Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

Yearbook committee :D


Leader: Sara Naftali Kiswanto
Vice leader: Shabika Putri Arvijanti
Secretary: Dyah Trisna Atinirmala, Fadillah Putri Irintika
Treasurer: Try Veronica

Sponsor: Deszantara Ziky, Orista Primadewa
Photographer: Fadilla Putri Irintika, Trivet Hizkia Riemann Sembel

Leader: Dyah Trisna Atinirmala
Photo session: Aldinindya Aisha Kristanti, Aulia Nadhira
Photo collector: Natasha Leonida, Thalia Medina

Design and editing
Leader: Putri Puspa Kencana
Design: Aulia Ramadhani, Intan Putri Pratiwi
Editing: Aulika Desthahrina Nareswara, Mentari Christine

Redaksi: Dwipa Hamzah, Sandra Regina Karnadi, Delinda Budi Viscayanti


Hopefully we will do our best and get the best. Work together and we will work this out. GOODLUCK FRIENDS :)

Oh and the same to you too FAREWELL COMMITTEE, goodluck to you too, friends :)

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