Senin, 31 Oktober 2011


This morning she saw him "smiling" when they made eye contact.
Shewas so happy she could hardly breathe. Literally.
She wanted to jump as high as she could
She wanted to scream as loud as she could

On the afternoon she kept asking herself if it was real
Was it her, he was smiling at?
Or was she imagining things?

And tonight she finally got the answer
The shocking fact that he's already with someone else
And the smile probably wasn't real
It makes her realize that she should stop dreaming
She should stop waiting
She should stop hoping

Thankyou for 4 years of longing, she spoke quitely.
She thought to herself that this isn't as hurt as the last time, but it's definitely not the feeling she wants to feel.

List of hell

Wow pulang live in langsung disambut tugas yg banyak, belum lagi weektest. Wow banget bener-bener wow. Lebih wow daripada makan maicih.

Anyway, mau review tugas dulu nih biar gak lupa

- ICT: video global expo
- Civics: Artikel tentang reshuffel kabinet
- Math: Halaman 113
- ICAS: baca carmila, vocabulary workshop 3
- Live in: Laporan

Oke cukup banyak bukan, dan ini sepertinya deadlinenya minggu ini semua. Yang gue udah kerjain baru Math doang itu pun belum selesai, tinggal 2 nomer lagi sih. Yang lain? Nihil bener bener kosong-song-song-song.

Hm, padahal mau cerita tentang live in kemaren yang super duper ekstra seru, tapi karena tugas yang menggunung mungkin ditunggu dulu kali ya.

Bussy bee,
Trissi Prayoga *lap keringet*

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

You just can't

It's the feeling you get when your 'good' turns out to be 'isn't good enough'
And you just want to give everything up
Because there's no point of trying anymore

It's the feeling you get when your friends making you feel so small
And you want to blame everything on them but you can't
Because it isn't exactly their fault

It's the feeling you get when you want to cry so much
But you can't because it won't solve anything.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

I wonder,

Do you even know my name?

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

I need a better topic

Gue baru sadar.
Blog gue kenapa isinya galau terus ya?
Kenapa coba kenapa?
Gue bener-bener harus cari topik yang lebih bermutu. Jauh bermutu dari ini.
Tapi apa?
Jadi galau........................... tuh kan galau lagi x_x

asubf weufbw7*^%&YVFEIufbsmdhf

Catch ya later, this stomach ache is killing me. Feeling like throwing up :&
I'll fing a better topic to write on this blog, promise!