya gue jealous banget akhirnya gue jadi bt banget kemaren padahal biasanya gue gasampe segitunya.
Terus hari ini, barusaaaan aja. Gue kan lagi nonton halmark, (tumben tumbenan tuh kan bokap gue gamesen paket yang ada hallmark HBO star movie dan kawan kawannya jadi gue girang banget tuh waktu tau first lagi promo gitu makanya dibuka semua) ya gatau film apa judulnya eh terus lagi seru gitu gue di suruh mandi. Yaudah gue mandi. Eeeeeh begitu selese mandi itu chanel nya udah dipindah sama bokap gue, gue mau nonton di depan tv nya dipake nyokap. Gatau kenapa gue langsung bt, kesel, ngambek deh gue. Ujung ujungnya kea sekarang nih gue nyesek banget pengen nangis gatau kenapa. Cengeng ya gue? Emang, bodo amat.
Tau ah pokoknya gue lagi kesel aja. Terus yaa buat yang lain lain kalo gue tiba tiba bt mendadak maklumin aja ya, masalahnya gue juga gatau ada apa dengan diriku belakangan ini. Kalo tiba tiba gue ngeselin diemin aja. Kalo ditanggepin ntar guenya jadi nyolot, oke?
Senin, 16 Maret 2009
Can't you see? (Chapter 2)
Do you still remember the story called CAN'T YOU SEE that written by Nchaa? Well a view weeks ago I was having a boring days and I thought it wasn't a bad idea to continue the story. So here it is guys, the second part of CAN'T YOU SEE.
He left and al I could do is just starring at him as he walked away. Speechless. I didn't understand, it was to soon. I couldn't even say a word. He really meant it, it was no joke. But I couldn't just say YES to him when I didn't even know what I was feeling. I loved him, yes I did. But I just couldn't get over Koyo yet.
Prissi: "Ugh this is way to confusing, better talk to Nchaa"
So I went to Nchaa's house. She opened the door and let me in. I told her everything, every detail. Just when I finished, she looked at me with the 'you've-gotta-be-kidding-me' look.
Nchaa: "Stupid!" -she used to say that when she didn't like my idea.
Prissy: "What?"
Nchaa: "Yeah, you know; S-T-U-P-I-D? STU-PID!"
Prissy: "Reason?"
Nchaa: "You should've say YES! You know he loves you! He'll do anything for you just to make you happy. He even left his flight to philipine when he heard you were in the hospital! He left his race! And you know it for sure, he's been dreaming about that race for like... let say FOREVER. And you still don't know what to say?!" -I could possibly tell she wasn't breathing when she said that.
Prissy: "I still love Koyo"
Nchaa: "Forget him!"
Prissy: "Yeah I would if I could" -I saiad sarcasticlly.
Nchaa: "For God's sake, Priss! He doesn't even care about you! You never talk to him even once. Open your eyes, darl! Realize it, he's not the one. You're just wating your time if you leep on loving him. Forget it forget him let him stay out of your mind!" -She sounded really emosional.
Prissy: "You know? You made it sound VERY EASY."
Nchaa: "It IS easy."
Prissy: "Well, if it IS easy, tell me, why can't I do it?"
Nchaa: " Because you never try Priss." -She almost shouted.
Oyeah she caught me right there. She was right. I never try to forget about Koyo. And pluss, I kept on thinking about him more and more often now days. I guess I should try it now. I don't wanna stuck with him forever don't I?
Ugh I can't believe Prissy. I mean, how come she didn't say YES to Bebi when she allready knew that Bebi loved her so much. I hate her when she kept on talking about that Koyo guy, how much she loved him, how much she missed him, bla bla bla bla. Well, I have to admit that it was MY fault that she was in love with him, and now I really regret it.
Nchaa: "Here, let me tell you. Did Koyo ever care to you even once?"
Prissy: "No." -she said softly.
Nchaa: "Did Bebi do that?"
Prissy: "Always."
Nchaa: "Did Koyo ever talk to you even once?"
Prissy: "No." -She said even more softly.
Nchaa: "Did Bebi did that?"
Prissy: "Everyday."
Nchaa: "Did Koyo ever NOTICE you even once?"
Prissy: *shook her head*
Nchaa: "Did Bebi do that?"
