Okay, here's the thing. I don't know what to say but sorry. I'm sorry for this whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolle damn things that had happened between us. I'm sorry for the whole 'that's-your-fault' things, I'm sorry for being so rude sometimes, I'm sorry for the whole 'i-don't-care' things, I'm sorry for being so childish, I'm sorry for the 'I-don't-like-the-way-you-do-that' things, I'm sorry for all that i've done. I'm sorry I'm sorry and yes I REALLY AM SORRY.
Gue tau lo sakit hati, gue tau lo kecewa, makadari itu gue minta maaf. Bukan maksud gue bikin lo sakit ato apa. Bukan, sama sekali bukan. Semua dateng tiba-tiba dan lo sama sekali nggak ngebantu saat itu. Gue butuh perhatian, lo malah ngejauh. Gue butuh kepastian, lo gajuga ngasih. Gue udah nunggu! Tapi mesti sampe kapan? It's like waiting for NOTHING.
Lo gasalah, gue ganyalahin lo. Gue cuma butuh kepastian. Elo gangasih, tapi dia ngasih dan gue emang sayang sama dia. Apa gue salah?
Emang itu salah gue dari awal juga, yang gue sering ngomongin orang lain di depan lo dan lain sebagainya tapi kan APA LO GANYADAR? Gue begitu karena gue gamau ada yang aneh aneh sama kita. Enggak gue gamau makanya gue begitu. Dan setelah akhirnya gue sadar kalo cara itu gaguna gue berusaha buat nggak ngomongin mereka lagi. Gue ngaku, itu susaaaaaah banget. Tapi gue berusaha. I did try, didn't you notice that? Tapi terus apa yang gue dapet? Lo malah ngejauh kan? Lo nggak se-care itu lagi sama gue. Lo kayak nggak peduli sama gue. Terus gue mau gimana lagi?
It seems like I'm blaming you right now, yeah I know. Tapi maksud gue juga bukan gitu. It was our fault. We were both wrong. Gue gatau mau gimana lagi gue gatau bisa apa lagi. What I'm hoping now is that you'll forgive me and lets not make this thing ruin our friendship, please?
"I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town"
And yes I do love you, I do care about you :')
(I know he's never gonna read this sooo yeaaa whatever i just need to let this out, before the tears start to fall, i'm getting sick of crying all the time, stupid me -_________-)
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