Prissy: "*nodded her head*
Nchaa: "HA! You see the result here; Koyo NEVER talked, cared, even he never NOTICED you. While on the other side Bebi loves you so much that he'll do anything for you. And what was that mean? It means that you're STUPID for wasting your time for Koyo..."
Prissy: "I guess I should try"
Nchaa: "Right! Just stop all this madness about Koyo thing.. ? ... wait, what did you just say?"
Prissy: "You heard me."
Nchaa: "No. Repeat!"
Prissy: "I guess... I should... try"
Nchaa: "Really?"
Prissy: "Yeaah, I can't stuck with him forever, Can't I?"
"Stuck on you
been a fool too long I guess
it's time for me to come on home
guess I'm on my way"
He left and al I could do is just starring at him as he walked away. Speechless. I didn't understand, it was to soon. I couldn't even say a word. He really meant it, it was no joke. But I couldn't just say YES to him when I didn't even know what I was feeling. I loved him, yes I did. But I just couldn't get over Koyo yet.
Prissi: "Ugh this is way to confusing, better talk to Nchaa"
So I went to Nchaa's house. She opened the door and let me in. I told her everything, every detail. Just when I finished, she looked at me with the 'you've-gotta-be-kidding-me' look.
Nchaa: "Stupid!" -she used to say that when she didn't like my idea.
Prissy: "What?"
Nchaa: "Yeah, you know; S-T-U-P-I-D? STU-PID!"
Prissy: "Reason?"
Nchaa: "You should've say YES! You know he loves you! He'll do anything for you just to make you happy. He even left his flight to philipine when he heard you were in the hospital! He left his race! And you know it for sure, he's been dreaming about that race for like... let say FOREVER. And you still don't know what to say?!" -I could possibly tell she wasn't breathing when she said that.
Prissy: "I still love Koyo"
Nchaa: "Forget him!"
Prissy: "Yeah I would if I could" -I saiad sarcasticlly.
Nchaa: "For God's sake, Priss! He doesn't even care about you! You never talk to him even once. Open your eyes, darl! Realize it, he's not the one. You're just wating your time if you leep on loving him. Forget it forget him let him stay out of your mind!" -She sounded really emosional.
Prissy: "You know? You made it sound VERY EASY."
Nchaa: "It IS easy."
Prissy: "Well, if it IS easy, tell me, why can't I do it?"
Nchaa: " Because you never try Priss." -She almost shouted.
Oyeah she caught me right there. She was right. I never try to forget about Koyo. And pluss, I kept on thinking about him more and more often now days. I guess I should try it now. I don't wanna stuck with him forever don't I?
Ugh I can't believe Prissy. I mean, how come she didn't say YES to Bebi when she allready knew that Bebi loved her so much. I hate her when she kept on talking about that Koyo guy, how much she loved him, how much she missed him, bla bla bla bla. Well, I have to admit that it was MY fault that she was in love with him, and now I really regret it.
Nchaa: "Here, let me tell you. Did Koyo ever care to you even once?"
Prissy: "No." -she said softly.
Nchaa: "Did Bebi do that?"
Prissy: "Always."
Nchaa: "Did Koyo ever talk to you even once?"
Prissy: "No." -She said even more softly.
Nchaa: "Did Bebi did that?"
Prissy: "Everyday."
Nchaa: "Did Koyo ever NOTICE you even once?"
Prissy: *shook her head*
Nchaa: "Did Bebi do that?"
Prissy: "*nodded her head*
Nchaa: "HA! You see the result here; Koyo NEVER talked, cared, even he never NOTICED you. While on the other side Bebi loves you so much that he'll do anything for you. And what was that mean? It means that you're STUPID for wasting your time for Koyo..."
Prissy: "I guess I should try"
Nchaa: "Right! Just stop all this madness about Koyo thing.. ? ... wait, what did you just say?"
Prissy: "You heard me."
Nchaa: "No. Repeat!"
Prissy: "I guess... I should... try"
Nchaa: "Really?"
Prissy: "Yeaah, I can't stuck with him forever, Can't I?"
"Stuck on you
been a fool too long I guess
it's time for me to come on home
guess I'm on my way"
it's original, it's MINE :)
Need some ideas. I will post another chapter as soon as that ideas come. Keep on reading, enjoy :D
(click for the previous chapter): Chapter 1
Need some ideas. I will post another chapter as soon as that ideas come. Keep on reading, enjoy :D
(click for the previous chapter): Chapter 1
Selasa, 10 Maret 2009
Brandhy Leigh Martinez Ramoz, my best :)
Hey have I told you that I'm having a MISSING MY BESTFRIEND SYNDROM right now? Well now I have, lol. Oke today I wanna tell you about one of my bestfriends. Heem lets say this girl is different. Why? Because I NEVER met her in real life. Her name is BRANDHY LEIGH MARTINEZ RAMOS and she's from philiphines.
Here's the story. When I was on the 6th grade, I was having an obssession to have a penpal so I searched some random webs through google until I found this website, I don't know if the chatroom's still working right now because the last time I entered that website and opened the chatroom it said 'this area is temporarily closed'. it disappointing I know.
Well get back to the story. I was talking with some friends and sudenly this girl appeared. She was searching for someone and WOW that guy she was searching is just happen to be my close friend too. So I talked to her and told her where she could probably find him. I could tell that she was having some problems with that guy and she told me what happened. From that day somehow we became closer and closer. I could talk about anything with her and so did she. We have a lot in common i guess.
What I'm trying to say is just I LOVE HER SOOOOOO MUCH and I am MISSING HER FREAKING DAMN TOO MUCH right now. I'm hoping I have a chance to see her in real life, actually. Wow I think I need to talk to her as soon as possible. I miss her i miss her i miss her i miss her i miss her! I can't even say anything else to describe this MISSING SYNDROM, to tell HOW MUCH I MISS HER. Brandhy, I love you, muah muah muah :D
Note: My english isn't good, i know, and I'm sorry. I just felt like wanna do this in English x)
Here's the story. When I was on the 6th grade, I was having an obssession to have a penpal so I searched some random webs through google until I found this website, I don't know if the chatroom's still working right now because the last time I entered that website and opened the chatroom it said 'this area is temporarily closed'. it disappointing I know.
Well get back to the story. I was talking with some friends and sudenly this girl appeared. She was searching for someone and WOW that guy she was searching is just happen to be my close friend too. So I talked to her and told her where she could probably find him. I could tell that she was having some problems with that guy and she told me what happened. From that day somehow we became closer and closer. I could talk about anything with her and so did she. We have a lot in common i guess.
What I'm trying to say is just I LOVE HER SOOOOOO MUCH and I am MISSING HER FREAKING DAMN TOO MUCH right now. I'm hoping I have a chance to see her in real life, actually. Wow I think I need to talk to her as soon as possible. I miss her i miss her i miss her i miss her i miss her! I can't even say anything else to describe this MISSING SYNDROM, to tell HOW MUCH I MISS HER. Brandhy, I love you, muah muah muah :D
Note: My english isn't good, i know, and I'm sorry. I just felt like wanna do this in English x)
Minggu, 08 Maret 2009
Mocca's Lyrics
It looks like I'm becoming a Mocca's Lyrics addict all of suden. It all started when I was feeling really bored and i was starting to search some random quotes for filling my boredness lol -___- Somehow I stucked with this Mocca Lyrics and I realized that those lyrics fit me perfectly. Here's some of them:
I never thought my heart could be so yearning
please tell me why try to ignore me
Cause I do miss you so, -Secret admirer-
The way you smile at me
Yes, I remember, -I remember-
I just wanna hold him tight
And make sure everything stays right, -my only one-
Oh no I think I'm in love with you
Oh no I'm hoping you'll want me to
So please don't let me down, -I think I'm in love-
Just can't help but talk about him in every conversation
'till your friends are sick and tired of that same old crap, -I think I'm in love-
I wake up in the morning
Feeling emptyness in my heart
This pain is just to real
I dreamt about you with someone else, -the best thing-
The time passes me by
As I listen to lullaby
when the phone starts to ring
I am drowning in my dream, -telephone-
Loosing you is not the end of the world
But it's true that it definitely hurts
That it definitely hurts, -life keeps on turning-
Sorry honey, my heart is not for you
Sorry baby this love is not for you, -it's over now-
Come on baby try harder
Come on baby light my fire
Come on baby be mine
Cause you're the one I wanted to be, -what if-
What it you leave me right here?
I'm right here and waiting for you, -what if-
And there will be lots an lots of love
It is the thing that really matters in this world, -the best thing-
7 days ago you said you love me
then suddenly you're turning cold
with nothing here for me to hold
Cause now there's nothing, -7 days ago-
One upon a time
When I fell in love with you, -once upon a time-
I never thought my heart could be so yearning
please tell me why try to ignore me
Cause I do miss you so, -Secret admirer-
The way you smile at me
Yes, I remember, -I remember-
I just wanna hold him tight
And make sure everything stays right, -my only one-
Oh no I think I'm in love with you
Oh no I'm hoping you'll want me to
So please don't let me down, -I think I'm in love-
Just can't help but talk about him in every conversation
'till your friends are sick and tired of that same old crap, -I think I'm in love-
I wake up in the morning
Feeling emptyness in my heart
This pain is just to real
I dreamt about you with someone else, -the best thing-
The time passes me by
As I listen to lullaby
when the phone starts to ring
I am drowning in my dream, -telephone-
Loosing you is not the end of the world
But it's true that it definitely hurts
That it definitely hurts, -life keeps on turning-
Sorry honey, my heart is not for you
Sorry baby this love is not for you, -it's over now-
Come on baby try harder
Come on baby light my fire
Come on baby be mine
Cause you're the one I wanted to be, -what if-
What it you leave me right here?
I'm right here and waiting for you, -what if-
And there will be lots an lots of love
It is the thing that really matters in this world, -the best thing-
7 days ago you said you love me
then suddenly you're turning cold
with nothing here for me to hold
Cause now there's nothing, -7 days ago-
One upon a time
When I fell in love with you, -once upon a time-
Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009
Goodluck for MY ASTER -i love you, muah
Cacar oh cacar kapan kah kau menghilang wahai cacar tidakkah kau kasihan dengan diriku ini? Aku lelah cacar cepatlah menghilang kumohoooooooooon. TAIBET NIH CACAR KAPAN SEMBUHNYA GUE GATAHAN AH EMOUUUUUSI GUA! maaf ganyante.
Eh gue bosen deh bingung banget mau ngapain. Tiap hari bangun tidur mandi makan maen komputer baca smsan udah gangapa ngapain lagi paling belajar DIKIT. Bayangkan! Terus hobi baru gue sekarang ngumpulin quote quote gitu saking bingungnya gue mau ngapain. Udah gitu dunia gue sekarang hanya berkisar pada kamar, dapur, dan kamar mandi oooooh betapa menderitanya diriku untung laptop gue pindahin ke kamar kalo nggak gue kagak bisa maen laptop dah ah dan sekarang untuk sementara laptop hanya menjadi MILIKU seorang garagara adek gue gaboleh masuk kamar gue takut ketularan AHAHAHAHAHHA.
Udah dulu ah ntar gue cari topik yang patut dipublikasikan dulu daripada gue ngelantur gajelas oke? dadaaaah semuaaa pray for me as always yea :D
Eh gue bosen deh bingung banget mau ngapain. Tiap hari bangun tidur mandi makan maen komputer baca smsan udah gangapa ngapain lagi paling belajar DIKIT. Bayangkan! Terus hobi baru gue sekarang ngumpulin quote quote gitu saking bingungnya gue mau ngapain. Udah gitu dunia gue sekarang hanya berkisar pada kamar, dapur, dan kamar mandi oooooh betapa menderitanya diriku untung laptop gue pindahin ke kamar kalo nggak gue kagak bisa maen laptop dah ah dan sekarang untuk sementara laptop hanya menjadi MILIKU seorang garagara adek gue gaboleh masuk kamar gue takut ketularan AHAHAHAHAHHA.
Udah dulu ah ntar gue cari topik yang patut dipublikasikan dulu daripada gue ngelantur gajelas oke? dadaaaah semuaaa pray for me as always yea :D
Kamis, 05 Maret 2009
Fucking CACAR shit
3 kata, cukup 3 kataaaaa aja galebih deh: GUE BENCI CACAR
1. GATELNYA GANAHAN sumpah gaboong gua
2. Cacar ngerepotin
3. Ada di mana mana, yang paling nyiksa yang di tenggorokan, shit!
4. Obatnya, beuuuh jangan ditanya banyaknya
5. Gabisa ikut ngerayaain ulangtaun Uti (Just wanna tell you how sorry i am and wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish you all the best :))
6. Gamasuk sekolah LAGI yang menyebabkan: makin banyak aja pelajaran yg ketinggalan, bosen di rumah, kangeeeeeeen -_-
Jadi kan ya virus cacar tuh lagi hot hot nya melanda global, lagi eksis banget dah pokoknya. Setau gue yang minggu ini kena cacar kalo ditambah gue jadi ada 4 orang: Dwipa hari Senin, Sandra hari Rabu, Maudy gue gatau hari apa, sama gue hari selasa. Oye kurang keren apalagi tuh? Belom lagi yang minggu lalu, minggu lalunya lagi, terus masih ada pasti yang bakal kena minggu depan, minggu depannya lagi, sekalian aja semuanya kena.
Gila gua lama lama nih ah gatel banget ih ngeselin. Udah ah sebel gue cuma mau ngasih pemberitahuan aja kok. Semoga Gue cepet sembuh ya, amin.
1. GATELNYA GANAHAN sumpah gaboong gua
2. Cacar ngerepotin
3. Ada di mana mana, yang paling nyiksa yang di tenggorokan, shit!
4. Obatnya, beuuuh jangan ditanya banyaknya
5. Gabisa ikut ngerayaain ulangtaun Uti (Just wanna tell you how sorry i am and wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish you all the best :))
6. Gamasuk sekolah LAGI yang menyebabkan: makin banyak aja pelajaran yg ketinggalan, bosen di rumah, kangeeeeeeen -_-
Jadi kan ya virus cacar tuh lagi hot hot nya melanda global, lagi eksis banget dah pokoknya. Setau gue yang minggu ini kena cacar kalo ditambah gue jadi ada 4 orang: Dwipa hari Senin, Sandra hari Rabu, Maudy gue gatau hari apa, sama gue hari selasa. Oye kurang keren apalagi tuh? Belom lagi yang minggu lalu, minggu lalunya lagi, terus masih ada pasti yang bakal kena minggu depan, minggu depannya lagi, sekalian aja semuanya kena.
Gila gua lama lama nih ah gatel banget ih ngeselin. Udah ah sebel gue cuma mau ngasih pemberitahuan aja kok. Semoga Gue cepet sembuh ya, amin.
Selasa, 03 Maret 2009
menajiskan banget gasih ?!?!?!
First of all I wanna say congrats to my Bulan Austenita -also known as Iicha- who had officially become Ravi's girlfriend. Congrats ya dear wish you both a new happy lovelife ;)
Okay, sebenernya gaada yang penting penting banget hari ini selain ulangan math gue dipastikan remed. Tapi semoga nggak semoga nggak AMIN. Lagian sih bikin soal susahnya amit amit mana angka nya gaada yag bagus ckck -_____- oke lupakan lupakan hanya membuat stress tauga.
Heeem now let see what we've got for tomorrow:
1. Weekly test Indonesia
2. Home work for Mr. Patrick's class
3. Apa ya? Apalagi sih? Apa ya? Gataulah liat besok aja.
Oiya, anjrit jerawat gue tumbuh dan pecah di tempat yang tidak semestinya sehingga gue nggak bisa make kacamata yang menyebabkan gue buta menajiskan banget gasih?!?!?!?!Oke deh sepertinya saya mulai tak jelas sekarang lebih baik saya undur diri dari hadapan anda ya, DADAAAAH SEMUANYAAAA.
Note: I really really really MISS MY 'BROTHER'. "I WANT MY BROTHER BACKKK!!" ahshit ahshit :(
Okay, sebenernya gaada yang penting penting banget hari ini selain ulangan math gue dipastikan remed. Tapi semoga nggak semoga nggak AMIN. Lagian sih bikin soal susahnya amit amit mana angka nya gaada yag bagus ckck -_____- oke lupakan lupakan hanya membuat stress tauga.
Heeem now let see what we've got for tomorrow:
1. Weekly test Indonesia
2. Home work for Mr. Patrick's class
3. Apa ya? Apalagi sih? Apa ya? Gataulah liat besok aja.
Oiya, anjrit jerawat gue tumbuh dan pecah di tempat yang tidak semestinya sehingga gue nggak bisa make kacamata yang menyebabkan gue buta menajiskan banget gasih?!?!?!?!Oke deh sepertinya saya mulai tak jelas sekarang lebih baik saya undur diri dari hadapan anda ya, DADAAAAH SEMUANYAAAA.
Note: I really really really MISS MY 'BROTHER'. "I WANT MY BROTHER BACKKK!!" ahshit ahshit :(
Minggu, 01 Maret 2009
VINCENT VAN GOGH - I definitely love this guy
Ada yang tau Vincent Van Gogh? Itu loh pelukis terkenal dari Belanda tapi jarang banget tinggal di Belanda dan malah tinggal di Spanyol dan Perancis. Nggak ngerti kenapa tadi gue sama papa sama si Kiko jadi ngebahas tentang si Vincent ini.
Gue ngefans banget sumpah sama dia, lukisannya asli keren keren banget dan gue ngerasa something different about him.
Dia aneh, boleh dibilang begitu. Mungkin agak sedikit, ehem maaf, gila. Gimana nggak? Suatu hari dia motong kupingnya sendiri, MOTONG lo bayangin MOTONG KUPINGnya sendiri, terus diperban, terus kalian tau apa yang dia lakukan? ya, dia buat lukisan potret wajahnya sendiri dengan kuping yang baru aja dipotong terus diperban itu.

Ada lagi yang segala dia bunuh diri and you know what? Dia emang sengaja ngebiarin dirinya menderita dulu sebelom mati, he shot himself in the chest and he died two days later. Orang mah ya kalo mau mati cepet langsung itu nembak nya di kepala, ini dia malah nembak di dada.
Karena uniknya dia itu, sampe ada siapa gitu namanya gue lupa, pokoknya dia nulis lagu buat si Vincent ini judulnya STARRY STARRY NIGHT. Ini lagu bener bener ngegambarin kehidupannya Vincent Van Gogh, top deh lagunya keren :D Setiap liriknya tuh ada artinya, pas banget sama fakta fakta kehidupan Vincent. Check THIS out! or maybe THIS
"Sadness will last forever" Itu kata kata terakhir seorang Vincent Van Gogh. Begitu baca kalimat itu yang ada di pikiran gue adalah 'Kayaknya Vincent tertekan banget hidup di dunia'. Dan perkiraan gue itu semakin mendekati kenyataan begitu gue nemu di salah satu liriknya starry starry night "And how you suffer for your sanity", isn't that obvious?
"For they could not love you
But still your love was true
And when no hope was left inside
On that starry, satrry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you Vincent
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you"
Gue ngefans banget sumpah sama dia, lukisannya asli keren keren banget dan gue ngerasa something different about him.
Dia aneh, boleh dibilang begitu. Mungkin agak sedikit, ehem maaf, gila. Gimana nggak? Suatu hari dia motong kupingnya sendiri, MOTONG lo bayangin MOTONG KUPINGnya sendiri, terus diperban, terus kalian tau apa yang dia lakukan? ya, dia buat lukisan potret wajahnya sendiri dengan kuping yang baru aja dipotong terus diperban itu.

Ada lagi yang segala dia bunuh diri and you know what? Dia emang sengaja ngebiarin dirinya menderita dulu sebelom mati, he shot himself in the chest and he died two days later. Orang mah ya kalo mau mati cepet langsung itu nembak nya di kepala, ini dia malah nembak di dada.
Karena uniknya dia itu, sampe ada siapa gitu namanya gue lupa, pokoknya dia nulis lagu buat si Vincent ini judulnya STARRY STARRY NIGHT. Ini lagu bener bener ngegambarin kehidupannya Vincent Van Gogh, top deh lagunya keren :D Setiap liriknya tuh ada artinya, pas banget sama fakta fakta kehidupan Vincent. Check THIS out! or maybe THIS
"Sadness will last forever" Itu kata kata terakhir seorang Vincent Van Gogh. Begitu baca kalimat itu yang ada di pikiran gue adalah 'Kayaknya Vincent tertekan banget hidup di dunia'. Dan perkiraan gue itu semakin mendekati kenyataan begitu gue nemu di salah satu liriknya starry starry night "And how you suffer for your sanity", isn't that obvious?
"For they could not love you
But still your love was true
And when no hope was left inside
On that starry, satrry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you Vincent
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you"
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